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Everything posted by Sttufe

  1. That would be it. The entirety of Death Korps of Krieg is on FW (which means it's also stupidly expensive). It's okay though, for now he is using space marines so were good :).
  2. Oh wow this is super helpful! I have been looking at it and most of them are in it, unfortunately I can't find a super heavy squad (the massive mortars) or the stubbers. I am gonna look into them to see if it is special or just labeled weirdly. I will definitely tell you how it goes once we fight! Edit: wait never mind I think I figured out how this is formatted. Also I know it's a bit of a stretch but you wouldn't happen to have one for the Lord of the Rings armies (one of them cut off his nose to spite his face, and switched from Tau to something else there?) Second Edit: Is this still being updated or is this an ongoing project? It seems pretty old, but loving it so far!
  3. Wow this is nice, so iam starting a bit of a campaign in a bit between me and 2 others, I have kharadron, 1 of them is Gloomspite, and the third is the Death Korps of Krieg. We were thinking it's a crossover, with the DKoK crossing over into the AoS realm for a while and going "what the heck is this? HERESY!". Also a fourth guy playing Tau might join, but he is a maybe. Originally it was going to be my very small sky fleet doing it's thing, slowly expanding, the grots in a cave in a desert and miserable, fighting for a bit, and then bam comes a magical wormhole and the DKoK, which happen to be desert themed. Currently I am basically purging strength, ballistics is becoming to hit for ranged weapons, slightly adapted however. Save = Save, AP = Rend, a much more dumbed down version witht he rules slightly altered. Should be fun, might take a while to get set up because we need the models. Currently I have my starting force up and good, while the grots should be done within 2 months, 3 at the outside. Really looking forward to it, so many desert themed items!
  4. Sorry when I initially wrote this list it was with Barak Nar and and an Endrinmaster in Dirigible Suit. I guess I forgot to fix it, I am probably just gonna convert it back to original. Also I may actually use this as my main list because this seems pretty solid and a lot less one filed of overwhelming firepower. (And what I currently have would fit well into that list).
  5. Totally forgot about that, gotta shift it around a little, will edit in a little bit.
  6. It would probably be 3, spaced evenly around, with the khemist in the middle of this horde to maybe provide his -1 to hit, and if I have room use Thundrik to get the amount of attacks down on whatever is near, hopefully near the other khemist. Obviously 3 of every special because they are in melee and that +1 to hit would be great there, less swingy with the easier chances of hitting. Also they would screen the ironclad, and the wardens are just the cherry on top. Edit: Or, even better, have the 3 fumigators at the front, and everything else in a column behind them. Then have Thundrik and the khemist on either side, with a thunderer or 2 (the standard bearers) in front of them to protect them. then line both sides with riggers and wardens, and have the ironclad in the back laying down supporting fire.
  7. ok so i have come up with a list centered around the most dakka in a space as possible: Barak Nar: - Endrinmaster in Drigible, Aethersped Hammer, Bearer of the Ironstar 220, 220 - Khemist, General - 90 - 310 - Thundrik and Co. - 260 - 570 - 15 Thunderers - 360 - 930 - 1 Ironclad - 510 - 1440 - 6 Skywardens - 200 - 1640 - 6 Endrinriggers - 200 - 1840 - 1 Gunhauler, Compartments - 150 - 1990 Idea is that you pack Thundrik into the gunhauler, have 6 riggers and Brokk sit outside the ironclad, have the other 6 wardens sit on the gunhauler. Finally pack in 15 thunderers into the ironclad with the khemist, once you deploy just drop them at 9.1" away with the show your steel, move 4", charge the rest, and hopefully combined with the khemist and all your thunderers having specials, you should get +2 to wound, +1 attack, +2 to hit, and then -1 on enemy hit rolls (maybe -2 if your lucky). This includes the buffs from the khemist and Thundrik, plus the charging zon buff, plus the 3" thunderer buff and the thunderer special buff. Then you have the sky wardens charge and the ironclad unleash it's shrapnel and you have quite a bit of shots going through the air. Technically your entire army would be in one spot, but hopefully anything with 24" of that spot should theoretically be dead.
  8. My thoughts exactly, I love the sky wardens, they look so good and I feel like theyshould be better, a fast cavalry unit perfectly suits an aggressive tactic, so I will keep plugging away at charging my enemies high value targets (because charging a unit of 60 stabbas sucks when 15 fanatics jump out ). Oh wait, I ave an idea, maybe I am not using enough wardens...
  9. Something I didn't realize when i first looked at them was that even the special weapons riggers could still roll for ships healing, meaning I could take however many special weapon riggers without dampening their healing capacity. In terms of a model with 2 wounds and a 4+ save, I have found no duardin that manages that (ugh). I am now looking at the rest of the cities units and then I am moving to looking at other order armies that make some kind of sense (SCE probably)
  10. I could see that, I don't have much experience with them so that makes sense. They can be nice if you have a 5 man slot in your hauler though, just kinda reinforcing it and being a much faster deployment.
