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Everything posted by Isotop

  1. First of all, you always apply multiplication/division before addition: "Q: If two abilities affect a value, and one adds a modifier to the value and the other either multiplies or divides the value, do you apply the modifiers before or after multiplying or dividing the value? A: Apply the modifiers after multiplying or dividing the value." (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/age_of_sigmar_core_rules_designers_commentary_en.pdf, page 6) I think a lot (if not the most) movement boni add to the movement characteristic anyways. This whole "characteristic" vs "total value" does not really make a lot of sense, as far as I can see: "Q: Some abilities and spells require you to take a test against another unit’s Bravery characteristic. When this is the case, do you use the Bravery characteristic after any modifiers have been applied, instead of the unmodified characteristic on the unit’s warscroll? A: Yes." (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/age_of_sigmar_core_rules_designers_commentary_en.pdf, page 2) I realize they talk about Bravery in particular here, but this is kind of a precedence for other characteristics as well, is it not?
  2. To be a little bit more precise, it depends. The one time you are allowed to not move at all with the AETHERVOID PENDULUM is when you set it up: "When this model is set up, the player who set it up can immediately make a move with it." (https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/Downloads//ENG_Malign_Sorcery_Aethervoid_Pendulum.pdf) Since the wording uses "can" you are able to set the pendulum up within 1" of a unit and opt to not move in the first place. In this case, the damage effect would not be triggered. When the pendulum is activated at the start of a battle round on the other hand, you have to move with it: "Predatory endless spells are moved at the start of each battle round, after the players determine who will have the first turn, but before the first turn begins. The players alternate picking a predatory endless spell to move, starting with the player who has the second turn. A player must pick a predatory endless spell to move if any are available, but only predatory endless spells that have not yet been moved can be chosen. Once all predatory endless spells have been moved, start the first turn of the battle round." (Malign Sorcery, page 53) As you can see, you have to move with an endless spell not allready moved at the start of this battle round. You are absolutely allowed to move 0", but you will still trigger the damage effect of the pendulum. I hope this is somewhat clear to everyone. There are other cases in which the difference between "not moving at all" and "moving 0"" is important, so this is an interaction you should keep in the back of your head,
  3. I think you are right, since: "Wounds are allocated one at a time to models in the target unit." and "Once the number of wounds allocated to a model during the battle equals its Wounds characteristic, the model is slain. Place a slain model to one side – it is removed from play." (https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Rulesheets/ENG_AoSSW_Rules_booklet_web.pdf, page 7)
  4. For everyone who really wants to hide their Arch-Revenant in a Wyldwood: Hit him with an endless spell and use Ultimare Sacrifice. Problem "solved". 😋
  5. It does not stack, since Arcane has an "any"-wording: "Arcane: Add 1 to casting or unbinding rolls for Wizards while they are within 1" of any Arcane terrain features." (https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Rulesheets/ENG_AoSSW_Rules_booklet_web.pdf, page 10) Further explanation of the usage of "any": "Q: When the word ‘any’ is used in the criteria for an ability, how many times is that ability applied when the criteria for the ability are fulfilled? For example, if an ability said ‘Add 1 to hit rolls for models that are within 6" of any models with this ability’, would I add 1 to the hit rolls of a model that was within 6" of three models with the ability, or would I add 3 to the hit rolls? A: The word ‘any’ is treated as being synonymous with ‘one or more’. In your example, this means that 1 would be added to the hit rolls, not 3. (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/age_of_sigmar_core_rules_designers_commentary_en.pdf, page 7)
  6. Definitely wrong. Curse of da Spider God simply "expands" the normal auto-failure on a hit roll of 1 to 1 and 2 (it even says so in the spell description). Following your statement, Mystic Shield (re-rolling safe rolls of 1) would have no effect. In this particular situation Itchy Nuisance takes precedence indeed. Here is the reference: "Q: If a Wildfire Taurus’ Whirlwind of Destruction ability forces an Idoneth Deepkin unit to fight at the end of the next combat phase, but the High Tide battle trait is in effect, does the unit fight at the start or the end of the combat phase? A: If two abilities that apply to a unit are contradictory and cannot both be applied, the one that was applied second takes precedence. In this case, that means the Idoneth Deepkin unit would fight at the end of the combat phase. Note this only occurs when it impossible to use both abilities. For example, if one ability gave a unit a hit modifier of +1 and another ability gave the same unit a hit modifier of -1, both would be applied (and effectively cancel each other out). (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/age_of_sigmar_beasts_of_chaos_designers_commentary_en.pdf) Remember that Itchy Nuisance can be overridden in case of an ability providing a "first strike" being applied after Itchy Nuisance was cast (for example any ability used at the start of the combat phase). edit: @Scythian I recommend to ask rules questions in the respective rules thread - there will be a greater chance of your questions being answered correctly. And always be wary of answers without any rules reference (no offense @GlitzFan).
