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Everything posted by dekay

  1. Huh. Either I can't read or they fixed it in the last few hours, I swear it was 4+ yesterday. Well, they need a hurricanum then, but potential 4+/2+ with it is still solid.
  2. For both it's either sorceress on a dragon on one of the Stormcasts' own monsters. Tauralon is the best fit size-wise.
  3. So, as mentioned in synergy thread: Outriders. Battleline and required for the battalion, so naturally, worth taking. For 100 pts you get 5d3+5 4+/3+/-1 shots. City's warlord trait adds +1 to wound. They have +2 to run and can shoot afterwards. In battalion they can also retreat and shoot. First turn threat range: up to 41 inches. Like.. damn. Oh, and they have, of course, easy access to the Hurricanum [that, with 13+d6+1 run furst turn move can keep up with them] for +1 to hit, and wildform, for +2 additional threat range on one unit. Tempest's Eye alpha strike, go.
  4. I've gone through the changes in freeguild pistoliers and outriders and, well: Pistoliers: pistols changed from 5+ to 4+ to hit. lost their melee pistol prifile, instead gaining 2 4+/4+/-/1 attacks. reckless riders changed from run bonus to straight up re-roll charges. gained 'hail of bullets' rule, allowing them to shoot immediately after their charge move. Outriders: now hit on 4+ can now shoot after running and retreating +1 to hit skill changed into +1 shot from repeater handgun. Both got 20 points cheaper. Needless to say, they got way better. So. Still thinking of Tempest's Eye possibilities. Outriders. Battleline and required for the battalion, so naturally, worth taking. For 100 pts you get 5d3+5 4+/3+/-1 shots. City's warlord trait adds +1 to wound. They have +2 to run and can shoot afterwards. In battalion they can also retreat and shoot. First turn threat range: up to 41 inches. Like.. damn. Oh, and they have, of course, easy access to the Hurricanum [that, with 13+d6+1 run furst turn move can keep up with them] for +1 to hit, and wildform, for +2 additional threat range on one unit. I need those.
  5. Speak for yourself, on darkshards they're very much useful ; ) But, yeah, on human shooters they're beyond situational. Well, at least they're free.
  6. Also, you can now get rerolls of 1 for anything from basic command abilities, so any skills granting it are much less useful than they were before. Generally speaking, any unit that lost their rerolls for flat +1 can still add them back on top of it for the cost of CP.
  7. Even though I've always preferred High Elves, I'd riot if they removed drakespawn instead of dragonblades ; )
  8. This, in general, looks good! I wonder if freeguild company skills will be retained in some form, battalion maybe, because that seems like a biggest loss, but apart from that.. well, we're pretty set. Shame about the warpriest, I wonder what general unlocks flagellants then. Also: one quick combo that I noticed: griffon's, dark riders' and kharybdiss' bravery buffs seem to stack with one another. If you use all 3, we're talking about -3 bravery to anything near them. Sorceress' command abilities are genuinely great, by the way. Did you notice that Tempest's Eye darkshards with a sorceress nearby have up to 32' first turn threat range, with 2 3+/4+ shots each? 2+/4+ if you also have a hurricanum, and, as that stacks freely with basically everything, why wouldn't you. Because I noticed, and now need to build more shooty aelves than I have now Also, demigryphs hit hard, holy hell, that's some power... and, with dreadlord's ability, so do drakespawn.
  9. I honestly forgot Stormcasts have a human keyword, weren't their souls supposed to come from all the other races too? But yeah, in that case, they're not an obvious solution. Khinerai die if you look at them funny, though, so it would be a bit strange for large bird cavalry. Akhelians seem like a best options then. I wonder if we're allowed to ally deepkin. Waiting for the battletome with the final verdict, there are still several options to be considered ; )
  10. @Double Misfire, you missed one potentially good counts-as for Warhawks, which I've just been randomly considering adding to my army (having stumbled upon some recently) - javelin Prosecutors. 40mm base, flying, shooting, 2W, so fitting the rest of light cavalry. (the other option I've considered is allied akhelians, if possible but those you mentioned ; )) Apart from that, you're, still, doing a good work and the Cities community should be grateful ; )
  11. It's like previous Sisters of Battle rules in 40k, where they generated buffs for losing units, so people used otherwise useless but cheap support characters to just run at the enemy and get themself killed. Some characters were objectively worth more dead than alive. Edit: If stormcasts get their city's keyword, suicide aetherwings [painted as mini-phoenixes for extra flavour :D) can actually make this rule good! They have enough speed and fragility to die exactly when you want them
  12. As for art, I just realised that there are people who only remember the time when art strived to only reflect the models, and immediately felt old For most of Warhammer's history, the link between pictures and actual model line was a lot more relaxed, I think that what we see now is a result of the same legal fail that made them remove the rules for everything that didn't have a model.
