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Everything posted by Charleston

  1. I like the changes, many as I´ve expected. Knights back at 160pts are good news, Karkadrak at 230 is now a must have, althrough I guess the bigger points decrease already concidered the missing ulgu shadowblade for matched play.
  2. Well, Chaos Warriors go toe to toe with Liberators, offering even more deffensive capabilities and can be easily buffed. Also, Warriors have more weapon options to offer. All on a base with a smaller footprint. I guess they lack that one special weapon per unit but are still a unit in an overall okay shape. Knights meanwhile offer an mix of anvil and hammer. While on their own their damage seems rather small, 3 of 4 gods- auras improve them to formidable damage dealers. Also, we have two dedicated CA´s to bring them in form. Nurgle Knights with the Warshrine Buff and with Enscrolled Weapons, Khorne Knights with Lances and the Karkadrak Buff, Slaaneshi-Knights with the Aura. Althrough I have to admit, that I would like to see Knights drop 10 pts and I also miss the super cheap Chariots that we had before and tend to call some of our Heroes (like the Lord on Manticore) a bit overpriced.
  3. Made to Order of Skaven vs High Elves Box would be even cooler...but never going to hppen due to High Aelves beeing officialy cut out from existence
  4. Some issues I see with a Bretonnia rerelease: Dated Sculpts would require full range rework Strong Historic Theme of the Army means only few unique aspects that could be turned into protectable intelectual propery High Contrast of Low-Fantasy-Bretonians in Ultra-High-AoS could lead to Bretons feel alien in the Setting. Old Bretonia Range sold bad. So risk that redesigned Bretons sell also badly The closest imaginable thing is a full redesign of Bretons like Lumineth were redesigned High Elves or Tomb Kings turned into OBR. Or a "Made to Order: WHFB Classics"
  5. In general, I love the open lore, the quite unique design of the factions, the sculpts and the possibilities offered for conversions. Meanwhile, when playing the game, I often find myself in a spot in which I really find many issues with balancing and gameplay that bug me. I find initiative is really a harming design as by a single dice roll the whole game can be turned around, leaving often a player to wait for a very long period of time doing not much more than taking losses away. Also, with the upgrade of the tomes from 1.0 to 2.0 gw left many factions without access to several mechanics, while other factions were provided a superior unit archetypes for thoose mechanics. In general it seems like there were two writers making the battletomes, both approaching a different powerlevel of the game. Magic. You either have it or you don´t. I somehow miss a "Risk/Reward" approach like 40k has with Perils of the Warp. Meanwhile currently you need a "Magical Supermacy" as the player having more casts/unbinds tends to simply dominate the magic in the game.
  6. Okay? I was quite sure that Bloodsecrator and Skull Cannon had the same point values. Edit: Okay, so appearantly the only real change is Vorgaroth drop and nothing else to change? That actually explains why I got confused. Damn, this is a bit of a letdown....althrough, could be seen as "Army is in the perfect state!".
  7. This is last years ghb...also, I don´t know if it is against the tga rules to post rules screenshots
  8. Guys, why does it have to be repeated: Thoose "Leaks" are highly unreliable as they were spoted the same way in an wishlist thread that was some weeks older. GW doesn´t have any printed values for the latest books as theese were not in before printing due date. We will get a pdf file with changes tommorow I guess. As pdf´s are quite safe from leaks
  9. Hi guys, I´ve build a small FEC Force during Corona downtime and had yesterday my first game vs Fyreslayers. It was a blast and the Ghouls felt really really fun to play! But I was pretty unsure about one thing: I recall that there was some kind of nerf or fix to Ghoul King (Or Gristlegore?) that was discussed some time ago. I belive it had to do with the Terrorgheist. But when playing, I could find neither something in the FAQ of the FEC nor a difference between the Battletome and AoS-App Profiles. Was the change reversed or have I somehow misunderstood that while browsing around?
  10. Out of Curiosity, what makes Nagash actually so bad? I played some games againt him and it was always a nightmare as he was dishing out so many arcane bolts with the better cast due to the cast bonus, that he gunned down two Stonehorns a turn (14 Wounds with an 5++). I always tought about him as a superior caster, supporter and still a capable damage source due to casts and a not really bad meele profile.
  11. The "leaks" appeared in the same form some time ago in a wishlist-thread. Thus many people belive it was a copypaste and people changed "wishes" into "Rumours" into "leaks"
  12. @WHYGW I am not sure what you exactly mean by Nurgle STD Ability beeing lost. The Aura provides you with an additional Damage on a 6 to wound and the Generals Aura gives you an additional -1 to be hit. So no buffs lost. Also the Nurgle Prayer is not affected in any way as it grants a +1 to save rolls and wound rerolls. Althrough the "Protection of the Dark Gods" of the Warshrines got a bump and Warriors with Boards lost their 5++/6++ against Mortals, they still can use the 6++ against wounds and the board against Mortals. Only other thing I see is the lost synergie with an Harbringer of Decay who yould provide you another 5++ against wounds and mortals, althrough his ability is still great to keep stuff alive.
