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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. That depends on a few factors. why did you start skaven. what are your favorite units in what direction would you like to go with the skaven.
  2. To that point I actually added in a rule for my fanmade skaven faq. basically embracing the clalwords nature of boasting. Shortly put having more calwlords would mean that after the first the other clawlords get envious and get a small buff for fifhting in combat and each clawlord can issue the same command for free on a 4+ when one of the clawlords issues it first
  3. Those are some awesome ideas. I hope you wouldn’t mind it if I took some into my fanmade faq, which I’ll post in this chat soon-ish
  4. Could you mahbe send a pic of your army? also as for grand strat, I’d go for kill all wizard. basically your job is to make certain that your opponent has 0 wizard left. and even if you start a game with 6 skaven wizard, i wouldn’t be worried too much about that. afterall skaven are easy to kill, and even if your opponent isnmt capable of killing your army. you can easily throw your heroes into combat to make certain that they die automatically
  5. I’m actually keen in getting some of the new ardboyz for the old world. skrasnik night goblin army is known to have a small black ork warboss leading some black orks in the naem of the gobbo lord
  6. 20 ardboyz and 2700points of gitz. I’m going for an old world style fantasy army
  7. For me it is the city of pillar, because clan mors and rats rule!
  8. Personally the whole skaven needed a rewrite the moment it came out. while I do attempt to play at tournaments, I am a casual beer and bretzel player at heart and against and with my buddies. what is most important for me and the reason I played the skaven so often was and is the lore. it is amazing and yet the new skaven books represents as little of that as possible. I don’t like it at all. personally the update to the screaming bell and furnace does put both units into a spot the cauldron is, but personally, I don’t see much changing here. the screaming bell, will more likely still never see play, after all it is either a bad warscroll or about 220 points over its playable cost. the furnace on the other hand might be able to use those changes to it’s advantages. the battle tactic, while a nice addition to our hard to get ones, is’t an auto include, but more of a tactic that is situational as a battleline unit is needed that survived last turns enemy charge or charges.
  9. I don’t think gw can even bring out a book resembling what we have in our current edition. at this point I guess you could say the skaven would fee worse them being removed from the range. personally though I do have to say this. I don’t think this update has helped the skaven in a sense of bringing them back up to a good standart at all. While we did get a new battle tactic. this one those feel more like well most of the time you won’t be able to take it. the hero part of scurry-running away is easy. but keeping the unit of battleline long enough alive to do it afterwards is incredible tricky.
  10. Man the new battescroll update is kinda mean to the skaven. https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/AefiGVn8NoPchpF2.pdf I don’t see us rising in the meta at all.
  11. For the sake of old world, I do hope they come with the variants of great weapons to be fielded in battle instead of spears and shield. or at least give them a decent hand weapon with those shields
  12. I’m personally going for a landsknecht, Reichsläufer army for my cities of sigmar. personally I wouldn’t bother with a single paintscheme uniting your forces or not. the landsknecht or Reichsläufer weren’t really known to wear or be equipped with the same weapon in a line and so on. and having each and every unit representing a different clan, family etc. is still something amazing to look at. so go with the scheme you want to paint your minis
  13. Thankfully old world is there to replace aos…..…. …for me😂 (or warhammer army project if it isn’t good enough
  14. Yes, unless he has mkre then 13 wounds
  15. I will happily. Although my first and foremost plan is to win that price for best painted. (It’s a small tournament of 10 people max. So competition is small) also good luck to you and your eshin army😁
  16. If we are having a discussion about fussilators and blossbarbs. shouldn’t we first discuss the fact that dwarfen irondrakes cost 10points more then the fusilators?
