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Everything posted by Floom

  1. If both the gain contagion points and Horticulous's spawn a gnarlmaw ability happen "at the start of the hero phase", can I summon one before gaining points or is there some overriding rule I'm missing?
  2. I think the fact that Gitmob are gone indicates that a new army is in the works, probably to be released shortly. They included legacy and FW units in the GHB alongside Greenskinz, which went OOP the same time Gitmob did. It may be Grotbag Scuttler, sky-pirate Grots, or a classic Orcs and Goblins Greenskinz-Gitmob merger. It's a shame, though. I know this will invalidate matched play for some groups despite the old points being easily sourced. It's really annoying that they were removed from the app/warscroll builder; on-the-fly list building is difficult now. Really bad gesture towards the community. Gitmob are hard to source so sending them to OOP was offensive enough. The least they could do is work on some Firestorm centric allegiances to buff legacy armies and those lacking tomes right now, but I think that Firestorm has proven that GW doesn't care about supporting them. They could very easily have buffed Dispossessed or Wanderers a bit by including them in Lethisian Defenders, but decided merge four armies with tomes instead (poor KO, but their tome is better than anything Lethisian offers anyway).
  3. I wonder if you can use mercenaries within their respective armies for a minor buff? I.e. Blacksmoke in an Ironweld army. I mean, there's nothing to say that the forbidden power mercs can't be taken like this. I guess it's a fair trade off considering you're removing the option for real allies at this point.
  4. Does Ash Storm stack? The warscroll is a bit vague.
  5. Lol, they have two kits aside from heroes. Buy some boars.
  6. Would the Savage Big Boss's command ability stack? I'm guessing it's just a one time buff thing? The ability itself does apply to the newly generated attacks, right? I was thinking of making use of a Greenskinz Warboss the extra attack command ability and comboing that with the Big Boss's, so there'd be 2+ chances to get extra attacks, which themselves could get extra attacks. Coupled with the kunnin' best spirits, that's 5+. Real shame the 3x Fungoid Cave Shamans + a warboss is 10pts over the ally limit of 2k games. So close...
  7. Can I get some thoughts on this list? Is Greywater too sub-optimal with 1.5kpt's artillery limit? I know the volley gun has range and los disadvantages compared to the rocket battery, but 3 or 2d6 shots seems fun and a likely with a dedicated Gunmaster to be within 1" for rerolls. I haven't played a game yet, so maybe the 5" move would be crippling if battleplans require you to set up by a table edge. Strategy: -Steamtank rushes the enemy with the lord ordinator and battlemage, who handles healing it -The 20 Longbeards may accompany it -Warden King and Longbeards grab an objective or contest something -Hellblasters and Gunmaster shoot something Allegiance: Greywater FastnessMortal Realm: GhurLeadersWarden King (120)- General- Trait: Master of Defense- Artefact: HoarfrostBattlemage (120)- Specialisation: Jade- AlliesLord-Ordinator (140)Gunmaster (80)Battleline30 x Longbeards (270)- Axes or Hammers20 x Longbeards (200)- Axes or HammersWar MachinesHelblaster Volley Gun (120)Helblaster Volley Gun (120)Steam Tank (260)Endless SpellsEmerald Lifeswarm (60)Total: 1490 / 1500Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 120 / 200Wounds: 90
  8. True, I guess filling out the base is the goalpost. I was thinking of a model train wagon base and building around that; servohauler atop it with a platform for the rider above that, then fill out the rest with bits/dwarf miners, etc. Basically a Steamtank version of this. 'No clue what the source is unfortunately.
  9. How big is the servohauler compared to a steamtank? I know they're pretty big with a 120x92 base. Based conversion as always :3
  10. Complete noob, I was thinking of using this for my first game. Allegiance: Beastclaw RaidersFrostlord on Stonehorn (420)- General- Trait: Everwinter's Master - Artefact: The Pelt of Charngar Frostlord on Stonehorn (420)Butcher (140)- Pair of Stump Blades and Great Cauldron- Allies4 x Mournfang Pack (320)- Gargant Hackers4 x Mournfang Pack (320)- Gargant HackersStonehorn Beastriders (320)- Option: ChaintrapEmerald Lifeswarm (60)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 140 / 400Wounds: 93 Are two Frostlords overkill? I know he combos well with a Huskard on Thundertusk for healing, but with Emerald Lifeswarm, pelt and a Butcher, I thought I'd have that aspect covered. Maybe a damage orientated artefact is better with two Frostlords? Do you think splitting the Mournfang Packs would be a better option? Min size for rushing objectives, if they aren't occupied, and two extra shots with the unit's leaders. I guess that invalidates some o the Butcher's buffs though. I didn't take battalions mostly to simplify the game, but I couldn't see much value in what's listed anyway. I just aimed to rush things with the Stonehorns and focus the battleline on objectives, maybe have a spare Frostlord support a unit too. Thanks and I'm hyped for wave two of BCR. A priest, endless spells and terrain would be perfect, but I wonder if they'll just lump them in with Gutbusters for that. Separate armies with a soup option but shared endless spells/terrain. Maybe a massive cauldron pulled by beats or Grots to fit with both.
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