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Everything posted by Starfyre

  1. I was thinking it was probably going to be only pt2 of the Orks, but there's only the white squig and the rig left from what I can tell, so seems likely something else will also go up for pre-order. Saying that, given the absence of content on anything else, maybe it'll be a small week.
  2. See it's interesting because I've seen the EOTG being used in some tournament lists without a slaan, and that's what I couldn't quite get my head around. It feels like the damage it can do to itself is a bit of a liability. Now it's a Priest as well now, it looks really good value actually, with the ability to give ward saves, do additional damage and maybe Heal or Curse as well.
  3. Honestly, it's this pedantry that ruins the game. If I hadn't bothered with this forum chat, it would never have been in doubt how to play with that warscroll.
  4. I was playing around with a Thunder Lizard army at 1500 points. Do you think a regular steg is worth it as a battleline? The idea of a Chief and 2 Stegs in an army seems appealing to me, with Skinks and Bastiladons for objectives and battle tactics, and skink starpriests for magic (plus a Scar vat on Carno because rule of cool). What's the appeal of the engine of the gods without a Slaan? For healing? Edit: And oh my it never occurred to me that terradons, ripperdactyls and salamanders had Jaw attacks and gain +1 attack from Coalesced.
  5. I'm painting some Kruleboyz Boltboyz in an ocean theme rather than swampy, their long rags kinda somewhat remind me of the zora armour in breath of the wild and crossbows are kinda harpoony. There's loads of little hooks and details that can be painted as fish bones. I've taken that as inspiration and mine are basically enemies of idoneth, so the clothes are a mirror of the main idoneth scheme, with the blue-grey skin of the Zora. I don't think we'll see another dreadfleet any time soon - I know from a GW sales rep their area account manager encouraged them to literally bin copies in a dumpster it sold so badly. That's what set GW off on the strategy that any side-games they made must always have models that usable in Warhammer or 40K. I guess that's changed in more recent years with aeronautica and titanicus, but I suspect they weren't treated as being a knock-out like the revamped space hulk was, which I believe influenced forecasting for dreadfleet stock.
  6. That's fair enough. Personally I see that being represented through their other stats, like 2 wounds, 2 attacks, 3+/3+/-1. Movement 6 with that armour is pretty super human IMO. Whilst it's a fairly standard elite profile these days, they are still basic troops on a par with other factions elite soldiers.
  7. They're standard infantry, why would they be any more than damage 1?
  8. Looks like fun! Interesting that there’s not an archaon, teclis, Kroak or kairos in sight though.
  9. It’s poor. If it’s delayed or they made a mistake at least be open about it. All for giving them the benefit of the doubt, but come on.
  10. I think there will be a mix of online and offline previews, depending on what it is. Large announcements like a new edition or Broken realms equivalent could be online. I can see army releases being offline and coincide with Gencon or Adepticon, usually as an excuse to get people to come to the stand and buy stuff. I'm sure we'll some faction dice included in the pre-order today too.
  11. Some online retailers in the UK have them in stock, Element Games is showing 10+ in stock.
  12. Our group use the contest of generals table from the core book which gives you different unit compositions for more granular game sizes: Source: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/11/core-battalion-rules-shake-up-matched-play-army-building-in-the-new-edition/ However, no harm is taking 3 battlleline and working toward a 2K point army.
  13. Solid thread name, that. PS: Brought about the urge to write "Playing Celestial Vindicators Vindictors from Vindicarum has been vindicated.'
  14. Those look great, good job! We need to see more hobby in this thread
  15. Awesome advice, thanks. Thanks for taking the time to help me out.
  16. Thanks for all your suggestions! I Believe it’s two battleline for 1500pts. With guild of summoners I didn’t think I could summon in horrors, so figured it was worth having their casts to contribute to getting a LoC and then being able to benefit from their command ability, plus they seemed more survivability for objectives and had a better rate of fire than the mortals. Or is that not really how it goes in practice? Not too worried about the lifeSwarm.
