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Everything posted by Starfyre

  1. Any thoughts on an effective 1000 point list? I'm finding it somewhat difficult to fit stuff in. I normally play(ed) against semi-competitive DoK, Sylvaneth, COS and StD and we definitely don't have a shooting meta in our group. I was thinking maybe building around the Contorted Epitome and using magic and ranged to generate DP and then summon units in to support. Something like: INVADERS LURID HAZE The Contorted Epitome 210 Feverish Anticipation, Oil of Exultation Shardspeaker 150 Blissbarb Archers 160 Blissbarb Archers 160 Blissbarb Seekers 180 Iron Golems 70 Geminids 60 990 But then I was thinking maybe at this points level the archers were a bit of trap and I'd be better going off with aiming to dish out loads of mortal wounds, with a small hardy core of of chaos warriors to fulfill battleline so I can fit all the other goodness in. Something like: GODSEEKERS Bladebringer on exalted chariot 250 Speed-chaser, Enrapturing circlet Bladebringer on seeker chariot 190 Chaos Warriors 90 Chaos Warriors 90 Slickblade Seekers 200 Blissbarb Seekers 180 1000 The downside at 1K is less units to generate as much DP from as quickly. Not sure if these would be effective though. Any thoughts?
  2. By and large GW seem to have stopped doing new plastic kits to replace existing plastic kits - Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knight aside. And then that was weird because the existing kits are fine, like, if you’re going to update chaos models, do the marauders - between the marauder horsemen, 6 different cultist sets, ‘marked’ marauders like blood reavers, kairic acolytes and the Darkoath heroes and warband - surely the sculpts already exist. Also eldar banshees, still plenty of aspect warriors to go at. plastic ranger in black stone fortress, again surely the sculpts exist! But there’s more money in doing new armies than expecting all seraphon players to upgrade their saurus or Skinks to new sculpts. I think the reveal will be: - lumineth - AoS campaign book - scions of the flame - psychic awakening + Fabius - a new specialist game Dont think sons will get a look in until after Lumineth hit pre-order.
  3. Thanks for the response! Yeah, I know some prefer Evocators, but I like retributors and decimators for melee - stormsoul maces are usually a reliable MW chip, and celestial vindicators trait with retributors can be good fun. Yeah, it was the points cost that put me off, that and I hadn’t considered it was a bit more moveable than I realised if you use the scroll to dispel it. I can see the threat of it. I also had fun with geminids, so kinda of wanted to keep them in. Either the -1 hit or -1 attack would mess with the goblins heroes considerably. The range of purple sun is indeed a concern, but figured it may do more damage to the horde of stabbas than the comet? Vexillor has the Pennant for movement shenanigans. But maybe not necessary and I could try a Heraldor, could be more versatile overall. Mildly concerned about the durability of the liberators and skinks in holding the objectives - but that’s because I’ve not played a list like this before and normally rely on an immovable wall of10 seqs with Staunch Castellant. Having the ability to reposition the drake to counter threats to the rest of my army seemed wise.
  4. Found this thread motivating to try something new beyond my normal tried and tested selection. My local meta is changing as my opponent's have new armies so was looking to freshen it up. Last night I faced off and beat an StD army, with had plenty of saves to negate mortal wounds. He wanted to play 1300pts (random I know) so I took the basic principle of what you've talked about and applied it - though I don't own a Stardrake (yet). Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsMortal Realm: Aqshy LeadersLord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (220)- General- Trait: Staunch Defender- Artefact: Ignax's Scales- Mount Trait: Ethereal Stalker Spell: Azyrite HaloLord-Castellant (120)Knight-Incantor (140)- Spell: Lightning BlastKnight-Incantor (140)- Spell: Chained LightningBattleline5 x Sequitors (130)- Stormsmite Maul & Shield- 3x Stormspite Greatmace5 x Sequitors (130)- Stormsmite Maul & Shield- 3x Stormspite Greatmace5 x Sequitors (130)- Stormsmite Maul & Shield- 3x Stormspite GreatmaceOther UnitsRetributors (200)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsGeminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)Total: 1270 / 1300Extra Command Points: 0 Man the Sequitors were blunted and more squishy when taken in 5's, but I figured the re-rolls to and/or save when make them more durable than liberators. But first time using Geminids and throwing MWs here, there and everywhere was fun between the three wizards and the Retributors. We're about to go into a new 1500 league, so this was a test to see how the overriding principle of MW chipping worked. My first opponent is a Gloomspite player, likely fielding as a minimum a Loonboss on Manglersquig, Skragrott, 40 Stabbas, 10 loonsmasha fanatics, scuttletide, sneaky scufflers, a squig herd and possibly something else