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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. I've been potentially invited to a battle report by a popular youtube channel I just happened to meet at my new LGS after moving so my paint goal for this month is possibly insane! Luckily the wife is inclined to help with some of it but she's never painted before (though as a silversmith and photographer I think she'll be more than steady enough!) 24 gor 20 ungor 9 bullgor 3 converted tuskgor chariot 1 tzaangor shaman And just for cheek I'd like to repaint my herdstone before it makes it to YouTube hah. Wish me luck.
  2. Note they didnt give me any new rumors. I just have personal confirmation that the old rumor of "the playtesters say Khorne is going to be strong" is an accurate sentence.
  3. Through multiple books and faqs skulltaker is in fact not unique for some reason. I've spoken to someone who would know that confirms Khorne is going to be quite good in their next book so I dont think I'd make any purchases just yet. As a beasts player however please dont ally cockatrice lol they're going to nerf us so badly thanks to every other chaos faction having access to it. (It does need nerfed probably, I'm jk)
  4. That's how the Blood Pact traitor guard from 40k get away with it.
  5. It will definitely get nerfed because it maybe should in our book but will one hundred percent be taken in every chaos book that can ally one (or more) in.
  6. 6 inch range ability in the start of any combat phase. 4+ deals d3 mw but if a unit takes any mw from the ability they only hit on 6's for that phase.
  7. Ironically alpha striking 9 bulls with bestial cunning is what my list looks like before you said this hah. So we agree. I'm just miffed the best way to run skullfray is not to take the only "skullfray" thing in the book (the command trait). That said 20-30 dual weapon gor with the skullfray buff, and exlosing 6s (wild rampage), and +1 damage (tendrils of atrophy) and the beastlords +1 hit/wound, do put out some of the silliest damage numbers I've ever seen ( 112 versus a 4+ save) even if you'd never get everything lined up perfectly like that in a real game. That's also magic reliant so not very khornate. But the way I see it if Khorne doesnt care enough to give us marks then you can slip a little "blood magic" by him. The Great Brass Bull is less clear on magic than Khorne is after all.
  8. Good luck T_T Realistically there is no great way to do Khorne in a beasts army. We kind of need our wizards and the skullfray general trait is best when applied to tzaangor variants. My opinion as an avid skullfray player is to wait and just coalition some bullgor and doombull into Blades of Khorne since most of their power is on the warscroll anyway. Maybe proxy a few other units. Sadly GW decided not to support the god marked frays this time around. Better luck in 4 years or so.
  9. There's a lot of really great math on page 2 that might be a lot better than my opinion but on the topic of the eating I think it's best not to think "oh darn this doesn't do the trick i want" and instead think of it more like a likely 3 kills per activation, which boosts their kind of pitiful average damage. They at least take some buffs well. Wild rampage (which is bad on a lot of our units because they already have an ability that triggers on 6's), titanic fury, doombulls call to slaughter, the very unlikely beastlords hatred of heroes. Gorgon probably need more support than is reasonable but I wouldn't expect them to not do anything for you and at least they can heal themselves so there's that? I havent personally made any lists using the 2 I have but I havent even gotten to play a game yet because of life so I would take my opinions with some salt.
  10. I want to use them so badly but as others have said 20 gor outdamage them while also having the utility of being gor and benefiting from all herd if I end up not going gavespawn but I really love the IDEA of the morghurite spawn as a defensive debuff alongside my cockatrice and enemy charge phase charging slitherwrack doombull. Layers of defense. In practice it may turn out that massive amounts of free gors is just a better way to go. I got sidetracked. Bestigor are overpriced and don't have anything going for them that cant be done better by another unit in the same book sadly.
  11. The slitherwrack helm says "after the bearer makes a charge move, pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of them and roll a dice. On a 2+, the strike-last effect applies to that unit until the end of the turn." Since it doesn't require anything but making a charge move to activate you can use the doombulls command ability to charge in the opponent's combat phase and give them strikes last when they perhaps aren't expecting it.
  12. I know I said I feared they wouldn't be good because they don't benefit from almost any buffs or synergies but the math proved me very very wrong. Which ironically makes them pretty good allies for other armies again because their warscroll has all its power baked in. What they aren't is durable but that's nothing new.
  13. Not only do they out damage them. They do it with shields! So you're trading worse damage for 1 better bravery and 10 less bodies on the board. Sadly I just can't do it considering how thin we are on the ground.
  14. The thinness on the groundness is real. Time will tell if we have the punch and defensive tech to be elite or if we need to keep trying to screen. My gut says we don't need screens nearly as much with army wide ambush and things like cockatrice, stranglethorns, gavespawn, etc to protect our hammers that used to require such careful delivery but again. Time will tell not me.
