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Everything posted by dekay

  1. Well, let's be honest here, aestethically speaking, with paintjobs removed, high and dark elves were VERY similar to each other. As in, actual mirror units for the most part. GW might've decided they're just keeping one of them as 'standard' elves, while the others are going for full-on-AoS-weirdness redesign. So they left the ones with full line of relatively new plastic models and I honestly can't blame them. I'll probably be proceeding with plan B when the book hits, and that involves removing bows from my now-dreadspears, removing spears from now-darkshards, adding some cool lightning effect to dreadlord-griffons to rationalise them now having breath attack... Reavers become dark riders [i based my models on them anyway. HOWEVER! Shadowblades weren't in any free city before, weren't they? If they aren't added, I'm getting a bit angry], swordmasters are now executioners [they used the bits anyway]... I hope shadow warriors can be used in the same list as the 'dark' units, though. Also, I'm surprised and sorta angry about the skycutter, one of the only things I was convinced are staying. Don't get me wrong, I REALLY don't like the way it seems to be handled, given that if everything we think goes, goes out of my 70 currently ready models, only 10 can use their original rules now. And the entirety of the rest were warscrolls published explicitly under Age of Sigmar brand in separate set, or, in case of skycutter, unit repeatedly mentioned in fluff that got its own short story published as recently as malign sorcery. A shame.
  2. Plus, to be honest, even if all 34 units disappear and no reboxing is planned, Cities will still have more warscroll than any other faction in game. Even Stormcast. So, yeah, we'll manage, somehow, but shame about some of those.
  3. Shadow Warriors might've survived because they share a kit with a wanderer unit. Skycutter going away is a surprise though, It's probably the only aelven unit that actually got mentioned by name in the new lore.
  4. You might be right, but the good thing is we might actually know something for sure soon. Possibly they will do some announcement in few days regarding the status change. Or not, to make better profit from the panic buys that are probably happening right now ; )
  5. At least some of those are clearly being reboxed. As mentioned before, some of those units just got their mercenary rules, they wouldn't delete them a month later. The fate of everything from that list that's not a plastic model is probably sealed though.
  6. Let me introduce you to adorable Grey go-away-bird , a name possibly too in-your-face to exist in any sane fictional universe, and yet functioning happily in real world. I have no problem with rocktusk prowler, we really have weirder names in reality. *Edit for additional thought: Many of the 'proper' names like penguin are just descriptive names in different language. Penguin [pen gwyn] means white head in welsh. And then there's armadillo, possibly sounding very rocktusk'y to a native spanish speaker.
  7. Good news is, the left one (the War Altar) actually still has rules, so no need to change it in any way. And war wagon, as mentioned, would make a cool base for the hurricanum/luminark, it mainly needs a wizard on board. Or, given that Cities battletome will contain other races too, you can easily use it with one of the Aelf chariot rules, too. Or a second war altar, because who'd complain...
  8. Half of factions that will use Cities battletome don't even have allegiance abilities yet. They're the only ones allowed to complain before StD ; ) But as GW is clearly trying to resolve the issue of missing battletomes, StD can't be close behind. As for not previewing endless spells - don't releases unveiled on events tend to have more 'irregular' pattern of what is being shown and what isn't, cmpared to those previewed on community page first? While we can't be certain that spells are coming it'd be strange to break the pattern of giving them to everybody.
  9. Are we talking old imperial War Wagons? If so, they can make great War Altars or Hurricanums/Luminarks now, its mostly a matter of sticking either a priest or a wizard on it.
  10. Thanks! News of the battletome have me waiting with adding human elements [and recently I also had some ideas about suitably themed skyships ;)] as I'm not yet sure what the final fate of some of my swifthawk and council units will be. I mean, griffon is a griffon, so worst case - i'll rebase them to fit freeguild/collegiate standards, while swordmasters have, as mentioned before, a lot of alternative warscrolls availible but I'd prefer to know what I'm working with when it comes to spireguard and reavers before I start designing other units.
  11. Mechanically? Tempest's Eye. Obviously. ; ) However, as I'm slowly branching the project out into human tribes as well, more concrete fluff of my own fortress-city will follow.
  12. The tome looks pretty much standard, however it would be downright *weird* if they changed the battletome layout in the middle of edition... No way do know it yet, though, so let's concentrate on what we know: If the card box is not a mock up and it is indeed its final size, it's around [ha, background in game publishing comes in handy for once] 60-70 card box? Possibly the same size they use for 40k datacards [it seems similarily constructed anyway] and they tend to come in numbers around 65. Hard to judge by reflection alone. We need to squeeze token sheets into it as well, probably. And possibly endless spells, though I'm not sure if we're getting those. Correction: the highest number of 40k datacards they put into one box as of now seems to be 78. In such case, it would mean we're keeping most of the warscrolls, so one might hope.
  13. Gloomspite Gits, as another tome with several sub-factions, needed around 60 pages for rules. They have 3 subfactions and 40 warscrolls. The same with Skaven: around 40 warscrolls + 5 subfactions and it takes more than 60 pages. We'll have 7 subfactions, and, currently, have around 90 warscrolls. Each warscroll takes either an entire page or a half. Being conservative here, Free Cities battletome would need 120 pages for rules alone. That's entirety of normal battletome, more or less. So Either our battletome is twice the size of others, or it will go through some serious culling process. The huge one would be, of course, fun but what are the chances for it?
