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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Now think what would have happened if the skaven got a model update! Probably the downfall and the destruction of Sigmars forces😜
  2. Yes Brayherd’s is literally the name for every unit that has the gor or ungor keyword in its name. As for the great grays, I think gavespawn and the Allherd are probably the way for you to go. Dark walkers isn’t bad either but, you really just want to take it if you’re interested in playing other units with the ambush rule, which usually is only meant for Brayherd’s. still there’s nothing wrong going for a greatfray you like the most, or just ignoring it at all and going without them. Beasts of chaos has probably one of the better battalions then other 2.0 battletomes. The khorne battailon will give your Army a decent buff and will make it a bit easier to hit your targets. the tzeentch battaillon, well let’s you basically deploy with one drop. The nurgle battalions can damage your enemy’s a bit, this far is just go with one that fits your esthetic, or just try them all a bit out.
  3. If your going the everchosen way, you’ll be able to take pestilence units as allies, since Everchosen take allies from any chaos faction. although this is only if your going with Everchosen as your army You could also go with the generic chaos allegiance which is right now anyways the only allegiance your able to take with Everchosen and just play mixed chaos
  4. Well I myself don’t really care if my opponent plays his whole army true to it’s looks. on tournaments it can be different though, than again I’ve been playing my clanrats who are a mixed bunch of spears and swords, always equipped with swords (hand weapons), and nobody really cares about it. So I guess there are exceptions🤷‍♂️
  5. Well then the other option that is also a possibility is just not playing against this very competitive person and well find somebody else. or try playing one of the narrative battle plans, (should be fun even if one of you is playing a very strong army)
  6. Yes I know I literally had the book in the 8th edition. If I’m remembering correctly he had the option to be taken on foot, horse, horse with Armour, Griffon and dragon I just put the symbol incorrectly edit: what I found funny was that there were many rules for models that didn’t exist or never have had a model representing another mount
  7. It’s funny but the possibility did exist😂. Now where were we, ah yes the rumor picture showing us the new crocrat.
  8. Don’t know, just started with Gloomspite Gitz. they are surely pricy but on paper they seem good as a damage dealing meathsield unit. havent tried them out yet though (nor do I have them yet ) but you they definitely should be a interesting unit. You release the smashas at the beginning of the phase before any charges are made.
  9. Well there’s a skavenplayer who uses unarmored Stormfiends as rat ogres. another solution would be to take the ratogre from the screaming bell set and kitbash it with a few different bitz
  10. Good luck then, still even if it isn’t possible to prevent the enemy from charging, but most damage dealing magic or shooting attacks can be literally be kept away from your General.
  11. It’s definitely an interesting question that could be in need of some clarification, but since it doesn’t exist and there are no rules prohibiting to charge an Enemy that is technically not seen, I would probably say that in such a case it would be useless
  12. I’m impressed by the sparkling coven player who got the 38th place
  13. Could be a endless spell in the form of a snake (sotek) for the seraphons
  14. Looks fantastic, maybe I’ll get a chance sometime playing with my 2000p of painted clan Mors skaven against your Dwarfs of clan Angrun😊
  15. As a Competitive player, I find it very interesting and a challenge worthy of my time, to try and succeed with a list that isn’t, the best but maybe the worst. I mean sure I could play the best army with the best army composition, but I mean everybody can use a Warplightning vortex efficiently if he has the know how (which hopefully most skavenplayers have), but it is much more interesting to succeed with a list that is much weaker then others used at the competitive scene.
  16. Just wait till the Kharadrons and Fyreslayers get overrun by verminlike creature (skaven, Gloomspite Gitz), then we need some good old stubborn duardins that follow only their ancestral grudges. (really, really want to see those guys back, playing against stormcast, Dok, DP and Nurgle all the time sometimes can sour your mood.)
  17. Well, the Aelven Range or at least what’s left of it, is almost entirely made out of plastic, and that’s not all, the units even look fantastic! Discontinuing then would be a waste of money, better of making one or more battletome/s (mixed aelves, Teclis/Tyrion/Malerion aelve battletomes etc.). Give them a terrain piece and some endless spells (and rule updates in a book), and boom, money is raining, and less players and armies to worry about. .
  18. To be cunning you must be unpredictable on the battlefield and your tactics, unexpected. It’s a miracle you haven’t till now😂
  19. The true heir to the karaks of chamon. hopfully Gw notices the lack of old faction support.
  20. Yeah I’m guessing dok probably won’t have any problems smashing through my lines.😂 Still I will probably go this route, always liked the idea of mix matching units together, and I’m really into the theme of having a ton of Squigs followed by a massive Gitz horde, and maybe a few troggoth (definitely need a Dankhold) as the hammer/s.
  21. Settra!😝 (Edit: the lore from forbidden chambers are rather well unknown right now. If I’m not mistaken than we just got a few interesting short story’s telling us how the skaven purposely opened the chamber (definitely on purpose) as for anything else, we’ll i think will be getting more information and maybe a new army, or re-ruled Faction that rises from the pits of darkness (maybe) in the upcoming weeks, when Sylvaneth hopefully are being officially released)
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