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Everything posted by EnixLHQ

  1. Oof. Is it all players at the table at the same time, or 1v1 bracket style? I ask this because if you can manage it the Emerald Host super-battalion gives a debuff that applies -1 to save rolls from all attacks, no matter the source to a designated enemy hero. It's a great team debuff that works for your allies, but obviously only while you're a player who was active at some point in the game. In a bracket style tournament this means nothing for anyone but you. I'm not going to critique your list because it seems pretty sound for what you have access to, but you're right in that it's not going to be a killy list. You can delay game with the Execution Horde, but unless you grab enough objectives and hold them I don't see this list gaining much advantage. Consider the Dolorous Guard. Even if you don't use it to expand your general's health pool, you can give Hexwraiths extra attacks on the charge. This can free up your Spirit Hosts to be a single unit, who with a Spirit Torment can be extremely durable and deadly. In fact, check out my "all comers" list a couple pages back. It's core is similar to what you have access to, and you could drop out what you don't for whatever you need.
  2. What's the goal of it? How do you intend to play it?
  3. It could work, certainly. I don't see that much wrong with it, but it'll depend on how you play it. The difference between Spirit Hosts and Chainrasps is that Spirit Hosts have a decent expectation of 1-2 mortal wounds per base, so they can bypass saves, while the 'rasps just have more wounds-per-point spent on a unit. 6 Spirit Hosts with a Spirit Torment is pretty killy, though they may die too quick to be too useful, and Capture Soul Energy will have a tough time returning models, though it can be used to heal the bases. As for the charging question... Ideally you will be saving CP for charge re-rolls. In terms of what you can spend CP on that is your top priority, bar none. Second would be KoS, third would be Spectral Summons, and then so on. But, other than re-rolling charges, all the rest of them are conditional, meaning that you'd only spend them elsewhere if it's more optimal to do so. It's always optimal to ensure charges and fish for WoT. So, specific to your question, I would charge with the ST first and see if it made the charge. If not, re-roll. Now you have two Bladegeist units to attempt (assuming you took both). Roll one. Did it make it? No? Re-roll. Assuming you have both CP, of course. BUT I generally wouldn't ever deepstrike my threat units in this way, though. Smaller groups will do way better at dropping in to kill something out-of-pocket for exactly this reason. You'll want the hero to be able to still give that 12" bubble at the edge of that 9" distance even if it doesn't make the charge. You have 3" of play assuming your charging unit isn't too big. So a ST and one group of 'gheists, or a ST and those Spirit Hosts, or whatever, could more reliably make their charge, fish for WoT, and still be within the ST's bubble even though you didn't lead the charges with him.
  4. You'd be paying £83 for an ingress into those other units that you might want to fill out later, at a significant price discount. But, I'm also someone who has over 8K of models, so I may not be the best source of advice there. I would say the Black Coach is the better buy. Unlike Kurdoss or many of those units, the Black Coach will see a lot of play unless a points or rules change happens that upsets things. The BC is an excellent unit and is in most of my top lists.
  5. If you can swing it, this: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Nighthaunt-Court-Of-The-Craven-King-2019 That will give you a few more units to make other battalions with. Otherwise, what you're already considering sounds good to me.
  6. Yes. 😋 I'd say the only constant is MSU lists, since WoT is pretty much everything if you want a real shot at winning. If you want to do that with lots of horde units, sure. If you want to do it with lists like I posted a page ago, also sure.
  7. So, reading the spell, it sounds like the damage and effect of the spell has to be resolved when damage is taken, in whatever phase that happens to be. And there is no option not to teleport if damage is taken. So flip this. In the charge phase charge Nagash first, fish for WoT and deal damage. If a single wound gets through he has to teleport, and so he does. If your opponent is playing him aggressively then he'll appear at 9" from another one of your units. Charge him again with that other unit and deal some damage. Obviously this means you are dedicating a few CP to the task when it might be better to wipe an actual unit off the table with those instead. And, if the Nagash player sets him 9" from the WoT unit, well, then that's done. But it's a way to handle him. But, yes, I'd still say the goal is to tie him up with combat, not necessarily damage. Just snag him to be engaged and make his player decide if he wants to commit to that or not. Either way, its a choice he's not making against your other units.
  8. Nagash is something else. I can't say much because I haven't been pitted against him, but the three big takeaways on his warscroll card to me are his 8 spells at +3, huge mortal wound negation range and potential reflect, and army-wide RR1s to hit and save CA. Able to lob 8-24 mortal wounds at 18" depending on roll, decent movement and attacks... But at nearly 900 points that's half an army tied up in one unit. What would I do? Make him chew through 40 Chainrasps. At most he can do 54 damage if the player rolled perfectly, half of which is mortal wounds, so the unit wouldn't last long. But with good support you could probably do enough chip damage to lower his profile enough to make him manageable. I just wouldn't go in thinking I'm going to kill him, rather make his player make choices on if he's going to spend his time cutting the 'rasps down or targetting my other units which will be busy snatching up objectives. All you have to do is run out the clock, and you will effectively be fighting an atrophied army once you tie him down.