  14. I know reducing number of warscrolls is contrary to what GW is doing and i normally wouldn't anticipate them even cinsidering doing so.. however, here we are talking about battle tome consisting almost twice as many units as Stormcast (the faction that gets, as you mentioned, separate warscroll depending on wheather you prefer a hammer or a skirt on your basic soldiers). And if we were to get modern redesign of current scrolls, this number will only grow. It's the 'more pages' thing that makes me think, actually. Like, where is the limit? Do we really get a tome twice as thick as others? I mean, I won't in any way *complain* if every single one of our units gets a proper redesigned warscroll, I just have a hard time believing we're really getting this.
  15. That's exactly what I mean, though. Does 'elf on a dragon' from Anvilgrad really need a separate warscroll from 'elf on a dragon' from Hallowheart? Any difference between former dragonlord and dreadlord can as well be done with city allegiance ability, unique comand abilities, mount abilities and artifacts. With city unique batalion ability on top of it. While avoiding having a battletome with nearly 100 warscrolls in it. Similarily, i can easily imagine, for instance a unit of basically Aelf Knights, with boosts to either speed or mount's attack depending on the city.
  16. I just did some counting. And let me tell you all, we have a lot of warscrolls. Like, more characters than Stormcast [and, remember, we can *use* stormcast in cities] and twice the number of stormcast units. Either it will be a thickest battletome in game's history or a lot of it must go away., unless it's just 'GA: Order book 2.0' cleverly disguised as a faction We have around 40 leaders and 50 units. Some of them *really* similar in function. Especially among former high/dark elves. We have basically 2 copies of every unit availible. I wonder how it will be resolved, but, well, honestly, and i write this as an Aelf player, I'm not sure if things like dreadlord/dragonlord, phoenix guard/black guard, drakespawn/lion chariot and so on actually deserve to be separate units if they're within a single faction.
  17. That's a valid point. However, if I recall correctly, Gitmob are listed as an ally in Gloomspite battletome and yet they disappeared from the game shortly after, so no guarantee this holds any weight for battletome designers.
  18. The other possible and really inconsiderate bad decision would be removing a unit from a faction and not have any reasonable counts-as options within the same city. For instance, swordmasters disappearing while none of the cities utilising Eldritch Council having, for instance, greatswords, wildwood rangers, white lions or executioners availible, leaving you with no with no option of using your swordmaster models together with your mages and dragons. I do hope for some cross-faction bonuses though, such as freeguild generals' banners boosting bravery of duardin and aelf units too. Some buffs like this would do wonders to make the Cities feel like a legitimate faction and not a compendium of minor races.
  19. I wonder if cities will be restricted in what subfactions they can take, as they are now. Given that battletome is no longer a collection of various separate factions with one rule slapped on top, as firestorm allegiances were, but rather something meant to unify them a bit more... who knows. Maybe every city will now be able to take all human, aelf and disposessed units, but for example battlelines will change from city to city. If we treat 'Cities of Sigmar', the entire thing, as a new faction replacing several old small ones [basically like gloomspite gits and beasts of chaos did] we can probably expect severe changes in keywords. It would be a bit weird if all the current faction keywords are kept separate, for instance, because then we'd have conditional buffs and auras working only on a unit or two, making Cities into a possibly least synergy capable faction in the game. And, in practice, not really different from playing mixed order.
  20. Just had a thought. Do you guys remember this thing? As in, standalone spireguard sprue that has been availible direct only for quite some time after IoB premiered? It lacks command options, but I wonder if GW will bring it back instead of squatting spireguard entirely. I'd hope so, because re-equipping all mine is not something I particularily look forward to
  21. So it's either dark riders (which might prove problematic too, given that their crossbows have different to hit and attacks values than bows) or playing Open only with Legends reaver rules, then ; ) I assume giving them actual guns is out of the question? ; )
  22. Historically, like, in fantasy in general, Elven bows were always superior to other races and for large parts of Warhammer history they tended to have hitting power comparable to crossbows and black powder weapons. ; ) No need to worry. But to make it more fitting I'm considering modifying mine with Sisters of the Watch bows to make it more obvious that those things are not your regular 4+ no rend things.
  23. Those are all good, I've been thinking about freeguildifying my army already, but I need a tome for details. Alternatives I thought of if we're sticking to aelves are: High Warden: Basically any dragon or ridden phoenix. It's an armed dude on a flying monster, who would complain. Reavers: Dark Riders Lion Rangers [and Swordmasters, for that matter] - Wildwood Rangers or Executioners. Seaguard: Dreadspears or Eternal Guard. Chariot: Scourgerunner. [Or stick an archmage onto it and call it a hurricanum if you're going freeguild way.] Basically entire thing can be done as old Dark Elves range, especially if shadowblades get rolled into one city with the rest.
  24. Reavers in particular would make many people angry. As general battleline with useful role they ended up in quite a few mixed order armies...
  25. They also announced some units are being removed to legends. I wonder if its the end of Dawnspire. With this form of battletome, that i sadly didnt anticipate, they're prime candidates for removal. Good to have something, though, and I'll likely work out some counts as to make it work
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