now the points cap has gone up from 1250 to 1500 for our games. So, inspired by your lists, I was looking at either of the following - one that adopts the LCoSD, and one that expands on the above - have you tried Starcast at smaller points levels, what are your thoughts? Expanded list: Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsMortal Realm: Aqshy LeadersLord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (220)- General- Trait: Staunch Defender- Artefact: Ignax's Scales- Mount Trait: Ethereal Stalker- Spell: Azyrite HaloKnight-Vexillor (120)Lord-Castellant (120)Knight-Incantor (140)- Spell: Lightning BlastKnight-Incantor (140)- Spell: Chained LightningBattleline5 x Sequitors (130)- Stormsmite Maul & Shield- 3x Stormspite Greatmace5 x Sequitors (130)- Stormsmite Maul & Shield- 3x Stormspite Greatmace5 x Sequitors (130)- Stormsmite Maul & Shield- 3x Stormspite Greatmace 5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x Grandhammers Other UnitsRetributors (200)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsGeminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)Total: 1490 / 1500Extra Command Points: 0 ------------------------------------- Stardrake list: Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsMortal Realm: GhurLeadersLord-Celestant on Stardrake (500)- General- Celestine Hammer- Trait: Staunch Defender- Artefact: Shardfist Pelt- Mount Trait: Storm-wingedKnight-Vexillor (120)Lord-Castellant (120)Knight-Incantor (140)- Spell: Lightning BlastKnight-Incantor (140)- Spell: Azyrite HaloBattleline5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x Grandhammers5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x Grandhammers5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x GrandhammersOther UnitsSkinks (70)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsGeminids of Uhl-Gysh (60) Purple Sun of Shyish (50)Total: 1500 / 1500Extra Command Points: 0 What do you think?
  5. Played against an opponent last name fielding a StD army and he had a question regarding his Chaos Lord on Karkadrak. This model is equipped with Rune-etched plating, allowing a 5+ to negate a mortal wound. He was also marked as Chaos Undivided and his Aura of Chaos gives him (and other units around him) a 6+ to negate a wound or mortal wound. His question was does he get to use both if he suffers a mortal wound. I said yes, if he failed the first and the MW wasn't negated, then he had another crack, because they are 2 different abilities and they stack. Presumably that is correct, but just wanted to check for his peace of mind.
  6. Considering starting Bonereapers and we tend to play at 1250pts, so put this together as a starting point. Feedback would be welcomed, not purchased anything yet! Allegiance: Ossiarch BonereapersLegion: Petrifex Elite LeadersLiege-Kavalos (200)- General- Trait: Mighty Archaeossian- Artefact: Godbone ArmourMortisan Soulmason (140)- Lore of Mortisans: Arcane CommandBattleline20 x Mortek Guard (260)- Nadirite Blade and Shield5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)- Nadirite Blade and ShieldUnits6 x Necropolis Stalkers (400)- Spirit Blades Endless SpellsBone-tither Shrieker (30) Balewind Vortex (40) Total: 1250 / 1250 Feels to me like the units of 20 guard and 6 Stalkers could be broken down into 2 units if required, otherwise unit count might be an issue.
  7. Think this refers to Cygor as it mentions killing beastmen that tore the temple down at the end of the piece.
  8. Debating finer points is fine, but the wording is really really clear, there literally is no debate. The wording explicitly says you have to have 9 or more pink horrors to cast the Channelled Pink Fire spell. Therefore if you have less than 9 you cannot cast it. it’s not an ability to cast the spell, the core rule you’re referring to does not apply.
  9. Scenery and endless spells... it's like, at one point, every army was getting them. Very few don't. This is why it feels slightly strange when one army doesn't get one (or either, in the case of the Kharadron Overlords). There's an expectation set - I was adamant that the Slaves to Darkness would get one, the big chaos ring from Chaos Space Marines could have even been made with the option to be used for both armies, but I was surprised when they didn't. Again, given how armies like Khorne and Fyreslayers have been given their own versions of endless spells, surprised that KO don't get an equivalent. For me, it's so much as it's losing out by not having them, it's an expectation being set initially to then not being carried all the way through, that makes it surprising there isn't an option. Whether an army gets scenery or endless spells or not is not a question of fluff or rules. Scenery and endless spells are simply up-sells for hobbyists. Some may already have everything for their collection, so releasing a piece of scenery and endless spells is simply a way to get them spending some more money. For newbies, it increases the average cost of an army. The rules and fluff are simply made around the models that are going to be released. I'm pretty excited to see the Tzeentch preview this week after the good stuff in the KO one.
