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Everything posted by 123lac

  1. I've actually started playing Everquest on P99 on and off over the last year, but I'm not up to Velious content yet.
  2. Have you always liked giants in fantasy settings? I can't really think of many books/games/movies where there were fleshed out giant factions, except a very old PC game called Warlords (storm giants faction).
  3. I really hope they never do an AoS equivalent of Psychic Awakening. It's absurd how many campaign books there are for 40k now and from what I've seen the only good ones were the two for Vigilus. I mean how many books do people have to take with them to play 40k now? Completely insane to have army rules coming from so many different books, all of which cost money. Should just be core rules + army book, nothing else.
  4. Sounds to me like he owns a cities of sigmar army and is just concerned that any further investment might be a waste of time and money? I can understand that worry and frustration.
  5. I reckon it's a safe bet that the cities will stay in the lore, particularly ones as widely known as Hammerhall. I agree that the plastic kits are in an odd place. Personally I would like to see a few new plastic kits for cities of sigmar released to give people confirmation that nothing dodgy is going to happen to the army.
  6. Man, imagine having a huge collection from WHFB that you then rebased for using as CoS in AoS 2, only to find out they are squatted in AoS 3 and you now need to re-base them back to squares to play in the Old World. I'd be irate.
  7. Whoah, consistently 4-5k per year? Even if I had the spare cash to do that I don't think I'd ever have the time to build and paint 4-5k worth of models per year.
  8. Meh, recasting wouldn't be so popular if GW prices weren't so absurd.
  9. So I read somewhere that Josh Reynolds has resigned from Black Library now?
  10. The original starter set is very good value considering how good the terrain is.
  11. Hmm I would remove the skull grinder from the 2000 point list as well as 1 of the bloodthirsters (or skarbrand). Replace with 2 slaughter priests and gore pilgrims battalion. You'll have some spare points left over for an endless prayer or two depending what you choose to take out. Hexgorger skulls are nice to have.
  12. Little bit perplexed why you're planning on running 3 wrath of khorne thirsters instead of 1 of each type? Also, usually people like to take slaughter priests and the gore pilgrims battalion to support the bloodthirsters.
  13. These Lumineth rules are starting to worry me. Sounding more OP than bone daddies. Sons of Behemat news when?
  14. How many fingers do skinks have? I agree it looks lizard like.
  15. So many amazing models ITT. You guys are seriously good painters!
  16. Thanks to the recommendations in this thread I've started on Plague Garden. It's by the same author as Spear of Shadows so I'm sure it'll be good...but I must admit I find Stormcast to be a bit on the dull side. Might try the Idoneth book after this one, or maybe Gloomspite as quite a few people have been recommending that.
  17. He just dies turn 1 to las cannon fire in 40k doesn't he?
  18. Eh, rather have a $50 plastic character on foot with good rules than a $1,000 resin dragon from forge world with bad rules.
  19. Why don't Blades of Khorne get awesome melee heroes like this :*-(
  20. I've been reading Spear of Shadows by Josh Reynolds and it's been great so far, but today I learned that ol' Josh isn't writing the second or third books for the originally planned trilogy. This makes me a sad. Does anyone have any recommendations for what to read next? I've heard Plague Garden is pretty good? Thank you.
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