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Everything posted by PainfullyMediocre

  1. I've been running 15 Chosen with Mark of Khorne backed up by a Khorne Lord. They hit hard, but they aren't easy to reposition and i've struggled with going through screens, which means they normally get hit with whatever is behind. I've changed my army up, but kept 5 in to be backline objective holders that can swing back at any outflanking or teleporting shenannigans. When I run them in the future, I think i'll run them undivided as they normally get targeted. They aren't very tanky so I tend to lose 4 to battleshock a game, I think rerolling 1s isn't worth having 140 points just run away when they could just be immune. edit: Also sod Finecast Mine are a mix of Chaos Knights, Forsaken, miscellaneous bitz and a lot of Greenstuff.
  2. I'll be going, it'll be my first proper 2 day AoS event, I'm not massively experienced but it should be a good laugh. The heresy event last year was really good and the AoS side looked good when I liked my head in there.
  3. So new Warscrolls are up, i'm interested in The Unmade, they've got a small bravery debuff and stop retreats, but the unit leader has 1"/3/4+/3+/-1/2 which is quite nice for what is essentially a chaff unit.
  4. What would you guys say is the best weapon for chaos knights? I've started a Slaves to Darkness army and plan on running at least 10 of them. While the glaiveslook brutal on the charge, hitting on 4s (3+) with a lord on steed using his command ability) seems a bit too swing compared to the ensorcelled weapons.
  5. Where abouts in the world are you? My "local" GW is having it's birthday this weekend (Reading), if you cover postage I'd gladly sell it at retail price. There is also a group on dakkadakka that does this sort of thing, buying exclusives and selling them at retail price plus postage. Also thanks for walking me through the briar queen, it's a shame as she is a lovely model. I may give her a go while I get the other stuff for my list, I've no immediate plans for tournaments or competitive play.
  6. My gaming club is slowly coming around to the idea of AoS, so I want to get one of the armies I brought up to snuff. Moon clan grots seems a bit sparse so I'll leave them be, so ghosts it is. The briar queen seems like a really good caster, cheap and with a good denial spell, is anyone else using her? What second spell would work best on her?
  7. This is the last unit not properly teased, so we've got pictures of everything we are getting.
  8. I think it was just a highlight. Looking at the sprues the ribs are moulded on the spoopy skin so it should be easy. I may use the glaivewraith stalkers to make my Hexwraiths centaurs as I'm not a fan of the current riders. If something in the book makes them better, they should be cheap enough to rebuy. Edit: I'll have 8 from 2 starters, 2 glaivewraith stalkers from both units ( as you get 5 but they are in 4 man units) will get scythes. The alternative is to see what the bladegheists are like. I've got 5 sister of silence arms spare that I can use to convert them to if these guys are cool enough.
  9. I've been looking over the new Nighthaunt rules as I've already got 2k of Nighthaunt, and i'm stumped by the glaivewraith stalkers. They seem to be slower and cheaper (because of smaller units) of grimghast reapers. I know they get rerolls to hit when they charge and that the drummer lets them retreat and still charge, but unless I've missed something the grimghast do their job better purely because of their rend. Also I've cobbled together a 2k list I'll be trying when the army drops, I'm still an aos newbie as I've not played much despite buying a bucketload of models. This list will change with games and of course new shiney toys. Heroes *Lady Olynder *Guardian of Souls *Knight of Shrouds on ghost horsie *Spirit Torment Battleline *40 Chainwrasp *6 Spirit hosts *6 Spirit Hosts *5 Hexwraiths *5 Hexwraiths Other *2 Chainghasts *4 Myrmoan Banshees * 8 Glaivewraith Stalkers The rough idea is to set up a grind, with Hexwraiths for objective grabbing and the big blob of chainrasps to hold one. Olynder would keep pumping out spirit hosts and debuffing enemy units with the other heroes supporting where needed. I can see some potential with Olynder's spell and grimghast reapers, hitting on 3s rerolling with a 10 man unit should do a fair bit of damage.
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