  10. The troops look ideal for Contrast to me, if one was so inclined. So much bone! I imagine they paint up quite speedily.
  11. The Mortarch is awesome, but I'm not keen on the foot-troops. They look shorter than they should be, which I think is because the bones are so thick. This is massively emphasised on the Mortarch model, the standard bearer looks stumpy next to the longer form of the Mortarch and the other 3 models on the base. A fraction taller and I think they'd be great. I also don't like the heads and faces of the foot troops, in particularly the straight-out Joker smiles. I wonder if there's alternative versions of these, or more heads with helmets like the one dude has, or the horsemen.
  12. There was even a job posted a couple of years ago looking for someone to lead FW AoS. I applied as there is so much potential, but didn’t get an interview and almost nothing has happened since. Which is a shame because there are so many more interesting things they could do rather than an alt space marine or a new turret for a tank...
  13. I don’t think that’s the reason. Prosecutors got split it two as well based on weapon options and sce have loads of warscrolls. Yes, I suspect GW are wary of the sales numbers - they will have years of data to base what they invest their capital in. There’s a reason wrath and rapture had khorne in it. But I don’t think they care how many warscrolls are in the book. It doesn’t add value. It’s just a bit easier to understand. if they’d called it ‘Daemons of Slaanesh,’ no-one would bat an eyelash there weren’t mortals in the book. There’s no hard and fast rule each army must have equal number of kits (poor fyreslayers and ironjawz if there were). The investment in this release is clearly massive, the models are gorgeous and the army sounds really different and interesting to play.
  14. The KoS kit looks like it has spare heads, which may fit instead of the one in the fane kit - assuming they are the same size.
  15. This is my initial feeling - I mainly play in 1000pt games on a weeknight where 2K takes too long. Seems to me that the initial 1000pts may need to be stanted towards generating depravity points for summoning, and use that to bulk up your force. Interesting playstyle. I wonder how many DP on average you could generate per game, and whether you'd get enough in 1000pts to summon 2-3 additional units a game?
  16. For me, as a stormcast player who has just bought some Daemonettes to start my second AoS army, I guess I’m in the mindset that everything looks quite fragile. And you said it, there’s potential for a lot of damage from Daemonettes, but I imagine in practise it was only 2 or 3 extra hits per turn (probably 6-9 with the new tome which does sound good) from a block of 20 unless you have a really great roll. Far from guaranteed. You know, the base comparison to Witch aelves is fine, except I play against units that are shielded by the cauldron of blood, boosted to get a re-rollable 5+ invulnerable save, often immune to Battleshock, occasionally mind razored, and can attack twice a turn. They are annoyingly survivable and punchy. My sequitors+Castellant+staunch defender + halo are quite tanky to counter. I can’t yet see, without having played them yet or knowing what else is in the book, how a horde of Daemonettes or seekers are meant to stand up to that. Clearly in this case it’s ‘attack is best form of defence’ - strike first with everything and try and do as much damage as possible. Should say we play 1000 points, which at current points and battletome seems quite difficult to fit much in, if you want a horde of 20 or more Daemonettes.
  17. What is it do you think is making them sound so strong? Summoning seems really viable assuming the units don’t go up in points. And the 3 hits ability is neat, but to me looks like one of those ‘sounds good on paper’ rules.
  18. Not sure the changes to the command traits for the hosts are that good, but the additional ways to generate depravity points are interesting. Pretenders ‘heir to the throne’ ability mentions units with missile weapons with 10+ models. Didn’t think there was a Slaaneshi ranged unit with 10 models. Regardless, I Definitely think there will be Slaaneshi themed models coming with Warcry.
  19. I was thinking the same. GW are making their sculpting work harder and cross over into more games - look at the Tzeentch release starting with Silver Tower then pushing into the full Disciples of Tzeentch battletome, the Gloomspite warband in Shadespire coming out just before the full army for AoS, and the new Chaos Marines in Blackstone Fortress coming out ahead of Abaddon and the new troops. I don't think there's anything wrong with bringing chaos warriors as mortals, except the models aren't marked. Khorne have blood warriors, wrathmongers and blood reavers, Tzeentch have Arcanites and Tzaangor (in place of marked chaos warriors), Nurgle has Blight Kings, so I think the expectation is there's a Slaaneshi version coming too. I suspect new Slaaneshi mortals for War Cry that might then come out later as AoS (or dual with 40K) mortals. Which probably mean not in this wave, maybe. Or maybe they will flip reverse it. I agree with Kaleb Daark that the new daemon price/herald is likely a sign of the style of new mortals. They're rarely doing one-off all-new designs without some of the cues then appearing in other models. Which makes me think, depending on how big they are, that the two attendants on the mirror are also an indication of another potential unit - because why design two completely new models like that and then not get another set out of them they can sell - Exalted Daemonettes or some such. Though if they might just be regular sized daemonettes just dressed up a bit. I had thought the mirror was the scenery piece every army is now getting, but actually it could be a new unit. There is at least one new thing in the video that's not been shown off individually, at 0:25. Giant slaanshi symbol thingy with the relatively flatly detailed daemon head sticking out the portal. It's clearly on a base in the full army shot. Portals seem to be the new theme.
