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Everything posted by Dreadmund

  1. I just wish he was levitating on the ground, instead of near the sphinx's wing. Looks fragile and kinda bizarre. Other than that, it's a beautiful model. Looks pretty easy to fix though.
  2. Some warscrolls have "signature spells" like Nagash, Horrors and Karic Acolytes that specifically specify that they can be cast multiple times in a single phase. In general it's 1 cast per distinct spell per phase though. Lord of Change Command ability, Changecaster's once per battle ability, Horrors get +1 near a daemon hero, Tome of Eyes grants reroll spellcasts, Blue Scribes also grants reroll spellcasts in an aura, some artefacts convey bonus to cast... Our book is literally filled with this stuff.
  3. I get why they do it - to make it easier to balance certain subfactions. But I know that for some factions, this is worse than others. I'm looking at Stormcast, who seem to be stuck with some real stinkers. A change they could make in the future might be to expand the list of possible generic Traits and Artefacts to 8 or 10 and each subfaction limits your choice to a handful of options out of that list. So, the "Big Hat Stormchamber" lets you choose from artefacts 1, 3 and 4, while the "Mr Big Boots Legion" lets you choose from 1, 2, 3 and 6. That way there would be some customization options still, but they'd still be able to prevent certain particularly strong combinations from ruining everyone's day. Personally though, the current system is simple and effective and in general I'm for restricting artefacts and command traits for the sake of a better overall play experience.
  4. My Prediction: Seraphon got a smaller release than we expected because their range is going to be incorporated heavily into the old world launch and they will get their new/updated kits then.
  5. Woooow, a female Rotbringer! She looks incredible. I hope they have good rules for AoS, but if they don't I will convert her into a sorcerer so I can use the model on the table.
  6. Thank god to be honest. I don't think anyone really wanted to buy and paint ANOTHER set of pinks/blue/brims just in case you get lucky with fold reality.
  7. Fold Reality seems especially good on Horrors. Return slain Pink horrors, giving the unit another 5 wounds per model returned. Even with 6+/6+ saves, that tarpit is going to be a nightmare to shift for most armies. Battleshock immunity is going to be very important to Horror heavy lists going forward. Definitely worth keeping a command point handy.
  8. Ahh I see the confusion. No, it's the gaunt summoner who loses a spellcast that turn.
  9. What makes you think that? They are summoned at the start of the hero phase. Spellcasting takes place afterwards, so they can cast a spell.
  10. Good news! Summoned units gain a lore spell, as clarified in this designer's commentary.
  11. I think we can hold off on demanding FAQ's for rules no one has even seen yet lol. All we have is a loose paraphrasing of the rule from a community article.
  12. The changes to horrors sounds like an interesting mix of good and bad to me. But overall I definitely think simplification is an improvement and it sounds like they've been streamlined in a major way. How you use them will probably change a lot, but that's not necessarily bad! I can't wait to see the new horror warscroll and get some clarification on how splitting works exactly. Like, are the slain models added immediately? At the end of the phase? Does damage carry over to new models if all existing models are slain? Does there need to be at least 1 model left alive to grow the unit with a split? Do you need to kill all pinks before you can start killing blues or can I keep the unit's ability to cast spells for much longer? Overall the article has me feeling optimistic about the book. But I'm an impatient man and I am already desperate for more detail
  13. Interesting changes all around. I'm feeling very optimistic about this book! Can't wait to get stuck in to it.
  14. I really hope we get a faction focus article on Tzeentch today, just because it's getting tiresome reading all the speculation about how they've changed when nothing has been announced. Best one I've seen is "There will be no good ways to build Tzeentch with less than 5-6 drops". Based on absolutely no information, but presented as a cold hard fact lol.
  15. So the changeling no longer blends in with the enemy making him vulnerable from the get go. Also, you set him up at the end of your first movement phase now, meaning that if you do set him up in enemy territory he doesn't get to cast spells that turn. Seems like he has been made more flexible. Now you have to choose before turn 1 if you want to/are going to be able to use him as a deepstrike summoning beacon, a deepstrike melee assassin or have him hang back and just be a regular 2 cast wizard. You can no longer use him as a deepstrike endless spell caster.
  16. Lol okay man whatever. You do you. All I'm saying is that it's not as unlikely as you think that they might get some small changes. How you've turned that into "You are biased against beasts of chaos" is beyond me but if you need an outlet for rage I suggest youtube comments rather than TGA. It's a better void to shout into. All I'm going to say is that if you expect GW to be perfectly efficient with their updates and FAQs you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Does the logic of what you're saying make sense? Sure. Does it match how things have been done in the past? Nah.
  17. Exactly. 4 profiles which are imminently due for an update. So why add them to the FAQ when warscrolls and points are due to be updated in a new printed publication? What's the rush?
  18. Okay but by your logic, why not update all warscrolls for Tzeentch, Kharadron and Seraphon in the FAQ? Why hold anything back for the Battletome at all? The reason is that the FAQ is an opportunity to make changes to things that won't have another opportunity for a substantial amount of time. A battletome is an opportunity to roll out lots of changes for a single faction in one go. If there is going to be a battletome for a faction in the next 6 months, there's less reason to push out those changes to the general public. Think of the FAQ like slapping a band aid on a problem, fixing it in the short term until that army's next publication date.
  19. I really doubt this. Summoning a free unit of 10 models each turn is preposterously overpowered. It will probably be like the GS on disc: once per battle and takes up a spellcast. Still brilliant though!
  20. Locus now Triggers on a 5+ (or 3+ for keepers) and all their summoning went up in Depravity cost.
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