  15. I kind of assumed the congregation would work that way. App is just wrong for now then. Well considering that I have 2 lists I want to try. The first one was mostly a joke called all herd all the time that literally uses every brayherd infantry I own but I'm not not interested in running it hah. The second is more well rounded but is a million drops so I don't know. I do like the idea of having a unit of bulls that can chIn activate with the doombull as well as the bestigor doing the same with the beastlord. As for the the spawn the way I see it it's 76 ish points for a unit that will either reduce enemy attacks drastically or absorb 5 wounds that would have gone into a much more important unit (possibly more if your opponent allocates too many attacks to it). Combined with stranglethorns you can tag the very corner of a unit and debuff the whole block. They also make fine batteries for rituals of ruin since they're probably one use debuffs anyway. The cockatrice is a great defensive tech but more is better with our fairly unremarkable defensive stat lines. I plan to just mix a spawn into each of my 3 big threats and keep a cockatrice nearby to make my opponent to make hard decisions, how sure can he be of destroying a target when they are minus 1 attack and there's 50/50 chance he'll only be hitting on 6's. You can't bank on the enemy messing up but the more hard questions you present the more likely you are to make them slip. I feel like eventually I'll break down and accept that the skullfray command isn't good enough to use and I'll bring a big block of bulls with the improved ambush trait instead but for now I'm going to keep my skullfray dreams of the closest I can get to khorngors alive with a beastlord and his bestigor. - Army Faction: Beasts of Chaos - Subfaction: Allherd - Grand Strategy: Desecrating Brayherd - Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Beastlord (145)* Beastlord (145)** - General - Command Traits: Skullfray Gorehorn - Artefacts of Power: Slitherwrack Helm - Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage Great Bray-Shaman (95)** - Artefacts of Power: Brayblast Trumpet (summon 10 ungor raider) - Spells: Tendrils of Atrophy Great Bray-Shaman (95)** - Spells: Wild Rampage BATTLELINE 20 Ungors (160)* - Halfhorn - Gnarled Shortspear - 2 x Brayhorn Blower - 2 x Banner Bearer 10 Ungor Raiders (115)* - Halfhorn - Brayhorn Blower - Banner Bearer 20 Gors (220)* - Foe-render - Paired Hacking Blades - 2 x Banner Bearer - 2 x Brayhorn Blower 10 Gors (110)* - Foe-render - Banner Bearer - Brayhorn Blower - Hacking Blade and Beastshield 10 Gors (110)* - Foe-render - Banner Bearer - Brayhorn Blower - Hacking Blade and Beastshield 30 Bestigors (660)** - Gouge-horn - 3 x Brayhorn - 3 x Banner Bearer OTHER Cockatrice (105)** ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Ravening Direflock (40) CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment **Warlord TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000 - Army Faction: Beasts of Chaos - Subfaction: Gavespawn - Grand Strategy: Protect the Herdstone - Triumph: Bloodthirsty LEADERS Beastlord (145)* - General - Command Traits: Skullfray Gorehorn - Artefacts of Power: Slitherwrack Helm - Aspects of the Champion: Fuelled by Ghurish Rage Great Bray-Shaman (95)* - Spells: Tendrils of Atrophy Great Bray-Shaman (95)* - Artefacts of Power: Brayblast Trumpet (summon 10 gor) - Spells: Vicious Stranglethorns Doombull (160)** BATTLELINE 3 Morghurite Chaos Spawn (Gibbering Congregation) (230) 10 Bestigors (220)* - Gouge-horn - Brayhorn - Banner Bearer OTHER 6 Bullgors (390)*** - Bloodkine - Man-splitter Great Axe - 2 x Warheard Drummer - 2 x Warheard Banner Bearer 6 Bullgors (390)** - Bloodkine - Paired Cleaving Axes - 2 x Warheard Drummer - 2 x Warheard Banner Bearer Cockatrice (105)* 10 Chaos Warhounds (110)*** ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Ravening Direflock (40) TERRAIN 1 x Herdstone (0) CORE BATTALIONS *Warlord **Galletian Command ***Galletian Veterans TOTAL POINTS: 1980/2000
  16. Quick question from a non IDK player. Does the bloodthirsty shiver fulfill all 3 of your battleline requirements even though it's taken as one and if so does it also take up 3 slots in a batallion even though it's taken as one? Preferably an official ruling but I'm open to interpretation if there isn't one. Thanks.
  17. Not a tax no. Only determines whether I want to bring gors or dogs or centigor. I can't imagine it's best of both worlds (only 1 batallion slot but fulfills all 3 battleline)
  18. I probably will. I was just wondering because it isn't the first unit like this (idk fuethan sharks) but I dont know if they were battleline. And Grashraks and other WU warbands all take 2 slots in batallions so who knows.
  19. Does anyone know if a gibbering congregation counts as 3 battleline choices or one? They "must be taken as a set referred to as a gibbering congregation. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit." Also how does that work with batallions? Do they take one slot because it's in the list building phase or 3?
  20. I'm glad my gut reaction was wrong and bullgor are not obsolete. I personally lean towards the greataxe because the difference in dmg is often less than 1 point and the 3+ hit makes them more independent. If I'm likely to be spending a CP on bulls charging in the combat phase I'd prefer not to also plan on spending one on AoA every turn too. (Also because I built them all with greataxes but that's neither here nor there) I'll also say all my griping about the skullfray command boy affecting bulls still stands from a fluff perspective but from a balance perspective I suppose it's entirely fair. I've always preferred the look of gors with shields and will probably stick with them because I've got plenty of killy things and precious few durable things. My ghorgon math didn't factor in most buffs except his own rampage but ultimately I still feel like his abilities have so many ifs/buts that it isn't that appealing to me. Targeting command models and special weapons definitely seems like the best use though. Think of him as turning off command abilities if they don't have another leader nearby to issue them hah. All in all I'm still keen on the book and now probably more so. Warhounds wound efficiency is somewhat lessened by their bravery 4 but I still like them for being something that doesnt ambush and can get you objectives if you want to wait out turn 1.
  21. I agree and I love the morghurite spawn. Feels a bit wasted though because all my lists want to bring gor/ungor anyway so having these spawn satisfy my battleline doesnt really help. As for the cockatrice, use em if you got em. Everyone is really excited about how good they are allied into other armies so I expect we'll get nerfed to make up for other armies taking our stuff eventually.
  22. I will get back to you. I hadn't been eyeing their synergies as much because I don't own any but I'll look into them. Also the herd welcomes all who are strong enough to fight no matter how recently... turnedskin!
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