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Everything posted by Zadolix

  1. Yeah hopefully they will release small battalions for the 1000pts game bracket that they are going to give us in GHB19, that would be great!
  2. Have a look at the Quarrellers, they get to shoot twice too. The main difference is they are more defensive and better in melee - 5+ save rerollable with bucklers and ignore battleshock on a 1-3 with the army trait. They also have a 4+ 4+ melee too.
  3. I was looking at non-GW paint ranges as well to see GW have innovated something new here or whether it's just clever marketing, it's a bit of both I think. I noticed that vallejo's Game Ink used over white primer is basically the same thing however the vallejo game ink range is only 11 colours as opposed to GW's 34. So it's not a new concept or innovation as such but they've done really well to introduce a huge range of colours to play with.
  4. I can feel it in my beard and bones but I feel like GHB19 will give us Ironweld back without having to take them as allies, it will probably be a clause as part of our army traits.
  5. The waters become even more murky if you bring in the hobby element. We all love the feeling a painting a unit and bringing it to the table. I'm currently playing up to 1000pts matches with my LoN friend and he brings Arkhan while another friend brings a Mawcrusha with his Ironjaws. They both love the models and have done an excellent paint job on them too. Am I to tell them to not use their favourite models that they poured dozens of hours into painting just because my dwarves keep getting stomped? It's not always as simple or fair to ask people to leave something at home that they've poured time and effort into, and understandably so.
  6. For those bemoaning varnish then just get vallejo brush on varnish, I use their matt varnish in a large bottle and it's amazing. And it's so easy too, add a 50/50 mix of varnish and water in a pot and apply it like a wash and soak up the pooled varnish with a brush - done. Takes 30secs a model.
  7. So what I'm really wondering is whether this will work on my existing grey primed models. I've got my eyes on using the black contrast paint to do all my Moonclan grots robes but I'm not sure how it will look over grey primer. Typically I do it with 2-3 washes of nuln oil to get a nice effect, if I can get the same effect with one coat of this that would be amazing and much more cost efficient than burning through my nuln oil.
  8. Good to know they are aware that it is holding some of us back! We will see in June but I do hope with an update in the GHB2019 and the changes to 1000pt games that we can become on equal footing again with those with tomes. If it looks good then I'll recommit to painting more of my Duardin again
  9. Very underwhelming. Well looks like I'll be shelving the dispossessed for awhile
  10. Dispossessed are super defensive, to the point of actually making them quite slow. But once they are on something and shield wall is up they are very durable, they have have great shooting as well between thunderers, quarrellers, Irondrakes and artillery allied in from the Ironweld Arsenal. Biggest downside is no battletome, the GHB18 gives them some army and command traits artefacts but nothing super amazing. Still they are one to consider. I'd wait and see if they are part if this weekends Warhammer Fest teasers for a future battletome.
  11. Fingers crossed for duardin teasers this weekend. If our battletome or anything else is teased I'll continue painting my duardin but if not then I think I'll shelve them for a bit and focus on my grots.
  12. Yeah I'm definitely thinking of picking up a couple of gyrocopters soon to match the Duardin theme. I have some other options up my sleeve for objective capping like the legacy miners or if I go dispo allegiance I can use the ancestral pickaxe artefact to drop in somewhere with a unit and a hero. Objectives is always going to be a struggle with little legs to be honest! I was more just curious about the general principle of how an artillery line would perform in a big game with good screening. Yeah I've mainly used the legacy units just because they look so cool, the bolt thrower can be hit and miss but to be honest I've found the grudge thrower excellent at weakening up or sniping down enemy heroes because of the reroll to hit and wound or doing a flat 6 damage against hordes. But yes future goals are to definitely add some Gyrocopters and maybe an organ gun.
  13. Is running max artillery slots viable? Has anyone tried a sort of artillery gunline with screens? Something like the below (for fun of course not competitive): Allegiance: OrderCogsmith (100)Runelord (100)Warden King (120)- General- Trait: Inspiring- Artefact: Relic Blade10 x Warriors (80)- Axes or Hammers & Shields10 x Warriors (80)- Axes or Hammers & Shields10 x Longbeards (100)- Great Axes & Shields20 x Ironbreakers (280)Cannon (160)Cannon (160)Duardin Bolt Thrower (120)Grudge Thrower (180)Total: 1480 / 1500Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 87
  14. I'm guessing the box will be £95 RRP like Carrion Empire, down to £76 with 20% off. I'm looking at getting the gitz so if I can get just that half for £38 I'm getting the 2 squig units at £5 cheaper than normal (with 20% discount) with a character thrown in for free. Seems like a bargain to me. We'll see what the box is priced at, if it's less than £95 RRP then it's ridiculously good value.