  11. Honestly, the ironclad and the thunderers are really great, they're mostly an auto-include unless your running an unconventional list (read: for fun) but other than that we have so many conditional battleline now that even arkanauts aren't a must. You can build with frigates, or an ironclad, or riggers, skywardens are useful now, grapples aren't super good, and the gunhauler is still a solid choice. The endless spell options are kinda cool, and for horde clearance a unit of 3 gyrocopters are 10/10, can eliminate an entire horde of 1 wound models real fast. In terms of skyports, check 1d4chan tactics on it, very useful #Not Sponsored. Fun tactic is the ironclad of doom with 15 thunderers, a skyhook, and a ram of awesomeness. This is for fun, as although the ironclad is MUCH stronger (you aren't gonna send into critical with a sneeze), the enemy can still focus fire on it and kill it. Also you can shoot from inside ships if you didn't get that from the rest. Very varied and not really a solid auto-include.
  12. yeah a base change wouldn't be to hard, as the thunderers aren't too massive, honestly they're bases are a bit oversized. Edit: I also though about the fact that the skypike are only one arm, so what's gonna go on the other arm? The hammerers seem pretty solid in terms of similarieties and converting bases shouldn't be too hard, but they have 2 handed hammers, and converting the skypikes to 2 handed weapons will be a pain. Also alternate name is Arkanaut/Grundstok Marines.
  13. oh man that would be cool. Kitbash the sergeant with a hammer so it's 5 skypikes and a hammer, and have the ultimate unit of Kharadron Melee.
  14. Never hurts to throw them in a ship, they are pretty slow on foot. Honestly it depends on whether you have the space on your transports to put them in. If you can, they can grab objectives real quick, although they don't have much staying power. They are mostly for sitting on objectives as models, and although they can provide some power with frigates, they are mostly just warm bodies with a slightly ranged attack.
  15. Or have the ultimate list of all time: 2x Ironclads: 1020 2x Frigates: 500 - 1520 2x Gunhauler: 300 - 1820 Navigator: 100 - 1920 80 points left over, technically not monsters but close enough. Edit: Realized not enough battline, so new list 2x Ironclads: 1020 3x Frigates: 750 - 1770 Navigator: 100 - 1870 Gyrocopter: 70 - 1940 Command Point: 50 - 1990 Much better, and everything but the general is flying and beautiful.
  16. So it goes like this: Sky wardens are good when your taking Zon, however endrinriggers are better in essentially almost every way. I prefer sky wardens because aesthetics, but the riggers have better melee, a longer ranged shooting, and can repair ships so you can help them stay alive and cluster around some heavy firepower. In terms of weapons, drills are always great, they can dish out some much needed mortals, and they have great range. Skyhooks should be used when you want to charge, which is not often, unless your running Zon wardens, and then the grappling hook isn't terrible, it's nice sometimes but there are better options. The volley gun should be for range, and remember the riggers with special weapons can still make repair rolls.
  17. Wow, you really pulled off that lightning effect really well, keep up the great work. I am still new to painting so this is pretty amazing!
  18. This had better be a thing and it has to happen. Please post pictures once this happens, this is gonna be great.
  19. This is what I was trying to say earlier, and especially when you correlate it to the fluff, it makes sense that you should be able to take extra duardin, just it wasn't worded correctly.
  20. Yeah my friend has decided to employ a similar color scheme to his grots, specifically themed aroun vaporwave. I don't even know anymore. To agree with @Ser_namron that'a a FLEET. I think wardens are pretty cool, and can deifinitely dish out some serious damage if you use them right (with the right skyport) but honestly the endrinriggers will give you better utility.
  21. hold on a minute, if so, whats the point of this sky port? I mean sure you get the bonuses from being stubborn, but that's it. This essentially renders the entire point of the Barak useless. Honestly this should definitely be on an FAQ.
  22. And that's gonna be the problem. Your gonna have to build to fight with a normal all-rounder, OR build to fight the seraphon, cuz that -1 damage is gonna suck. Although your arkanauts will be slightly more effective because of that one ability allowing them to hit monsters/heroes better old rules sorry, now they're are no redeeming qualities. This isn't not gonna be fun for all-purpose armies.
  23. And the endrinmaster, on his flight stand and based. He is looking good and I will having some agrax earthshade arriving sometime this week hopefully, thx @Jymmy, hopefully I can improve their look. Never used a shade, first army, so this should be quite exciting!
  24. these are so cool, I am kinda a bit overwhelmed by painting skin, and fur, but you have it down to pat. Love the mammoth, 10/10 unit, looks super cool. If any suggestions are welcome, throw in a bird or 2, have some flying units or something like that. Love the infantry and the heroes are done super well.
  25. In terms of how I am building mine, i build them with all specials because I like to play wardens and a fun surprise for the enemy is the 5 thunderers and the gunhauler backing the wardens from 9" away. Good times. This is very specific for Zon though, would not recommend trying that with another skyport. For a more long ranged list, say thunderers providing some longer ranged fire support from a distant ironclad, you should go with rifles as they have a lot more range. Although it never hurts to have a fumigator, that's only if your going in close as theoretically if they have rifles nothing should be hitting them. Should.
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