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Lucky Snake Eyes

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Everything posted by Lucky Snake Eyes

  1. I thought only the bloodlance/sword was affected and not the mount portion of the profile. Seems silly for a VLoZD to get extra attacks with it's claws and maw...
  2. Malal more or less feeds off of pure chaos itself, as long as chaos exists so does malal. He exists as the manifestation of chaos' self destructive nature, think about it, the end goal of chaos is the ruination of all, but since living beings are the source of chaos it's a self destructive goal. Malal represents and feeds off of chaos' march to it's own destruction.
  3. Malal has been swept under the rug and rewritten so many times i'm not sure what the current "official" description is, but he's essentially the antithesis or pinnacle of chaos, he represents chaos' inevitable end as it turns in on itself in self destruction. The chaos gods are a fire given life by the universe and malal is the flame sputtering out in a sense.
  4. Why not kitbash a mix of stormcast and slaves to darkness bits?
  5. just to throw my two cents in after all the mathhammer has already happened. I usually run a 30 block of skeletons (mostly because that's all i own for normal bone boys) and have done really well with them, sure i'm not getting all of them into a fight but slap VDM on those suckers and they have deleted anything that picked a fight with them, only time in the past while i've had concerns with losing with the skeletons is when daughters of khaine charged two consecutive shrines into them with some extra witch elves peppered in, or when i go up against the uber buffed beatdown sequitor squads of one of my stormcast friends. GG on the other hand i don't tend to get as much mileage out of but for the sake of filling points and having some more reliable rend attacking i keep a squad of 10 in the rear to guard against deep striking or teleporting units like tree revs or stormcasts.
  6. Hey fellow legionaries of totally not tomb kings! I recently took our favourite tongueless bootlicker to a local tournament and ran away with 2nd place! (ended up with a by in the first round due too uneven numbers) All battles where in chamon. Here's the list I brought: Lords of sacrament battalion: Arkhan (general, soul harvest) necro (black gold bracers, decrepify) necro (spectral grasp) mortis engine VLoZD (Vile transference, shroud of darkness, lance) dire wolves X5 dire wolves X5 skeletons X30 (swords) grave guard X10 (greatblades) corpse cart (goad, lodestone) Glaivewraith stalkers X4 (drummer) Purchased command points X1
  7. Sorcerer is our only non fw wizard option aside from the manticore variant, oracular vision and dark power can turn a couple of units into a bigger pain for your opponent. As for marks on knights i'd suggest khorne for sword knights and slaanesh for glaive knights
  8. I like the idea of the rebranded army being called godsworn but then you can't really toss in everchosen since archie kinda hates the chaos gods. Maybe if it was straight up called "The Undivided" or maybe "heralds of the end times" (sorry for those still sore about the death of fantasy). That way you could thematically take archie the champion of chaos undivided, in the undivided army (the fact you can't already do that is a load of bull). I would like the darkoath stuff to replace the old marauder line with darkoath berserkers, hunters, wolf chariots, etc. I would also like to see a proper return of mammoths and the incorporation of some of fantasy's norsca stuff like a warshrine mammoth, skin wolves, etc. I agree with the notion that warriors are fine but have dumb poses, but i would like to see a new chosen kit or maybe aspiring champions as there own unit. Either way I would like to see some form of juiced up chaos infantry that is as beefy if not beefier than stormcasts, I still find it silly that chaos warriors are smaller than most stormcasts but are about the same in stat profiles. Also there was mention of varanguard being chosen but aren't they supposed to be lords? I do agree that they should get a foot variant, since the current profile for chosen doesn't scream "heavy infantry" the same way units like retributers do.
  9. the up to 3 bit seems crazy, so as long as you can fit 1 you're good. But this also means that you have the option of getting more coverage in more open spaces. and that you can just cover the opponents deployment zone with them with the free wyldwood at the start of the game, provided you get the deployment choice of course. the only way to deny objectives from being covered is to get first turn and hope you can run guys up to them first which seems difficult for slower armies like LoN. Now i see why so many people find sylvaneth to be super competitive
  10. Hey all, I'm not a sylvaneth player but a new AOS player has recently joined my local AOS group and no one in the group can seem to agree on how spawning wyldwoods works. The new guy is under the impression that each time he summons wyldwoods he gets to place 3 of the wyldwood terrain pieces on the table, that seems a little ridiculous to some of us given the size of the damn things so I wanted some clarification from people who have more experience with the army.
