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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. A Harbinger of decay is a priest. If I ally one of them it should be able to choose a generic prayer, does it not? (The app won‘t let me) Meaning curse and the likes. (My warshrine can’t choose either)
  2. Off topic: I don’t know how they could „wow“ me with marines like they did with Tyranids - most Marine releases were either okay or plainly bad (trikes, T-Shirt Thrower). I also can’t think of anything that could wow me except: - Corvus Corax returning - Primaris Jump Infantry and yes I play RG
  3. Looks like a mix if dragon and bull Drakbulls, Bulldraks? TM by me
  4. True, yet Chaos Warriors are smaller than SCE. It might look odd or out of proportion for a SCE to ride a horse.
  5. that's so mean - The Vamp isn't even truly dead if his heart is still intact (also one can see the eyes)
  6. Agreed the army is fine still. I am sad about our never picked units - they didn't need a points drop, they need a rewrite. The new BT has been released for long enough to warrant some changes. As you've mentioned, the Palanquins and Thrones of the BT don't do much. The same goes for our Monsters and most Cursed City units. They could have added one Keyword (Summonable to Kosargi and or the Monsters, so they could be healed at least) Nagash imo has to be rewritten completely. They really need to thin hard about what he is supposed to do - make his Warscrolls 4 Pages if need be, as long as he has about the same use in every Death Faction, OR, FINALLY realize that it's better to write "Aspects" of Nagash, meaning parts of his mind manifesting while the rest of it is busy elsewhere. So they could write an >Nagash: Aspect of Power< Warscroll for SBGL, >Nagash: Aspect of Justice< for Nighthaunt, >Nagash: Aspect of Will<, and maybe >Nagash: Aspect of Deceit< for FeC. Then one more which is >Nagash, Grand Lord of Undeath< himself which goes super nuts with Magics, healing Undead and Causing Terror and mayham etc. which costs 1800+ Points - Only to be used for crazy Narrative Games Edit: The names are just suggestions ofc. There are several fits for several armies: SBGL: Greed, Power, Hunger, Undeath Ossiarchs: Strategie, Will, Patience, War Nighthaunt: Grief, Justice, Torment, Punishment FeC: Madness, Deceit, Betrayal, Delusion
  7. Claiming to be the all knowing super chad isn’t a good base for a discussion, especially since you are not. Your damage calculations might be correct, yet you are utterly wrong about how units perform since damage is only one part of the puzzle as is points. To break it down to a very crude hyperbole: You say bananas should be cheaper because they don’t deal any damage. Edit: 60 point skinks mean I will flood the whole board with 200 skinks and I still have 800 points left for the good stuff.
  8. Some point changes are weird: Vampire Lords, Nagash (even at 900 he‘s trash, rewrite his warscroll already, 15 times is the charm), Lumineth? Daughters (they’re beyond helping at this point, the point drops do not matter). I like that they tried to fix the LRL shooting - archers hitting and wounding on 2s within 6“ isn’t enough of a nerf (melee snipers of doom)
  9. they will once their units don't get the worst of crappy stats again - that's what made playing Darkling's in Cities so tedious. (I'd love to field my giant Darkling Horde along humans and Dwarves!)
  10. Nagash could be Nasty with the new Spelllore.... oh boy idk why "magic heavy" is almost always resulting in absurd amounts of Mortal Wounds - it's so uncreative
  11. It’s about 2 normal faces the rest looks like the demography of germany: Oooooold and sport is a foreign word; main source of nutrients: Beer. I‘ve rarely seen so many „uncle“ faces. 🤣 Main purpose of the Dawnbringer Crusades: avoiding elderly Care. Sorry for being so dark guys
  12. Great model. Yet as a resin model I‘ll never buy it. Cleaning and „un-bending“ parts glueing it: Pure Horror Playing with it: Everything will break the new cities Models are mostly awesome!
  13. Would love to know if there’s the option to build a generic lady out of this?
  14. At this point I am certain s.o. in The design team has an ape fetish, jesus.
  15. Would be the first Faction Terrain that would make sense (because it can walk)
  16. From a first-ish read-through I am not a fan. as mentioned above it’s a reinforcement of r/p/s. There are obvious abuses (Tzeentch guaranteeing a 4D6 MW blizzard) und resulting NPEs. This feels like a step back from the previous GHB. It feels a lot like the Galletian-Fiasko GHB (maybe about 80% as bad) I might give this a try. However I think I might skip this GHB: imo it adds nothing to the game but frustration and very whacky matchups. Sorry for the negativity folks.
  17. Thought so too - I still build the clubs. Imo the spears are too thin and prone to breaking (the clubs look great as well)
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