  17. This is titled 'Who is getting a new codex in 2021' - and the blog doesn't answer that question. It tells you there's 6 codices coming, tells you who 4 of them are, all of which we already knew, and then hints at 2 others without telling who they are. So it has set an expectation and not met it, which is why it's frustrating. I assume the other 2 are Custodes and Tyranids maybe? I dunno. But it's certainly not 'everything they know'. Also, Kruleboyz article is up: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/13/mob-em-skewer-em-or-zap-em-three-ways-to-waaagh-in-the-new-orruk-warclans-battletome/
  18. I have this and I also have complete and utter choice paralysis. I play sce, I don’t have the budget to buy everything. I want to start a new faction, I can’t choose which one, and I can’t afford to buy all the stuff I like and then it just be terrible or uncompetitive in my group’s meta. because broadly we don’t know what anything will do or what’s next, and the prices are only going to go one way. I started slaanesh just before the new book and ghb21. Killed any enthuasiam for that. a few years ago when gw switched to this weekly release schedule, there were no previews. I think I almost preferred that because you could see it, get hyped, and buy it or not buy it almost immediately. Now do I get the sce tome? What are the surprises? Do I start tzeentch as my second aos3 faction? Is that going to get the Oct chaos update and render my freshly bought book useless? So what I’ve done is nothing at all. I’m just waiting, and not really knowing what for.
  19. Since it's the Knight-Draconis (I think that's what it's called) that makes the Draconith batteline and not a stormhost, then I wonder if the Lord-Arcanum on Dracoline will make the Evocats battleline? Maybe a Knight-Azyros or Venator will make Prosecutors battleline. I didn't feel any excitement for SCE from Dominion despite it being my only AoS army but start to feel it from the new book now. See how the Kruleboyz article is later and maybe Dominion is on the cards after all. Also I think the Vanquishers look fantastic.
  20. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/12/build-all-dragon-armies-and-other-fierce-forces-with-the-new-stormcast-eternals-battletome/ Hammers of Sigmar make Dracothian Guard Battleline. Knights Excelsior make Annihilators and Paladins Battleline. Looks like the wrong rules image has been included currently, but will offer 'An extra boost to hit and wound rolls' Astral Templars make Palladors and Hunters Battleline. Astral Templar units can't be picked for monstrous rampages. Very interesting to see if the other stormhosts open up other battleline options.
  21. They very obviously don't know when it will be. They don't need to change their messaging IMHO, they need to change their app developer.
  22. I'm considering a second army to play alongside SCE which I've played all through 1st and 2nd. I was looking at Slaanesh but my enthusiasm has waned, so thinking of picking up Tzeentch as it was what I used to play in WHFB. Here's my first attempt at a 1500 point Guild of Summoners list, feedback would be welcome! Allegiance: Tzeentch- Change Coven: Guild of Summoners- Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery- Triumphs:LeadersTzaangor Shaman (160)*- General- Command Trait: Prophet of the Ostensible- Artefact: Brimstone Familiar- Lore of Fate: Arcane SuggestionThe Changeling (170)*- Lore of Change: Treason of TzeentchThe Blue Scribes (135)*- Lore of Change: Tzeentch's FirestormChangecaster, Herald of Tzeentch (135)**- Artefact: Amulet of Destiny (Universal Artefact)- Lore of Change: Fold RealityBattleline10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (215)**10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (215)**Units3 x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc (200)*3 x Tzaangor Skyfires (210)*Endless Spells & InvocationsChronomantic Cogs (45)Core Battalions*Warlord**Battle RegimentTotal: 1485 / 1500Reinforced Units: 0 / 3Allies: 0 / 300Wounds: 65Drops: 6
  23. I had good fun with a unit of decimators recently against my mates' block of 20 ghouls, the coherency rules makes it easy to get lots and lots of attacks from a horde. The tail looks similarly brutal. Given that we have the option to build a dragon only list, I'm somewhat surprised we've not seen an all-dragon battle shot yet!
  24. Can't imagine it's another unit or the kruleboyz cav (because why wouldn't the hint be in the Gobsprakk article yesterday?), it'll be something gamey like dice, combat gauge or scenery presumably. Maybe a Getting Started set containing the sacrosanct from the last starter set.
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