  11. Which is the biggest shame, considering you chance spawning one whenever your hero kills an enemy hero
  12. Daemon prince with the mark of the all favoured is great against anything short of a greater daemon
  13. eBay is overpriced usually, my hobby shop might be able to work some magic and see if any of his distributors have one lying around.
  14. Hey all, I'm a death/chaos player looking to pick up KO down the line. The main reason I haven't yet is because of how expensive they are (no battleline in start collecting and expensive frigates/ironclad) But I do want to try building up an army over time for them. Any recommendations on where to start and what order to get things in?
  15. Just be careful when playing it, if there aren't enough enemies near the warshrine to take the mortal wounds you'll end up shooting your own units
  16. How do you guys go about dealing with ranged armies? With the short ranged marauder horsemen being our only way of shooting back I feel we end up pincushions by the time we reach our opponents. I had a game last night against stormcast with double ballistas and lord ordinator bubblewraped with liberators. While my rolls where admittedly terrible for the first couple turns, it still took 3 rounds to break through his front line with warriors and knights/chariots to get to his backline. I allied in an ogrid thaumaturge and used it's fireblast spell to tie up one ballista with horrors but the second one ended up killing 4X it's own cost in warriors and chariots, i had a warshrine hidden behind some cover granting the prayers of tzeench on my tzeench warriors which helped some, but that -2 rend still did a number on them. He also had castigators but they didn't do much too me and died to my warriors. I popped his general with my lord of chaos and got the newly made daemon prince in the back but by then the match had ended and I lost due too my opponent claiming more victory points (because he just camped half the objectives with libs/ballistae and did his lightning shenanigans to quickly grab two other objectives long enough to get easy points). Basically anything i tried moving to take an objective got blasted with double ballista spam and his cheap (for stormcast anyways) screening kept me from reliably disabling both.
  17. Rules as written this is correct, most opponents wouldn't waste an unbind to stop a roll that high anyways. Most opponents won't even have enough unbinds to stop even half your spells so they'll save it for curse of years, soul harvest or VHD. Even then, +2 on necros and +4 on arkhan, so good luck to the poor soul trying to unbind.
  18. @Sabotage! I run a fun and fairly casual undivided list using the darkoath allegiance. The bulk of my army is warriors, knights and marauders (both horse and foot), with a warshrine, gorebeast chariot and chosen for good measure, I run different marks on different units and several heroes for full mark coverage. I also ally in valkia, the masque of slaanesh and the ogrid thaumaturge using my 400pts of allies to give a more undivided feel and have some hero representation for the gods. Slaves can be fun but aren't flexible enough with their rules to be competitive. If non slaves heroes could also benefit from gifts or provide the reroll buff to units with matching keywords then i could see them doing better. Fingers crossed that darkoath get's a battletome and makes undivided chaos a viable competitive choice.
  19. I wouldn't say everchosen, they have no allegiance abilities to my knowledge, only diff between them an slaves is slaves has allegiance abilities and everchosen get archaon. Dark oath will probably get their own battletome considering two of the 4 malign portents models already have battletomes/army expansions. Darkoath will probably be the true undivided faction with no mark mechanics and focus more on the brutal glory seeking and viking style fight for survival. They'll probably incorporate a system similar to slaves gifts from the gods. Slaves as it is might as well be generic chaos filler as all their units can join other armies using their mark mechanic. Albeit if darkoath is markless then it should still be able to have some way of taking slaves units and archaon with them also falling under the umbrella of undivided.
  20. Prince V lacks durability for how big a target he is. He definitely works best as a foil for a mortarch but he needs more regen or a better wound mitigation option. Blood chalice helps but it is possible for him to be focused down before you can heal him with vile t and the chalice.
  21. The horses are the real MVP, me and a buddy run an unlimited ally game from time to time (so that he can bring the sisters of twilight and i can bring settra) and settra's horses put in more work than just about anything else. We need more horse support, horse buffing rules when gw? But yeah my own LoB list i'm currently running is just bloodknights smash with vordhai and nefi doing things too i guess. There's a couple foot vampires (vlad and isabella's models obviously) and a bunch of dire doggos and skeles too but they just kinda sit around on objectives watching the real fight happen. ?
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