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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Yeah just not sure though if the hellbrute or forgefiends even need a new model. they still look fantastic, are rather new and made out of plastic. so this might be a new daemon engine for the csm. Or maybe even a heavy Ectoplasma canon for a new chaos space marine units
  2. Yeah you really can see the age of those models (boys and that chariot thingie), which really doesn’t look that well with a Ironjaws army who have like very good looking models. But still they would fit perfectly together the fluff is similar, heck even Gordraks big whaaag is a horde of “ALL GREEN-THINGS”. So for the love of Gork (or Mork?) make greenthing big again.
  3. I see a possibility of using those miniatures as Bestigors for a Nurgle/khorne battailon styles army
  4. Yeah it’s a great looking model, although I like the Queek Headtaker miniature more.
  5. Well I’m. Not sure why Gw would discontinue an army which was represented very strong at the beginning of the lore. Even now Slave to darkness are a might heavily representing the Everchosens Forces. Also a discontinuation of any army or faction is rather unthinkable. Possibility is of course that some factions may get the Boc treatment and may loose one of their keywords or gain one more. As for the old world is destroyed and Averland doesn’t exist anymore, is a stupid way of thinking that your army you painted is invalid. Yeah maybe Averland doesn’t exist in this World anymore. But still you could keep the color scheme and say that maybe one of the more greater Hero’s of Averland survived the whole End times, and has built a City in some Realm which now owns the Averlorn name and its old heraldry. Even I’m doing the same thing with my skaven Force, still sticking with one of my favorite clans (clan Mors) and telling a story how Queek Headtaker was revived thanks to the malign portents events that happend (old hero’s gaining a body in the new world).
  6. Looks good. and no not really I wouldn’t take too many wizards with you anyways, but that’s just my thoughts for your list. and extra wizard would give you the possibility of banning another casting but that extra banning is well in my oppinion just not needed, who cares if somebody does some damage on your clanrats, or casts the doublicating damage and en extra -1 rend onto their witch Aelves. Actually you really want to Bann that one, but since it will be cast most of the time by a surten old hag who for some reason is as gifted as Nagash when it comes to magic, and thanks to her +3 to the cast you’ll either have to roll very high or can just forget it. So your probably better of just taking a wizard and not 2
  7. Good luck mate??? Kill-slay manthings Gloooooooooooooooooooooooory to pestilence
  8. Oh ok sorry for the misunderstanding, I really am with you in this case. Even with the point increase for the sky fire, I also believe that they still have some worth left. I still see a potential for them in sniping key character who ride big Monsters or are one themself. They can also snipe of those very irritating artillerie units like the stormcast now have. As for 30Bestigors, I’ll happily accept your challenge, I am after all the master of Hordes, The Verminlord hated by all Beard-things, feared under foolish small Green-things and respected by their biggger brethren’s, “SKREECH VERMINKING” should I manage to get all of my 30Bestigors into combat I’ll happily send you guys a picture, oh and don’t worry those guys are definitely not on 25mm bases like my Gors (??no wonder they did so well) but this’ll probably need some time since I only own 20of those Bestigors right now? Blood for the brass bull, Skulls for the skull Throne.
  9. Sounds interesting. just one question, are you comparing a 400p unit (6skyfires) with a 120p unit (10Bestigors)? No offense skydive definitely have potential, if rightly used, but still I’m not sure if you should compare 400p with like 120p.
  10. Looks good . I’d equipped the warlord with a warpforged blade and shield, since the shield will Garantie you that he might live a little bit longer. the warpforgrd sword won’t really make him better or as good as a Ironjaws Megaboss, but should deal a lot of damage should he hit and wound with most of his attacks. but let me tell you something, you don’t want your warlord in the frontline, there are reasons why Skaven Generals and hero’s lead from the back. no Skaven Warlord, Grey seer or Verminlord in their right mind would ever engage their foe face to face and definitely won’t be a part of the first wave reaching the Enemy except for Queek Headtaker, but that guy was a beast in combat. what you want to do is to wait until your foe-things are engaged with clanrats Stormvermins etc. And are wounded to the prime this is the only time your Skaven Warlord will shine in battle. Verminlords can engage much earlier but beware of hero’s or monsters like Nagash, Morathi, Stardrake etc.