  13. Yeah, true. They're part of a different, if related, problem.
  14. There were a few examples, but I wouldn't call it countless. Poison wind mortar is the most egregious, as it's visible on a group photo even in the battletome that removed it. The rest of the dawnspire counts too - it was marketed as AoS and then removed. Dwarf cannons removed right after giving them mercenary rules. Community article praising Greenskinz boss right after his removal also goes here. Apart from that... skycutter on official art and in malign portents, maybe? Witchhunters in novels? I don't remember anything else being marketed before squatting.
  15. Saurus legs are *a bit* thin and the head is a little small for empire horses if i remember correctly, but it should work. You'll need to make the necks from scratch, as there's no reasonable way to fit saurus head onto horse's neck. Still, doable, and immediately recognisable for what they represent. I think I have both saurus and old horse heads lying around somewhere, if I manage to find it I'll make a comparison photo.
  16. Given that most of us waiting for the Cities are connected to old Dwarf, Elf and Empire armies, there must be a reason we were once attracted to the factions that, above all other things, endure. So that's what we do here.
  17. @Double Misfire, you are again doing Lord's (Sigmar's? ; )) work here. I think a lot of people will find the guide useful. Can't wait for part 2 (which is, apart from few problematic things, mostly obvious, to think of it...); ) I'd expect Warpriest to return, too. He was in Forbidden Power, he's in the RPG, was made specifically for AoS setting and comes on his own separate sprue. I don't think that out of scale gryph hound is enough to remove him. Plus, as flagellants are conditional battleline i have no idea what other general could unlock them. I'm currently doing simultaneous gamage control and future planning for my army and I'm generally happy with the results. New options unlocked from making all factions availible to every city (as far as we know) more than make up for anything I might've lost. Some conversion work will be needed, but I was mostly prepared for it anyway. Plus, with restrictions lifted, I get *a lot* of new monster options to make the army even more ghur like.
  18. Tempest's Eye change is bigger than it seems. Namely: this one extra inch changes aelf shooty infantry (used to be spireguard, now it's darkshards) 1st turn threat range from 'just outside enemy deployment zone' to 'in range to anything enemy deploys too close'. Having cheap shooting battleline able to hit forward screens turn 1 is potentially huge for alpha strike lists.
  19. Also, we finally got a confirmation that shadowblades are in. Which is good news for all the Reavers models out there.
  20. We need a spectrum. Fantastical exists only in comparison to something. When daemon, stormcast and orruk fight, their power means nothing to us unless we know how any of them compares to normal human. Look how 40k does this: They have normal human factions in the world of epic-scale monstrosities. We *know* that imperial guard are professional, disciplined force, they go through rigorous training, both for shooting and close combat, we know their basic gun is more powerful than any modern equivalent... but in 40k stats they're at the bottom. Because everything else is better at everything. But we wouldn't know how much better if it was just 'space marine is very good at everything'. We need 'space marine is way better in every respect than this elite human soldier and can take on several of them in a fair fight.' And now we understand. Also! Normal human faction attracts its own fans, because a human standing against all this fantasy horrors is badass beyond measure. What others achieve through raw strength, mystic powers and who knows what else, they do through teamwork and ungodly amount of determination. So yeah, I think the game simply need a 'low fantasy' faction for the setting to function properly.
  21. I don't know if Sepulchral Guard are the best example here, as when they came out we *already* had an army resembling them [well, not counting the mismatched keywords issue they had at the start]. They are just reanimated skeletons. We have those, as deathrattle part of legions of Nagash. The basic models are a bit lacking compared to the Underworlds ones, but they're still there. So I wouldn't discount the possibility of Kurnothi and now Gitmob armies in the future. And Darkoath, for that matter, despite the StD fans being almost as unlucky in their army choice as Aelf players ; )
  22. I honestly don't get what GW marketing team is doing with the cities. This thread is basically full of people saying variations of 'I would buy more now, but I don't know what the army allows yet so I'll wait'. I mean, if they gave the players *something* to build upon, we'd be giving them money already. I'm not saying that we here make for any reasonable chunk of client base, but I think we can safely assume that more people would be buying things if they knew what things are good to be bought I'm not talking about full unit list or anything, just things like 'every city will be able to take scourge privateer units' or, even more optimally: 'here's the list of City subfactions' because we're not even certain of some of them (shadowblades, mostly), are even *in* the book. If the book is so close, how hard can it be to put together soe articles spoiling minor details? As they do with basically any other book?
  23. As Double Misfire said - mine will probably turn into Gunhaulers or frigates if only Tempest's Eye allows former dark elf units, as they will form the bulk of my army. If not, any large flying beast is an option, depending who will crew it. Freeguild griffon generals, dragon sorceresses, phoenix annointed? As long as you're consistent, all should be clear. I might also pull them apart, harness some drakespawn or horses to the chassis and make it into a low gliding chariot, while turning the hawk into some other flying monster. Maybe counts-as phoenix with proper lightning effects added, as I'm looking for a way to implement Thunderbirds in some way ; ) I was also thinking about, maybe, making it into extra fancy hurricanum, but lack of fly keyword will make this option a bit more confusing for potential opponents.
  24. Also, Skycutter had its own solo story in malign sorcery and it bought it just, what, a year of lifetime?
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