  20. A stormkeep is basically a castle though. I reckon we'll see a scenery piece alongside either Forbidden Power or maybe a new Battletime/supplement - either a Lightning rod or a Statue like in the background of the battletome front cover. Possibly to give us some form of Summoning rules perhaps.
  21. Short answer is I'm experimenting with stuff I haven't used in the past. Traditionally mine is a very defensive list, but it was all bought before Soul Wars and I've not used the Sacrosanct stuff. Some gamer friends of mine have set up a mini league between the four of us to get to know our armies better, with a view of maybe doing Throne of Skulls at the end of the month. So we're trying different 1000 point lists out against each other. I lost my first game against Kharadron by a single victory point on the last turn, so I'm keen to improve on that, hence posting. Agreed, 6 Dracolines with an LA would be ideal but not feasible for this points size. This morning I actually decided to try the list you suggested and see how it goes, but you may well be right about the 10 evocators because of the considerable amount of mortal wounds they could do. I'll consider experimenting with the Dracolines another time. I've yet to have had any luck with the Azyros yet, but first time for everything. Thanks for offering your thoughts.
  22. Neat feedback, thanks everyone. ' Leaving you with 1 Incantor, 5 Judicators and 5 Liberators to stand against a death blob of Witch Aelves as they run across the table at you. ' This is a concern if I'm honest. What I've seen is that he screens the cauldron on one side with warlocks, and the other side and front witch aelves, so you can't really charge the cauldron. The strategy was going to be to drop Gav and the 2 units of Evocators 9" from the witches, and batter them to reach the cauldron probably the following turn - or if the attacks do enough damage and I'm in range, given how clustered the units are together, direct the MWs straight at the cauldron. I figured there wasn't much that's more hardhitting at this points value than a concerted evocator attack like this in the SCE army. The worry of course is that the evocators don't finish the unit off (about 20 models I think he fields in the unit), leaving the evocators open to counter-attack. I know the Judicators and Incantor can't reliably finish the cauldron off, but taking a few wounds off it (thought going to switch to Staff of Focus as you suggest to work in tandem with his spells, that's a great shout) to reduce it's movement and range of bloodshield seemed worthwhile, and the potential to reduce some of his supporting units helping the evocators. Your's is an interesting list, with the sequitor blob it feels more tanky, but feels like the damage output is less. That said, I've fielded evocators on foot for 2 games in a row now and both times they died quickly, so maybe it's worth trying out. Much to think about.
  23. Was using the old warscroll... 😖 Thanks for the assist. Is it better to swap to Hammers of Sigmar, which kinda makes my list a bit tougher, or swap Gavriel for a Lord Celestant on foot or Lord Castellant with Gryph-hound to deepstrike with the evocators, and rely on forward to victory as a failsafe for failed charges? Lacking the extra 20 points for a Vexillor.
  24. Thanks, lol. Read the whole post, didn't even see those tags...... I'm playing a 1000pt game against DoK this week. I'm pretty sure I'll be up against Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood, Hag Queen, Bloodwrack medusa, Witch aelves, Doomfire warlocks and Khinerai Heartrenders. I was thinking of running: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals - Stormhost: None Realm of Battle - Shyish Knight-Incantor (140) - General - Trait: Consummate Commander - Spell: Chained Lightning - Artefact: Goblet of Draining Gavriel Sureheart (100) 5 x Judicators (160) with Skybolt Bows and Shockbolt Bow 5 x Liberators (100) with Hammers and Shield, Grandhammer 5 x Evocators (200) - Spell: Celestial Blades 3 x Evocators on Celestial Dracolines (300) - Spell: Terrifying Aspect 1000 points With the DoK all bunched up around the Cauldron of Blood, strategy was to deepstrike Gav and the 2 units of Evocators and use the command ability to get the charge (with Consummate Commander hopefully giving a bonus CP to use for Forward to Victory for the re-roll if it's required), whilst the Incantor, and Judicators target the Cauldron as a priority. Alternatively, swapping Consummate Commander for Staunch Defender to create a more secure centre and holding off on deepstriking until turn 2 to generate the 2nd command point. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
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