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Everything posted by Overread

  1. Purely attention seeking since not everyone checks racial threads outside of the big one : https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/31047-beastmen-scale-questions/
  2. Greetings all, I require the talented services of those who have beastmen models, a ruler and perhaps a camera and some other GW models. I'm after some scale and dimension info and the only thing I can get from the GW website is the base sizes for models. So if you've got some models and want to help out I could do with the following: 1) Measurements of each model. Things like the height (foot to eye); width; length; weapon length; arm length etc... Basically whatever you can give. 2) Photos comparing beastmen to other armies - Daughters of Khane, Slaves to Darkness, A Space Marine. This is purely so I can compare with what I currently own and have a rough idea/reference point outside of the measurements.
  3. Another good Cockatrice is from Blue Giant Studios (Atlantis Miniatures/Print Your Monsters) and their recent dragon kickstarter, which is now in its post-campaign phase so you can still pledge through MMF. It's one of my more favourite designs. Also if you don't have a 3D printer there's a good chance that they might put it into physical production as they state that is the plan for several of the models from the KS
  4. Anyone who wants too can start a new primary thread for the new magazine for AoS so all the news and updates for that can go into one place
  5. MODERATOR NOTICE I remind ALL members that we do not tolerate the advocation of piracy/theft on the forums. By all means if a price is too much for you then you are free to not buy something, but do not condone, link, promote or otherwise encourage the use of stolen/pirated material.
  6. Historicals are -- strange. They seem to rely almost totally on a very mature (40+) aged market that sort of seems to just gravitate toward them rather than a strong marketing campaign. Certainly whenever I see historical groups or gatherings there are exceptionally few to no younger gamers present. It's a bit of an enigma in the wargame market. I suspect the fact that sci-fi/fantasy DO have market cross over means that young people still get encouraged into the hobby itself and then just seem to gravitate toward historical games once they turn 40 or so
  7. One thought on the original topic regarding "this mess". If you look at any hobby or interest you will see problems. Things that could be easily fixed, things that baffle your mind as to why they are what they are and things that drive you nuts because the solution is right there to be taken and isn't. Everything is like that. It's a bundle of different skills, experiences, budgets, design choices, ignorance, staged design failures, keeping it cheap, factory issues, different perspectives, different agendas and more. The important thing is that within any hobby the negatives have to be smaller than the positives for a person to enjoy themselves. Age of Sigma has problems; we often talk about them a lot and the internet is a hyper-focal engine for focusing on the negatives, sometimes into the extreme. People are far more likely to post about one problem than the twenty games they've enjoyed; and discussions about one problem are more likely to get a lot of attention over "hey had a great game this weekend" type threads. So one risk with any interest is getting too engaged in online negativity which can then spill over into your real life hobby and suddenly you're hyper focusing on the negatives and missing the reward, the positives. It's a big reason that TGA focuses on avoiding negativity on the site. We fully allow critical evaluation and constructive critique; but we try to avoid the hyper negativity which can sometimes plague our hobby. Creating a place on the net that tries to focus more on the positive and to be constructive when looking at the negative. Another aspect is that in the real world if you fall out of interest with a hobby you generally won't bother turning up to the store or game night event. You just won't put the effort and money and time into turning up most times. However online its dead easy to turn up to the forum or facebook group every day. Even if you've no longer got an interest and you're more hyper aware of the negatives. This can create a negativity culture where a few people are "out" of the hobby (or one firm) and yet are still coming around talking about it. Again it ends up hyper focusing on the negative. Every single thing has ups and downs, finding the flaws is good; but so too is taking the time to find the good things. Balanced critique of anything has to look at the ups and the downs otherwise you run the risk that you only identify problems and lose sight of the positives.