  11. Then yes, your list is definitely something to be reckoned with. just as a reminder, you’ll be having around 600p worth of hero’s if your taking a Warbringer, Corruptor and a Skaven Warlord. If your Also looking forward of using a unit of 40Stormvermims this’ll cost you 1100p. But don’t worry to soon my friend you’ll still have plenty of points left, even if your taking 120clanrats as battleline, for a unit of stormfiends, 4warpfire thrower Teams or 5poisoned Wind mortars, etc. i like the way your going and 2Verminlords can have a punch. suprise your foe, show them what we got, Kill-slay manthings, Destroy-take City burrows, Yes-yes, Hurry-scurry my children, for we will rise and take-steal what should be ours. Glooooooory to Mors
  12. What’s the other Verminlord you have or want to have in your Army? and is your army more focusing on verminus or pestilence or etc.?
  13. Well you usually don’t see too many people using 2Verminlords. But hey any new list is a suprise for your enemy, surprise them and victory will be yours Yes-yes
  14. Ähm I’m very sorry in informing you about The Dark avenger. but Gw changed the rule for it. now it states that only your general with the dark avenger trait gets a +1to the hit roles against order units. Yeah it’s funny how much worse the grand allegiance got??
  15. Yeah I was thinking of the same idea. but them having next to protecting my whole army from something like a Gavriel bomb etc. To, also hold objective. You know how angry the foe-thing will get when he gives you the first turn, and you won’t be moving any of your units but instead will put 120 worthless points of meatshields who are holding now most-all objective markers in the first turn (giving you a lead) and making it impossible for him to deepstrike any of his units?? yes-Yes, stupid weak meat (posterthings) will pay-die.
  16. Well no. the only keyword the allegiance commands you to have is Slaanesh. with your hero now owning the Slaanesh keyword they can take a commandtrait plus an artefact with ease
  17. Well Slaanesh isn’t bad either since their allegiance will allow your beastlord or Doombull etc. To take a command trait and artefact.
  18. So you could have the Khorne etc. allegiance abilities for your Beastmen. in other word you could field a full army out of Gors and Bullgors with the brazen bull formation and be a part of a Khorne warband.
  19. Your list and army looks fantastic. although I myself have to say that I’ll probably never take anything that doesn’t have the Verminlord or Skaven keyword into my Army. but still we greatly appreciate your report. also your army on parate looks fantastic. good job Marc Wilson
  20. Most units aren’t scary on their own. the only exception would probably be stormcast with their elite units
  21. Uncomfortable issue? you definitely never played a real horde army. my foes would be relieved if I’d only bring around 120models. uncomfortable issues start at about 400models?? edit:3x30Bestigors is definitely a good idea to go for. if your keen of a real horde army inwould recommend to just fill your army with bestigors and take maybe for another hero a Shaggoth. if your not I’d try filling your back line with Enlightements on disc and some hero’s as well as maybe a cygor or Ghorgon. edit: hiers and idea I had a possibility of making a first turn charge and, enough hero’s to support your Bestigors. (ps:it’s just an idea so if you don’t like it, you don’t have to use it.)
  22. It definitely has potential. but if your army will have a chance of taking and holding objective and live till the end of round 5-6 is something that depends against what kind of player (and army) you’ll be trying your list on. against a tournament player you might struggle. agaisnt somebody who enjoys playing and is looking for a fun matchup or only wants to play his army after a certain fluff, then yes your army will be perfect. but still like Gwendar already said it, try your list out (which means play it a few times 3-5) have fun and chance some things if something seems to be not doing what it should do. anyways hope this’ll help you, and happy wargaming/ Kill-slay yes-yes Poster-things shall pay-die, Glooooooooooory to mors (or your clan)
  23. Looks like a claw from some sort of a Slaanesh model. but could also be a new skaven invention probabaly a giant rat or hell pit abomination, which got mixed with a giant scorpion: the giant Ratpion
  24. At all cost do not make your Verminlord your warlord. he will die immediately ( edit:) die if you do so, and if your Enemy has a lot of shooting. as for warlord traits artefacts. id go for crown of conquest for the battleshock immunity for near friendly units, and Lord of war, Cunning deceiver or Maleciont conquer(don’t know or care how you spell the last word). ps:should you want your warbringer in combat at all times try the dopplegangercloak. the bemeny will not be able to attack this model before it will attack, which could sometimes mean that a enemeny might not fight at all.
  25. Skaven: have a look at the doomwheel or ratogres and Plague monks box set. youll find there a ton of giant rats. if those little useful giant rats aren’t big enough for you take a look at the screaming Bell who has literally a ratogre as it’s pet. Or Thanquol riding on his majestic Bonebracker ratogre.
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