  15. Same I tend to go for rend as well, I think it depends what you are fighting. I fight Legions of Nagash a lot and without rend things like skeletons go from having no save to a 5+ save, thats a big deal when they get 6+ deathless minion save on top of that. If you don't knock them down fast they just keep coming back. Against Slaanesh though I always go ancestral shield because of the volume of attacks.
  16. I'm going to echo what others have said in that soup is bad for AoS, with 40k being the prime example. The most refreshing thing about AoS in it's current state is the ally restrictions. It keeps the game fun, thematic and more visually immersive and less open for list loophole abuse.
  17. Seems like everyone has forgotten but they will be release a 2 force boxset called Looncurse soon, remember the video GW teased? It's going to be a value box of Squigalanche vs Sylvaneth with probably a new hero sculpt or 2 in there for them. This is likely where we will see a new Loonboss on Great Cave Squig to replace the current finecast one also. Also if you think GW sculptors just design whatever they feel like then make a game for them after then you're a little naive. GW do not work like that, yes they give their sculptors creative freedom and design the rules after the model is sculpted but anything they sculpt is still within a strict framework and context of a boxed game / faction that GW have already pre-planned to release. That is why genestealer cult and Chaos Space Marines were all release in a huge wave of new sculpts, they sculptors were told that new models were needed for X, these are the must haves to be resculpted (Abaddon, CSM, Havocs, Terminators etc) and then go and design some in your creative freedom (resulting in Master of Execution, Master of Possession, Greater Possessed etc).
  18. Agree I think Thunderers just need a point reduction to 80-100pts with a discount for taking 30 (they have no discount at the moment) I think Warriors should have 5+ save characteristic with their Duardin shields granting them +1 to their save rolls in the combat phase (both friendly and enemy) and still grant the shield wall skill. That way they would be tougher in combat but not against missiles but also not be an autotake over ironbreakers who ignore the -1 rend from gromril. Warden King should definitely be 3+, a 4+ rerollable and doesn't ignore rend is squisher than the Ironbreakers which doesn't make sense for a King.
  19. Hmm looks like I need to get me some Irondrakes / Hammerers to up my offensive output. I played a couple of 1000pt games over the weekend but got absolutely smashed. 1st game was against Legions of Nagash which had Arkhan, necromancer, Wight king, skellies and black knights. No matter how many I killed they just kept coming back and I just got whittled down. 2nd game I played against Ironjaws and got completely destroyed by a Mawcrusha. I took out 2 units of brutes but a Mawcrusha just rampaged through my army, I got it down to 6 wounds. Didn't help that out of 6 cannon shots only 1 hit and it failed to wound. On a plus note a big unit of 20 Ironbreakers rerolling 1s to hit because of shoddy craftsmanship really beat the ****** out of Ironjaws brutes, I was impressed. I might start trying to using warriors with 2H weapons instead of 1H weapons to up my output and maybe take more thunderers. I don't have any hammerers or Irondrakes at the moment, only warriors, longbeards, 2H miners (can be warriors or miners), ironbreakers and then lots of artillery. Would rather not have to spend more money. Mainly been running dispossessed allegiance but I'm thinking of switching back to order to get in my artillery and engineer to compensate for not having Irondrakes or Hammerers.
  20. I think it will happen. Out of the 8 units listed under Ironweld 5 of them are manned by Duardin. The fact that we work alongside the tall people makes adding it to us quite seamless. They may decide just to give us the Duardin manned units and give the free peoples their gunmaster, helblaster and helstorm back.
  21. All my heroes are on 32s too. Just looks and fits way better
  22. @ColsBols sounds like you did the best you could with what you've got, don't forget you're fighting a 2nd edition battletome there as well which has a ton of tricks and MWs up it's sleeve (I've got the gloomspite gitz tome and it's got so much good stuff). The troll hag and colossal squig are notoriously powerful as well. Mortal wounds and -2 rend are hard to negate for us as a faction so really only Ironbreakers or Longbeards would have a chance of surviving that. I would heartily recommend Ironbreakers or Longbeards as they are as solid as you are going to get in dealing with big damage dealers. I often use the Runelord ancestral shield on my them. Even in a worse case scenario of -2 rend at least they get a 6+ save rerollable and then a 6+ ancestral shield save after, thats 3 chances to save 6+ compared to none on the warriors at least. Maybe drop the organ gun and go for a double cannon? Maybe drop the hammerers too and invest more longbeards/ironbreakers to act as a screen for your irondrakes / thunderers / cannons to shoot down the big monsters?
  23. It's still a dice game after all, if you had to make 4 saves under the old rules potentially you could lose 4 berzerkers if you rolled poorly, now at most you would lose only 2 berzerkers. In terms of model removal more wounds is better, more models sticking around = more attacks.
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