  13. I end up playing despoilers quite often as I like monsters, lack the gaunt summoner for Cabalists and don´t have any marauders to make use out of ravagers. They have some neat perks, but most option focus around having monsters around and buff thoose. This is the main issue as thoose buffs don´t make your Slaughterbrutes, Warshrines, Manticores and Soul Grinders good enough to compete. Your enemy will still be able to erase one by one, without bothering your heal. Meanwhile, there are still some upsides I really like. The big Aura of your general makes positioning easier. The artifacts are all in all good. Having a cavalery lord strike first after charge or beeing able to protect your units from shooting better is always welcome. The +D3 Command Points Mantle is also a sweet goodie. The doom-blade also helps when you already know that your opponent will play something like Nagash, Allarielle, Stardrakes or a Dread Saurian. Blocking an LOS is also a nice feature when playing against ranged factions and when having enough terrain arround. The Generals traits also offer some nice picks. Having another Heal on any unit on a 3+ is a nice buff. Moving D3 units 5" before the battle can also be handy. But Despoilers suffer mostly from the monsters we have. The Manticore-Options are okay, althrough the lord is too expensive and only provides a joke of a command ability. Slaughterbrutes really lack rend. Having a -2 Rend on Claws and -1 rend on their jaws would make them good but now they are a joke. An overpriced joke. While I can´t judge the Mutalith because I never used it, I also never heard about people calling it usefull or good. Soul Grinders are the biggest letdown due to their lackluster 4+ to hit on almost all profiles. There are so many factions that can provide a -1 to hit, and even without, with so few attacks that hit so bad the Soul Grinder remains an overpriced distraction carnifex. If we could provide it at least a full reroll to hit rolls...but nope. I hope that GHB will adjust some point values. Chariots should go down to 100pts, Slaughterbrutes at 140-150, Lord on Manticore 240, Sorcerer Lord 230, Soul Grinders 180 and so on. Meanwhile I am sure we will see only minimal adjustments: Like Marauders go up to 180 and nothing else change. Edit: Wait, there is actually a full to hit reroll in the warshrine if khorne marked. have to try out if this makes the sould grinder valid enough to play it.
  14. Usually the heads in a kit fit all bodies of the same kit. Especially as I don´t recall there to be different Torsos in the kit at all. So it should work fine
  15. Hm, against the normal caster units? You are actually right, as long as the skulls don´t pop back into nirvana more casts means higher odds to make them suffer. Well, most of them, as Teclis Autocast will just plain ignore this anyway but hej, its only one model and he gets some wounds if nearby lumineth cast on an 8. Thanks for pointing out
  16. The question is: How will Factions with no or only very limited shooting fare against him? Khorne and StD look like in a quite hard Spot. BCR, FEC, too. I really dislike that wildcard-approach in the current design.
  17. I´d assume they have one or more additional "stances" to choose from, this way the wording would make more sense. Talking about the general Powerlevel: I am actually quite happy out local groups stereotypical aelf player isn´t currently too much into tabletop so I won´t have to play against thoose. Seems like another army that gets quite broken upon release. Althrough I have to admit I feel quite delusional about AoS Balancing currently as I had a row of several games in which I simply couldn´t enjoy the game in any manner as my army seemed to be inferior by design when battling new seraphon and obr~
  18. Actually seeing some adjustments to game sizes from gw is neat, althrough it seems to affect 40k only at first, I am quite confident that AoS may see similar changes in the future. To be honest, not many people have enough room to have a 4'x6' table around. Smaller boards allow to play on smaller tables and therefore allows more people to enjoy their hobby without weird balancing issues or to have rescale each single mission. The impact on AoS Balance is in my eyes quite unforeseeable. AoS is much more tied to positioning as the game is more centered about meele combat than 40k is. Also, the huge 3" close combat-area may become a huge issue for downscaled AoS Boards as there will be more board controll and limitation to movement caused this way. Althrough I would wish a downscale to 1" meele-range, I know this is unlikely to happen as it would require GW to rework all warscrolls or at least forsake all weapon ranges. So yeah, I am curious how GW may approach this.
  19. People keep telling this but it never made sense. Like, there is no mention of this guy beeing a LoC or the Kit to have an option to build one. I know people use the model for but it doesn´t fit gw´s style of releases. But yeah, until gw shows something than I guess the Chariot Dude is right.