  8. Any game, even Warhammer, relies heavily on at least a small core (even just one person) of people who promote the game at the local level. That is people who organise games, communicate, spread the word, recruit others into the game etc... Warhammer its easier because GW does a lot of that work themselves, both through being the major player in the market and through direct means such as their website, videos, on the street stores and more. Many other firms don't have the resources for all that, so they rely heavily on local community individuals to represent the game and promote it. All that takes time, dedication, some money and skill. Setting up intro games means having at least 2 basic full forces nicely painted; it means having a good grasp of the rules; it means having good social skills to draw people in, make them feel welcome, introduce them to the game and more. For example when Privateer Press ended their Press Ganger system, it was one of the contributing factors in their market starting to fall apart. Losing those informal to formal local reps meant losing the person who kept the games going; who kept drawing people in. Which causes contraction and collapse. In general you can get other games to run locally, but it will take work and effort and requires a skill set that not everyone has, even if they are really passionate about running a certain game. Of course its not all bad, GW recruits new people in all the time and even if they are only playing Warhammer this month, they are in the market, in the wargamer hobby and thus prime targets to be drawn to other games. Even if you only get them as far as painting and building models of other games.
  9. MODERATOR NOTICE - I'm going to leave this thread open for now as whilst the opening post is more complaining/grumbling than we generally allow, thus far the replies have been very mature, sensible and constructive. Which is exactly what we aim for on TGA - the potential to have critical discussions, but avoiding constant negativity.
  10. Don't forget a big part of it is continued lockdowns and concern over corona. A lot of gamers are stuck with our only major events being the new release of things, which makes us a bit more hyper aware of release rates, esp if the releases aren't for what we collect. Couple that with delays and GW having issues (they have $5million worth of outstanding orders to clear in the USA by the end of this month) with global shipping and other things its all made for a very strange launch for a new edition. 40K has the same issues as well; however its a 30 year old game which has retained its popularity so it has a touch more momentum than AoS which, whilst its built off an old game, did have a significant drop and AoS has many new or reimagined forces.
  11. MOD REMINDER Please remember this is the rumours thread. If you want to debate and discuss matters outside of rumours in greater depth please do create your own thread on the topic. There's no problem with posting a link to your thread inside the rumours thread if you want to direct people away to a more in-depth discussion on what is essentially an off-topic line of content for this thread.
  12. I would not expect the model to be duel purpose; I'd expect it to be 40K only. Khaine in AoS is just very different and the way that the Daughters of Khaine are right now it would take some major lore advances since Morathi has stolen the position in all but name now and is very overt that SHE is the head of the cult now. Now that she's stolen some God Powers of her own she's got far more personal strength and less reliance on the Heart of Khaine which is still the only bit of Khaine in the whole of AoS
  13. Happy New Year all!! May this next year bring many a model to your table; great victories; mighty conversions and awesome painting!
  14. Characters in novels rarely get models. Even Malineth, who is a key character next to Gotrek, hasn't got a model and from the original Gotrek and Felix series only a few of the many characters they interacted with got models. And of them only Boneripper and Thanquol ever became key models for the game. Gotrek only really appeared as a proper model for armies in AoS.
  15. MODERATOR NOTICE Please return to rumours and leave the subject of dwarf popularity and genders alone. This is not the place for such discussion and I do NOT want to see any thread or place on TGA devolve to the point where we have to impose rules against the discussion of different genders within armies - such as some 40K groups have had to do with the subject of "female marines".
  16. The way I see it the reinforcement system is kind of a plaster trying to fix the issue that specialist units have to compete with big infantry blocks. In some past editions of the games this was got around by things like force organisation charts in 40K which could both limit how many types of a certain troop you could take and also mandate that you take a minimum number of certain types. For AoS right now we have some of that, but at the same time the divisions are exceptionally basic - leaders, troops, monsters and artillery; and of them artillery is very under represented with many armies having nothing; whilst monsters is very short. So the vast majority are either leaders (with a cap of 6 per army) and unlimited troops. We don't even divide infantry and cavalry. So right now the system hasn't got much break up, which means that units like Fiends of Slaanesh have to compete in points with big infantry blocks. The infantry often win because they bring more bodies; more board control and can put out a lot of damage. Even if unit to unit their stats are worse, they make up for it with mass numbers. Big infantry blocks WORK really well and make it harder to stat and point middleweight units that aren't quite monsters and aren't big infantry blocks. One option might be to unlock more numbers for elite style units; the other is to do what GW have done and cap big infantry blocks. Making them more of a limited resource so that now once you've got your big block of infantry or two you are "done" and can't add more. Suddenly those fiends are now competing with minimum strength infantry blocks. It's not a change I "like" and I think both design wise and visually it creates an odd situation, but I can see logic behind it with what the game is like now. I also do sort of have a sneaking feeling its setting the ground work for giving AoS clear differences to Old World when it hits the market. If Old World becomes the big block infantry game then GW doesn't want AoS to also be a big infantry block game. So shifting one game (AoS) to a smaller unit block and making up for it with more individual units on the table might well be one of the directions GW is playing with.
