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Everything posted by rosa

  1. It really proves that GW is not aware of what they are doing in regards of balancing. I agree, these point reductions have the completely wrong focus...
  2. I heard that there also will be 4 new colors with the release of the 9th edition. Does anyone know something?
  3. Yes, because save rolls are made before wounds are allocated.
  4. Wrong! You can still make save roll and one roll to negate wound or mortal wound. you just can't make 2 save after save rolls.
  5. But why Hammers of Sigmar though? Would another Host not be better?
  6. The internal balance of the tomes is really turning AOS down for me and my gaming group. What a shame because this System and the models are so beautiful.
  7. Oh GW... They don't learn it and we as players keep going on with that dumb powercreep instead of stop buying. Yes, it's to early... But it is pretty obvious that there is a lot off in this new release ruleswise. So sad... I especially dislike the autocast of Teclis. Unfun...
  8. I know it was rather meant ironically, but for a lot of people this is a fact. With such rules the enjoyment of the game will decrease for many.
  9. Again totally bonkers GW. The rules are nuts!
  10. I am not sure right now. I like the range but with this low model count I would definitely not start this army as for me this is not enough variation. A Gargant as an ally is smart though. I will definitely buy one or two models.
  11. Nobody wants to talk about that ludicrous "Lightning Reaction"? Baseline Ability?
  12. Wow awesome... What model is it you use for the he Frost Sabre in the Foto above?
  13. See attached... Where do you get the 47% from? I see 66%.
  14. Ahh, you again Tzeentch is stated with a 66% win rate, not 47%. Please read the statistic correctly. Furthermore, 3.22% is quite ok for the metal? They are in the range of armies like Sylvaneth, Nurgle, Overlords, Seraphon, Gitz and Nagash. And besides, the winrate is even more impressive with the rather small amount of players with this army... Again, maybe it is you who have no clue what Slaves actually are, and not the authors (I just recited your words). A lot of people have fun with this army. Who are you and whom do you speak for? I am out of this discussion now (ignore). Good luck.
  15. It is not just one list... Slaves have more tools than a lot of other armies and the latest lists were different from each other's. Of course certain builds are more valid than others, but this is a problem pretty much every faction has. I don't wanted to be disrespectful, I just see a lot of complaints in this thread... Pretty much from two persons The army is quite good and allows a lot of different builds. I just don't understand this negativity. I enjoy this book a lot!
  16. Updated Honest Wargamer stats show a winrate of 50.5% for slaves, which is pretty solid. What do you guys wine about?
  17. Does this make any sense? Allegiance: Nurgle LEADERS The Glottkin (420) - General Bloab Rotspawned (240) Lord of Plagues (140) UNITS 4 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (400) 10 x Putrid Blightkings (320) 10 x Putrid Blightkings (320) 1 x Beasts of Nurgle (80) 1 x Beasts of Nurgle (80)
  18. @sal4m4nd3r You are absolutely right. Sorry for some confusions and thank you very much for your help. Much appreciated. Yes, this seems to be my problem. I know the book and Warscroll but so far I am rather unaware of the synergies. The list you posted looks promising modelwise... But with what unit am I supposed to deal any damage? As I am new to nurgle I don't see this (besides Blightkings)🤔😅 2 Blightlords is probably also to few or maybe if the LoA assists it could work. 4 on the other hand ist so expensive... 2 plus LoA or drop LoA and add 2 Pusgoyle? Sigh! 😅
  19. Thank you very much for your help. I am more or less aware of the different unit types, I already have the tome. In my initial post, I stated the units I love the most and which should be included in the list. I already tried to build a list around them, but failed somehow So, I would love to include these and build something meaningful around them: - Glottkin or GUO - 1* Maggot Lord (Bloab) - 4 Pusgoyle Blightlords (lovely models) - Blightkings (probably 2* 10!?) - maybe some nurgle beasts or plague bearers - ???
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