  20. Slaves to Darkness will also get the last missing Fire-Themed Warband. We know the Models already since the last release pre corona. Also, the army book left some Profiles without models (Lord of Chaos f.e. with a Flail) which could be used as a hint of gw releasing a new model. Also, a new Warrior Kit is quite possible as we know GW did already new sculpts for the new SC!-Box and didn´t cut the old bitshop-weapon options like halberds and greatblades, so a shiney new kit may be possible during the lifetime of the book. Regarding the Soulblight I would be really carefull with the assumption. There was a ton of Rumour Engines which clearly belonged to different AoS Factions and were quite remarkable details, which in my opinion could also forshadow a new boxed game like Warhammer Quest. The two seen Soulblight Spoilers may actually be one for Soulblight and one for Flesh Eaters for the boxed game. Malerions "return" and new DoK Stuff will most propably be the same release. I wouldn´t wonder if gw would try to regroup some armies to prevent another faction bloat like AoS 1.0 suffered. This makes me really wonder about a Dwarven Reunion.
  21. My point was all about how gw may enroll their new 40k system. AoS would likely follow in 2 Years with the 3rd edition.
  22. Sounds nasty but: Just add a program to all gw vendor pc´s that generate a serial code when selling a book. Could be easy used to force people to buy at least the books from gw stores
  23. Well, when restarting 40k and making my first steps into AoS I´ve bought quite a bunch of stuff at GW. From time to times I ordered some units together with friends from UK shops as theese were the cheapest ones around, but yet it was rare as "support the lgs" seemed important back then. Well, the manager changed some times, while in the past we could easily have some evenings with later closing times to finish some games, these days were past. In the same time there was a price increase if I recall correctly. Afterwards I´ve bought almost exclusively online for the 20-25% discount, picking up some colors and codices/battletomes at another lgs in our town. Then, after the last price increase, I actually turned much more into used market and trading models. We created our own local monthly playgroup which has around 20 players which come to paint, play and hangout. As we are not tied to a store, second market is flourishing, which allowed me to get more stuff than ever for less money than before. I also became quite averted from buying battletomes and campaign books as thoose overpriced books loose value so fast that it really hurts, althrough it seems more a 40k issue to me. The current price hike actually made me think again. I have currently too many armies (Necrons and Marines with Knight Support in 40k, Beastclaws, Slaves to Darkness, Khorne and Flesh Eaters in AoS, in addition also Savage Orruks for Warcry and Nids for Killteam) so I really feel overwhelmed by my projects and can´t focus on playing one army and feel like loosing often to the fact that I simply never took the time to learn a single faction well. Therefore I am really concidering to sell some armies off, especially as Khorne and Slaves seem quite similar on the battlefield. Following an minimalist approach, I would really prefer to focus on less factions. Also, I actually only did 3 games with my Nids Killteam, none with my Orruks in Warcry and therefore concider just to get rid of them and to accept that I am not that kind of player for specialist games. Edit: Also, I recently got to use the 3D printer of a friend for some terrain features and concider to print some terrain and maybe Lord of War Proxies for 40k. In general, putting money aside for a 3d printer became so much more desireble than buying a gw kit because the long term payoff is so much higher. Currently trying to learn how to make propper sculpts in blender
  24. Wait, what Soul Grinder Battalion?! Please tell me more!
  25. I´m toying around with what I want to try on the first games after the break soon. I finally want to utilise some Kavallery List. Played a similar one, but centered around Nurgle, via TTS and it was a desaster as it was a Nurgle vs Coalescend Seraphon with Dread Saurian Matchup (it´s hard to win when you play scissors and your opponent plays rock). Nevertheless, this is the list I came up with recently, althrough the Bloodcrushers are really in a weak spot and I concider to cut them. Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness - Damned Legion: Despoilers Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (170) - Artefact: Diabolic Mantle - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210) - General - Sword - Command Trait: Radiance of Dark Glory - Artefact: Crown of Hellish Adoration - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Bloodstoker (80) - Allies Bloodsecrator (120) - Allies 5 x Chaos Knights (180) - Ensorcelled Weapons 5 x Chaos Knights (180) - Ensorcelled Weapons 5 x Chaos Marauder Horsemen (90) - Axes & Shield 1 x Chaos Chariots (120) - Greatblades 3 x Mighty Skullcrushers (160) - Ensorcelled Axes - Allies Soul Grinder (210) Chaos Warshrine (170) Slaughterbrute (170) - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Ruinbringer Warband (140) Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 1 Allies: 360 / 400 Wounds: 128 The general Idea is to have a high mobility army that can bite out chunks of the enemy force out, especially on the charge. Heal, Marauder as Chaff, distraction Carnifexes shall ensure that it is still able to compete in the objective game. Meanwhile Mark of Khorne stabilises the damage Output of out Knights
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