  7. All friendly SYLVANETH units wholly within 12" of a unit of Kurnoth Hunters are considered to be in range of command abilities. Therefore, the original range (the 9" you are talking about) is overridden. You can be 69" away from the Arch Revenant and still be affected by his command ability (as long as you are wholly within 12" of a unit of Kurnoth Hunters). You simply do not measure the original range anymore.
  8. Do you realize that your quotation from my post is not the wording of the spell?
  9. I apply a new D3 to every cast/unbind. For it to be the other way, I think the second sentence of Throne of Vines had to be replaced by: "If successfully cast, roll a D3. The caster can add the result to all future casting and unbinding rolls they make until they next move."
  10. No artifact for the Hurricanum: "Q: A Sylvaneth Gnarlroot Wargrove can include an Order Wizard, and a Sylvaneth Winterleaf Wargrove can include an Order unit. Are such units allies? A: Yes they are. However, because they are part of a Sylvaneth warscroll battalion, they do not count towards the number of allied units you can include in a Sylvaneth army, and their points will not count against the number of points spent on allied units for a Sylvaneth army in a Pitched Battle. Note that although they don’t count against these limits, for all other rules purposes they are treated as being allied units, and therefore can’t be given artefacts of power, know spells from its spell lores, and so on." (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/age_of_sigmar_core_rules_designers_commentary_en.pdf, page 8 )
  11. You are not safe on the treetops: "Q: If I charge a model on a terrain feature, and there isn’t a space on which the charging model can stand, can it still make the charge move? A: Yes. As noted above, for simplicity and ease of play, models are assumed to be able to climb up any terrain feature, and can finish a move at any point when they do so (you will need to remember how far it has climbed, and measure distances and visibility to or from that model as if it were in that location). (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/age_of_sigmar_core_rules_designers_commentary_en.pdf, page 5) Models can even hang under a branch, because GW rules*. *the subject, not the verb
  12. I do not know whether this ist relevant for you, but: In matched play, each spell can only be attempted to cast once per hero phase.
  13. Writing from my phone, so the short answers: Yes, the ORDER wizard (e.g. a Loremaster) will be damaged by roused Wyldwoods - remember though they can rouse them from a "safe" distance (>1 to 6 inches). Only Wyches, Wraiths and Treelords get an additional cast in Gnarlroot (other wizards, including Alarielle, not). The stomp does not stack - you roll a single die for each enemy unit within 3" of any model with stomp (check the Sylvaneth FAQ/Designer's commentary). Hope I could help.
  14. I think you are correct. Command abilities are never "used" by heroes. For most abilities, heroes are a point of reference for measurements, but that is all.
  15. How many points are you playing? Neferata´s big problem is her survivability. You have to park her in front of your opponents army to make use of Twilight’s Allure and Nurgle should be able to throw some mortal wounds on her. 550 points (Neferata + 3 CP as you say later) is a hell lot of point "just" to apply -2 to hit in a controlable, shrinking aura around a super fragile monster. Tournaments do not see Neferata because there are simply much better options in Death (I think she could actually be a bit cheaper). However, I can see how playing against only one opponent (or one kind of opponents army) can lead you into thinking Neferata is overpowered. I think it is a great gesture from you to actively make the game more fun for your opponent.