  17. I do play rattling gun weapon teams a lot in the skaven faction. and I am a pretty much a skaven player, even though I do have to mention that the current skaven battletome represents the skaven incredible badly. Personally there aren’t too many buffs you can give the rattling gun weapon team. The probably more well known one would be a +1 to hit through a command ability like all out attack or the command trait deranged inventor. Preferable of course mmwp would be used, yet you often have to ask you if there isn’t a better unit to get that buff. but lets leave that fact out. The ratting gun weapon team hits and wounds on 4s with a rend of -1 and damage of 1. we can increase the damage for up to 3 rattling gun weapon teams to 2 per shot. and they can throw out an amount of attacks equal to the result of a 2d6 +3 Since that means that the rattling gun weapon team will do on average a bad amount of damage will definitely want to overcharge the rattling gun weapon team, increasing the attacks characteristics to the amount of the result of a 4d6 +3. Depending if you’re playing a fun game against friends, at an event where the rules as intended are used, or at a tournament where only rules as they are written apply the rattling gun weapon team will either die immediately after shooting or it will never explode
  18. So I’ll be attending a small tournament next week, and since I currently don’t have much time to paint anything new, and am Interested in competing at the best painted competition, I opted for this list: Army Faction: Skaven - Grand Strategy: Slaughter of Sorcery - Triumphs: Inspired LEADER 1 x Warlock Bombardier (100)* - Spells: Merciless Blizzard 1 x Warlock Bombardier (100)* - Spells: Merciless Blizzard 1 x Warlock Bombardier (100)** - General - Command Traits: Deranged Inventor - Artefacts: Esoteric Warp Resonator - Spells: More-more-more Warp Power! 1 x Warlock Bombardier (100)** - Artefacts: Vial of the Fulminator - Spells: Levitate 1 x Warlock Bombardier (100)** - Spells: Merciless Blizzard BATTLELINE 5 x Skryre Acolytes (70) 5 x Skryre Acolytes (70)** 5 x Skryre Acolytes (70)** BEHEMOTH 1 x Doomwheel (140) OTHER 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Ratling Gun (60) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) CORE BATTALIONS: *Andtorian Acolytes **Warlord TOTAL POINTS: (1980/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App Personally I went for the wizard killing one as I have a feeling that my own heroes are probably going to be dead before turn 5. and this seemed more promising and likely to be possible for me to get then the other grand strats. in any other case, I’ll be trying to deal as much destruction and mayhem as it is possible. Also for every aspect I have in my army a or more warlock bombardiers represent that. the poisoned wind fanatics got their own doom warlock with his apprentice bombardier behind him. and the more refinde better ratting gun wielding bombardiers, well will command my squad of 13 rattling gun weapon teams. and the boring generic bombardier will be commanding the boring generic warpfire throwers
  19. I really gotta watch that video then. The skaven wishlist of wishing something unknown seems preposterous. Edit: by the way, of which podcast are we talking about?
  20. Looks fake to me. he has nothing about the skaven, except an excuse.
  21. Love the idea, although I’d probably stick with the normal orge models. it is kinda funny but I started the army with the release of the ogre kingdom trailer from total war warhammer. and I loved it
  22. I’ve got me-self some pirat ogre hungry for some feasting. thankfully the big ‘ummies (megagargants) are willing to lend a hand, or in this case their body for that feast. in about a month I’ll be playing against a friends gargant army. and while I’m not really known to play ogre I still had that army and am Interested in getting some fighting down with them. so this will be my list. Army Faction: Ogor Mawtribes - Army Subfaction: Underguts - Grand Strategy: Saga of the Monster Hunter - Triumphs: Inspired LEADER 1 x Bloodpelt Hunter (140)* - General - Command Traits: Deadly Aim - Artefacts: Gruesome Trophy Rack 1 x Slaughtermaster (140)* - Spells: Blood Feast 1 x Tyrant (150)* - Artefacts: The Fang of Ghur - Big Name: Giantbreaker BATTLELINE 6 x Ogor Gluttons (240) - Crusher - Bellower - Tribal Banner Bearer with Lookout Gnoblar - Ogor Club or Bluntblade and Ironfist 4 x Ironguts (240) - Gutlord - Bellower - Rune Maw Bearer 4 x Leadbelchers (160)* 4 x Leadbelchers (160)* ARTILLERY 1 x Ironblaster (200) OTHER 4 x Mournfang Pack (170) - Hornblower - Tribal Banner Bearer - Skalg - Gargant Hackers 3 x Maneaters (150) CORE BATTALIONS: *Warlord TOTAL POINTS: (1920/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App it is mostly for fun, and as somebody who really likes the old world fluff I opted to go for such an army
  23. Good luck mate. may the horned eat bless you with filth and glory
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