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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. 😂, a 100bugs for 20 because the incredible skryre acolytes didn’t sell. after all they have to get money in some way or form
  2. Ah yes from that show. it was quite boring. It had no skaven in it
  3. Add in plague monks, warlock engineer, calwlord on brood horror or on bonebreaker rat ogre, rattling guns and warpfire thrower weapon teams, and as a skaven players I would agree. Easy to build clanrats😂, you know I have a feeling that the easy to build clanrats boxset, should that ever become a thing will be harder to build then the current models. i mean literally have you ever build a clanrat before? it’s 2 pieces. the body and a single arm you have to glue together per model. no easy to build kit I know of is that easy😂. also 35euros is pretty cheap for 20 models in this day and age of games workshop rule. a new revamped clanrat unit would mean we’d be taking the risk that clanrats could get much more expensive for a reduced amount of models. so 10 clanrats for 50 bugs. I’d hate to see that, considering that the models still look amazing
  4. Well… i’ve seen the rule, and as a dispossessed player I am quite disappointed. currently it seems like city of sigmar is a book written for humans. Well at least Phoenix guard have reawakened as darkling coven black guard. now black guard have a 4+ ward😂
  5. Sorry I meant they never had coaltition. That was lazy writing on my side😅, sorry mate. personally I would still love to see a city that only allows dwarfs.
  6. Well I mean so do the fyreslayers. and they jave never been a coalition unit for the army. also whats the talk about tournaments banning older models, that’s the first time I’ve heard of that, or I wouldn’t have been playing the last 5 tournaments against a lumineth army comprised of old high elves😂
  7. I don’t know how well it would do in the current meta, but man go all for it. anybody not allowing you to use those legend model, is pretty much probably a doofus anyways. Ps: although asking or telling your opponent before what you would like to use in such cases is never a bad idea.
  8. Don’t know. I am literally the guy using legend warscrolls, so definitely not me😂
  9. The skaven are an incredible faction and in need of an update, in models and especially in the rules (the chrrent book is a pile of waldorf goodness, and not a book written for skaven, about the skaven or has anything to do with the skaven at all.) I think you have made some great point. While I’m uncertain what in your oppinion gets removed from tje range in skryre considering that all currently existing units with a refresh, as you would have mentioned would stay, I don’t quite agree on the clan moulder part of your thought. while I agree that the packmaster isn’t needed in the way we have them currently, as hou habe mentioned, I would not want to see rat ogres and giant rats removed from the range. do that and we either have a clan unplayable in its mono stayed or with the exception of the hero and list that will no matter how you play it will always look the same. so personally I would keep the rat ogres giant rats. add in more monsters, for example having the brood horror back as a mounted and not mounted state have wolf rats be a thing again. as for the packmasters. On their own they make no sense I would prefer seeing them become a part of every rat ogre and giant rats unit. Something similar like the gloomspite gitz have for their squig heard. A few extra wounds that can give out a small buff every turn. It would make the packmaster mkre interesting, rather then being a worser master moulder.
  10. I welcome you sneaky-backstabbing rat. clearly you have done a great job at spy-hearing our enemies.
  11. You are indeed correct. let’s continue with the skaven then😜😋
  12. Well, gw mentioned something similar of magic becoming a phase thing with those ability. it’s more of a fear then anything else. You could easily use pretty much all of the units of those factions as well with blissbarb archer maybe being the exception
  13. While I don’t quite think that much will change in blandness, if a spell like the fireball gets cast in a mgical phase or the shooting phase, there are definitely some concerns I’m currently facing. When the new edition of 40k came out (10th) they announced something very similar to this one, yet instead of making magic an interesting factor on it’s own it basically became like an all around ability existing all the time on the wizard, without me needing to succeed a casting roll or the opponent getting any chance to dispel. while this procedure definitely took away one of the phases making the game in it’s own way a bit faster then last edition, magic or psychic abilities currently in my opinion are ver dull and boring in that current editions 40k.
  14. What makes me really intrigued, is basically the fact that units like the empire hunters or bugman rangers could really fit well as one of those units
  15. Same here. lot of the models I’ll be taking from highlander miniature. they make amazing 3d printable models. i’m not certain that I will be able to play them at any of the tournaments in my area, but I don’t mind it either.
  16. Considering the new models for city of sigmar. they look cool…. but I’d prefer having the old models. thankfully they will be staying or better said coming back thx to old world. considering that, I have no problems starting an empire swiss Reichsläufer army with the different heraldry. they’ll be this army that kinda started to understand how useless armor is against blackpowder weapon and opted for lighter armor, as well as stylish clothes, to show what it means to be a proud man/ or woman of the swiss city of new…… lets go with Bremgarten
  17. I agree doomwheels should be just battleline (and the possibility to take one as a hero)
  18. I remember a time in aos where there was basically no fluff at all. but while I do agree that the lore of aos, is still a bit iffy, gw did prove that they can slowly build up on it. i think when it comes down to the lore of aos certain factions like the city of sigmar are greatly established in the mortal realms. with all the books and such as well as the warhammer tv series the cities of sigmar seem to start blooming a lot more then they did back in the days. yet not every faction are like the city of sigmar, and this is probably that is something I find very sad as it is currently standing. armies like the skaven, great movers, destroyers of cities and killers of gods (I’m not joking they made a weapon specifically to kill such beings in the old world) or beast of chaos, children of true chaotic power, just don’t seem to really get any light in the wholesomeness of aos, at which point I would always start telling somebody interested in the fluff in sich armies to have a look at books written about those faction in the old world. and that just makes this whole thing a bit sad. I mean for skaven for example they are really missing a lot. they are this huge thread that should need to be dealt with and yet, they have been doing nothing really in the late few years, then to just foil a few plans of nagash, kill a few fish-things with a miss placed whole and such. and the bit of fluff that exist kinda just gets ignored because it isn’t great at all. i mean the whole idea to make the greater clans that existed in the past as a name to describe multiple smaller clans that basically follow the description of what does bigger clans all where about just seems, less intimidating, i personally think they should just keep with the old world fluff on that
  19. Me personally, I just want the skaven to destroy kill sigmar, which would lead-make much more interesting space… er I mean sigmarine-things. and to be able to field a 31’000points army of skaven and to be able to field-play any kind of skaven list that can currently make up a legal list (which is already the case so let’s stick with 31’000points)
  20. Which makes it exactly a rumor😂😜… so lets continue
  21. You are truly correct my friend. let’s all get back to the rumors….… ……. …… …about the skaven😜
  22. Nothing is going to wow me more then a skaven release (or space rats)
  23. As a skaven player……… i’m postitive we will be getting new book next year
  24. Considering that a conversion is in theory nothing but a proxy for another model😜, and as somebody who plays skaven (and has build a ton of new units and converted a lot of stormvermins/clanrats into amazing looking weapon teams) I definitely know what I’m talking about
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