  16. Yes, it is per model. If my answer implied something else, I am sorry
  17. Overgrown Wilderness works a little different from what you describe. Lets say your friend´s Archer A wants to shoot your Dryad D standing in a Wyldwood: (1) Draw a line between the closest points of A´s and D´s bases. This can be a bit tricky, a line laser can help a lot here. (2) Check if the line pases at least 1" through a Wyldwood. If it does, A is not allowed to target D. If it does not, your friend can shoot freely. (3) If A or D or both have the Flying ability (just picture a flying Dryad for a moment 😅), ignore (1) and (2) - both models can see each other freely. You do not have to be sorry for asking questions - it is a great way to learn and understand the game. Also, most people in this forum are super friendly and will gladly help you. Regarding your statement about flying units not having to care about your units in the woods: Just imagine your blob of Dryads camping an important objective - so yes, flying units can shoot them, but this may not be enough to stop them from scoring valuable control points.
  18. Let’s Get Bouncing! (Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig) is such a command ability and was recently discussed in this forum. The more common example is the usage of "any" in description of an ability. Twilight’s Allure could for example say "models affected by any instance of this ability recieve X". We find this kind of wording in a lot of abilities. If you want a list, feel free to ask.
  19. I am picking it apart (and showing my face) because you keep telling (possibly new) players plainly wrong stuff - and I do not think this is okay. You say yourself that Waaagh! (for example) is stackable. How is Twilight’s Allure any different from Waaagh!? You really get it backwards when you say there has to be a clear statement that an ability is stackable. In fact it is the other way around - an ability will stack if it does not say otherwise. Would you say the Warchanter´s Frenzy of Violence does not stack (it does not explicitly say that is stacks)? I guess not. There is nothing in the rules stopping abilities like Twilight’s Allure to stack. You use the ability once. The effect happens. You use it a second time. The effect happens again. If there is no contradiciton in the double application of an effect, why should we think it is unstackable?
  20. Waaagh! is also an effect that simply gives a modifier to units in range. Why would it be different with Twilight’s Allure? You mean the rules do not stop Twilight’s Allure from stacking? Then why do you think so? Every single ability allready tells us wether it does or does not stack. Why would we need such a list? These "certain other abilities" do not stack because their rules text tells us so. Maybe you could name some abilities that do not have a clear wording? Again, abilities state wether they do or do not stack. There is no bases for your interpretation which abilities appear to be stackable.
  21. I did not think that the rolling of dice was an "ability". Because of this I called it a "rule mechanic". What exactly an "ability" is would be a great insight regarding other rules questions as well.
  22. I think your first scenario is indeed correct. Here is the relevant information from the Core Rules: "When you pick a unit to make a normal move, you can declare that it will run. Make a run roll for the unit by rolling a dice. Add the result of the run roll to the Move characteristic of all models in the unit for that movement phase." (https://ageofsigmar.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2018/06/AoS_Rules-ENG.pdf, page 4 under RUNNING) After reading this, we know that have to declare a run when you pick a unit to make a normal move. Lets see what we find about random movement values: "When a unit with a random Move characteristic is selected to move in the movement phase, roll the indicated number of dice. The total of the dice rolled is the Move characteristic for all models in the unit for the duration of that movement phase." (https://ageofsigmar.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2018/06/AoS_Rules-ENG.pdf, page 13 under Random Values) Following this, a random movement characteristic is determined when you select a unit to move. It seems to happen at the same time as declaring wether the unit will run or not. Since there is nothing in the rules stopping two rule mechanics to happen at the same time, my conclusion is that you have to roll the random movement and the run roll together. Therefore, you are not allowed to run with a unit for which you allready determined its Move characterisic. I hope this explanation was helpful to you.
  23. "Named characters such as Nagash, Archaon and Alarielle are singular and mighty warriors, with their own personalities and artefacts of power. As such, these models cannot have a command trait or artefact of power." (https://ageofsigmar.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2018/06/AoS_Rules-ENG.pdf, page 17) It does not talk about traits in general, but command traits specifically. Unless we are missing something, @Bradipo322 is correct (RAW).
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