  9. I suppose that's fair. Would like to see how it works for others. Mortal Rain (one-list candidate) Like I mentioned already, the list is 3-0. Against Graywater Fastness I only kept Olynder and her screen in reserves, I won the priority and passed it off to my opponent, and mortal wounded his fast damage units off the table in my opening push. He lost the priority roll for turn 2 and conceded. Against Living City this game went the distance to the bottom of turn 5. I went first. Just like against Graywater, my Spirit Hosts eviscerated his threat ranged units and a couple heroes on the first turn. Hexwraiths ended up having to split off from Reikenor, but made up for it with their WoT charges and grabbing objectives. His ability to summon more units, heal up on every turn, and Alarielle just being a beast kept him in the game after that. Taking on Alarielle with anything other than the Spirit Hosts was a bad idea, and had I not tried I think I could have ended the game early. That being said, by the end of the game it came down to a charge roll just to keep more bodies on a contended objective to win the points at the end of the turn. Against OBR it went 3 turns. Knowing the slowness of this particular army and their lack of zone-in, I opted to put the GoS and 40 rasps into Underworlds along with Olynder and her screen. I gave up priority to let my opponent move slowly up as much as they could, and then I returned the march by slamming my Spirit Hosts into their Mortek Guard, my Hexwraiths into their Deathriders, and dropping Olynder on one side of their catapults and GoS and 'rasps on the other side. The Petrifex rend was useless against me, though they could still do pretty good damage, but their enhanced saves were useless against my mortal wounds and their 6+ wasn't enough on its own for them to hold out. In terms of keeping bodies on the table Living City was harder to stand up to because I had to constantly fight and contend, but the trick against OBR was to grab objectives and just engage in fights outside their range and let the points add up. They just can't get out of a fight once dragged in.
  10. Guide update! Added All To Come Within the Fold, a section that touches on the Mourngul and the Thorns of the Briar Queen. It's located after Battery-Powered Curse Hearse Cleared up some text about Spirit Torment's Captured Soul Energy ability that was bothering me All instances of "artefact" now match GW's choice of spelling And coming soon my take on the all-comers competitive list. It's currently 3-0 against Living City, Graywater Fastness, and OBR Petrifex. I'm tooling it a bit and will see how it fares next, and if it does well I'll add it to the guide.
  11. Added All To Come Within the Fold, a section that touches on the Mourngul and the Thorns of the Briar Queen. It's located after Battery-Powered Curse Hearse Cleared up some text about Spirit Torment's Captured Soul Energy ability that was bothering me All instances of "artefact" now match GW's choice of spelling
  12. I'm going to politely disagree with the current consensus (as I tend to do). While we are a bit weaker in the battletome (read: Wave of Terror) than a lot of current armies, we have great warscroll cards and very strong battalion choices. We also have some stinkers, but who doesn't? In terms of highly competitive play, we're not an over-50% army, but there are a number of factors for that including the new Death hotness that is OBR, the high mastery ceiling of Nighthaunt in general, our lack of an all-comers one-list (though, again, I kind of disagree here, too and am working on a variation of the 18th place CanCon list), and the sudden 'rona before we could really lean into our new battalions at the tournament level. Nighthaunt suffers from the deceptively simple rules that forces players really dig in and learn their tricks be aware of their weaknesses. If you love the models and don't mind losing a bunch of games until you figure out what fits your playstyle, then go for it. If you want an easy-win army that almost everyone else at the table is going to find a slog to chew through and concede on turn 3 just to be rid of you? Go OBR or the new Tzeentch. You can look at my guide if you want my full, and very long, opinion and attempt to change the perception of the army.
  13. Ash McEwan (@ash_mcewan) and way ahead of you there. I'm asking if any of you have used her, and to what effect.
  14. The Briar Queen. You know her. You may even love her. But do you play her? Fellow Mortarchs, have you played the Briar Queen in any of your AoS lists, and if so what were your results and feelings about her? I'm curious since she has a decent ranged attack and can slow down some fast units with her spell if she has any competitive purpose in a Nighthaunt list.
  15. That's better than the book! So jealous!
  16. It's a Mortis Engine that I wanted to convert into The Black Coach (like a ship name, like The Black Pearl). I ended up getting the real Black Coach as a gift later, but that just means I have two now ⚰️
  17. You did great! These look excellent. Can't wait to see how these turn out.
  18. Behold the Grand Procession of the Enixian Duskhaunt Gathered en masse in numbers untold. Well, actually, the number is 274 (about a dozen not pictured) models and is worth over 8,000 points with battalions. ☠️ Total Model Count
  19. Ever wondered how serious I am about Nighthaunt? Well, I just finished the last of my painting and I can finally say I have zero models left to be built or finished. Over 8,000 points of Nighthaunt/LoG and friends.
  20. Updated again! Added Lens of Refraction (Hysh) to Relics Primed for Corruption Added Talisman of the Watcher (Ulgu) to Relics Primed for Corruption Clarified Know your Tricks under General Tactica to reinforce knowing a battleplan's objective capture rules. Updated Vicious Spell Eaters under Architectures of Torture to better reflect Myrmourn Banshee's self-buff in regards to taking damage and shrugging/returning models.
  21. Updated! Added a breakdown of three tactical styles: Hammer and Anvil, Envelop, and Pincer under Writs of the Mortarch Added a new sample list Pressing on the Pain Added a blip about how Lady Olynder can still shoot after running (it's an ability) Added a blip about Chainghasts and their flails Clarified some wordage here and there
  22. Guide update: Writs of the Mortarch - Tactical Structures has been added. It details what Hammer and Anvil, Envelop, and Pincer tactics are and how they relate to Nighthaunt. Pressing on the Pain, a new sample list and its goals has been added.
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