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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Units of a size greater than 10: Spears 10 or less: Clubs
  2. Could I convert him to a Vampire Lord on Zombie Steed 🤔
  3. CoS Knights: Simply amazing Heroes for the Campaign: Neutral. The FeC hero has too strong Anime vibes. I might be selling my 4K of FeC before they destroy their style entire. Lord of Decay: I usually hate Nurgle, but that guy will be a Chaos Lord for my S2D army ❤️ Campaign: Amazing! I loved Malign Portents, this will be great! Old world: The heroes look solid. But they’re made of resin. It’s just too little too late at this point for me to care.
  4. Concerning the Stormcast: I‘d love to have a unit of Questors.
  5. Mhm. Not a fan of the FeC at all. To me Vampires are Bat related. The moment they become were-apes I lose all interest (not a fan of Apes at all. Imo they‘re just stupid). The Vargskyr is an awesome concept, stick to it. The overall design is too noisy and all the bone clutter makes them look like a cave men tribe, not like FeC. I just hope that’s due to Ghur and not the general direction of the range.
  6. Oh, Hammers of Sigmar again. I like this amount of diversity for all the Stormhosts. It really fleshes them out.
  7. I had my first Game with Seraphon VS Stormcast eternals my list: Coalesced - Not the Monster Subfaction Slan, General, crystal Skull, +2 Spells Scar Vet Scar Vet on Carno 2x 10 Saurus 2x 3 Aggradons with spears 1x Rapordon Lancers 1x Raptordon Javelins 1x Spawn of Chotec 1x 10 Skinks My List isn’t perfect by any means. I won by 1 point! 19:18 About the army: I am not sold on coalesced. The better survivability is great, yet I‘ve never even had the chance to complete a faction battle tactic, those are way too specific. Damage: I barely did any damage. The Saurus and melee Raptordons performed okay, due to the Saurus fighting within 12“ of the pyramid for all if the game. The Aggradons did absolutely nothing. They did 1 wound to Vanquishers across two turns. All they did for me was dying and being expensive. The Javelin Raptordons were okay fir snatching objectives. They did 4-5 wounds across 4 turns (effectively shooting 5 times due to a lancer charge) The Slan: Is fine. He did more damage in melee than all the Aggradon units combined. Scar Vet on Carno: I can’t judge. He got exploded by a lucky chariot charge doing 6 mortals. He can’t take a hit for sure. Highlight: 10 Saurus tanking a fulminator charge, only losing 3 (wth, he rolled badly though and I rolled really good) Soawn of chotec: I loved it. It only did 6 danage, yet it applied its -1 armour 3 times! Summary: The 4+ Save on elite units is bs. They die to a breeze. Magic: I had hoped for more damage. The teleport was nice as is celestide weapons. Imo blocks of Saurus paired with raptordons might be the way to go.
  8. True yet I‘d prefer at least one unit per Army that breaks the same-y-ness of some armies (DoK, FyreDudes and IDK to an extend) Also: Mounted heroes please? The Chaos Lord on steed is super cool to me since there’s the foot version as well. It adds flexibility of what style of army one wants to play. SBGL lack this concerning the Blood Knights sadly - would be great to have a character that can keep up with them.
  9. At first glance I thought this was promoting The LotR Game 😂
  10. Don't you worry. Those Models will be around for years when (financial-)situtations are better. No need to rush out and buy it on release.
  11. Your last point is the important one: Rules on Warscrolls etc. only work if there’s an actual unit (left)
  12. Are you based in the EU (unlikely judging by you paying in USD). I‘d have at least one of said heads somewhere in my Bits-Box, shipping to the US however is night to impossible.
  13. Hello guys, I am selling my Nighthaunt Army to make some space in the cabinet. I have most units bundles uploaded on ebay. To save data and effort you can have a look there and PN me here for items you are interested in (I‘ll remove them from ebay for you if there‘re no bids for the item) Since idk if cross-posting to ebay is allowed (if not, please just delete that part) You can find images of each bundle below No Shipping to Countries outside of the EU (GB as exception, but it’s expensive) Payment via PayPal Only insured shipping (on top of the Model(s)‘s price) Only sold as bundles as seen on the pictures.
  14. I agree. They could do two pages of a generic Lord Warscroll for which you can chose a suffix and gain the corresponding rules. Then chose equipment and voila. example: Lord Chose one: Relictor: Priest Keyword, +1 to chanting rolls, Gains Thundercall and XYZ Ability Heraldor: Gain Thunderblast OR run and charge for a unit. Sraconis: Can chose a Draconic The same goes for Knight XYZ I know they’re writing it all down for simplicities sake and WS Cards but they apparently have lost control over the amount of units. This way they could offer a „Hero Builder“
  15. They were the first for this edition. However imo they‘ve had a difficult start (a lot of useless Scrolls) and things have gotten worse ever since
  16. Army wide 5+ ward against Mortals and we‘re good. Call it Demigods. Alternatively, how about the scaly skin rule fir the whole army? At this point I‘d take anything that‘d make those „demigods“ survive a little longer. (Karazai might even see some play then)
  17. It wouldn’t work well anyways. The Art GW required is very specific and novel. Most current AI Models will fail at trying to replicate such art on a high level of quality.
  18. The rest of the spells isn’t as potent. You also have to roll an unmodified 9+ to get the most out if it, and it must not be unbound. It‘s really nice and puts pressure on your opponent, but it’s not game breaking at all.
  19. What are your thoughts on hunters of huanchi? (Dart pipes) imo they might be cheap enough to be worth their points as a harassing unit (maybe even combined with the terrawings)
  20. Iirc the oldblood on foot can buff them to hit and wound on 2s. At that point they become scary
  21. Spirit Gale has been super good in every single one of my games (even against s2D) within the first two turns I dealt 6x4 Mortal wounds spread across the enemy army. 👌🏻
  22. In my experience units evaporate in an instant (but that's my local meta). However it's nice if a single model survives and keeps blocking the enemy for another turn! Prepare to bring back half strength units.
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