  17. No, but even then it was not universal. Slaanesh got a massive mortals release many many months later; Daughters of Khaine got some endless spells and I think that was it for new models after that set (I forget when the Shadow Stalkers* appeared). Some armies will get lots, some will get less. There was hope that Fyreslayers would get a chunky release to bolster them up popularity wise and design wise to make them more diverse, more interesting and more fleshed out as a force. GW clearly likes them as they feature a lot in the lore, but right now model wise they are very sorely lacking. Predicting what armies GW will and won't focus on is nearly impossible. Eg Necrons are a huge front page Xenos army for the current 40K edition; featuring a massive update to most of their core army. Almost the entire model line save for one or two models and hero sculpts are now in very modern plastics. And yet Necrons before that were still in a good position whilst Eldar were languishing with huge chunks needing updates. Again its impossible to predict. Idoneth and Fyreslayers could just as easily spend 3rd edition without any additional models; or get a massive line update that adds twice as many models as they have now. *Technically they've not even had their AoS main army release box! They are still only sold on the Warcry pages.
  18. NO! NO GW Cursed City and new Eldar is all I need - don't, don't tempt me with more cool elves. Go update some Skaven or something!
  19. Keepers have always been a very solid summoning option with Slaanesh so far. They do cost a lot to summon, but on the flipside they are a major threat that helps you push your power on the table and can worry an opponent.
  20. Most of the previous preview (that I recall) has been released or seen in the wild as coming up. So considering GW normally gives us a rough 3 month window on previews, we are due for another and its something they often do to kick off the new year. There are also strong hints that Eldar are getting more than 1 reworked and 2 new kits this year from earlier rumours that, thus far, have proven very accurate. So I'd wager at the very least they might drop another Eldar hint or rumour down through that if not a full preview of upcoming major changes for them.
  21. I'm legit sad about the Cursed City news Because now it means my chances of building a vampire army are MUCH greater and and - that means my wallet is forever empty! Though in all seriousness expansions and a return of the core game are most welcome news indeed. I just hope this second printing at least stays in stock of GW can confirm if its going to be a "order and you get it confirmation" or " rolling stock updates".
  22. The bonus is you can always run the exalted as just another greater demon since they are basically the same size and base as the regular now. Adds variety to the tabletop when playing.
  23. Just to note that FW don't do anything any more - GW central does all the rules. It's on them if they don't do anything with the FW models. That said considering that the AOS line has been utterly gutted and about the only thing they've kept are the shared models (Greater demons) and the goblin stuff (which was about the only FW models to actually get any marketing on the community pages when the Gloomspite Gitz book went live); I think that GW just kinda pretends that FW doesn't exist for Age of Sigmar.
  24. You can try posting "looking for Zombies" type threads in forums/groups like TGA (we've a sales section) which might get you some people who are interested in offloading theirs. These days I'd also suggest searching on Facebook for "Age of Sigmar" and "Warhammer" trading groups as there's quite a few of them now (some generic some region specific) and there's a fair bit of second hand trading that now goes through FB since some dislike having to pay ebay fees. Though as always, with any secondhand trading, its advised to use Paypal Goods and Services when exchanging money for the protections it gives you (friends and family is just a bank transfer and comes with zero protections; sure its "free" but it has no way to help you if something goes wrong on either end).
  25. Yep and sometimes its also just the customers they get; granted for online stores that are well known that's often slightly less impactful; but it could still just be that Hedonite players got their models from other stores and Firestorm just doesn't have as many Hedonite players going to their store right now. Still in the end overstock on these is great and it would be nice to think some can last beyond the most expensive month of the year.
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