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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. It still really confuses me why Soulblight in LoN exists when they also made the Vampire-Centric Legion of Blood (yes I know they're 2 different allegiances, with soulblight giving blood knight battleline, but why didn't they just combined them?). Hopefully they learned their lesson and don't have 2 similarly themed allegiances (like Warherd vs Bloodfeast Gorgers or something).
  2. Unfortunately look who gets to be part of warhammer legends. As for the KO/Fyreslayer issue, well imo the main problem is that they are really static in their army composition (one battleline for KO doesn't help). I'm all for keeping legacy armies around, heck I'm so stoked that I'm going to preorder Beasts of Chaos, but I think there needs to be more AoS introduced factions that get a second book that isn't Stormcast Eternals or Khorne (who are probably getting new plastics next year). There needs to be a confidence boost that doesn't leave these armies in the dark for 3 or more years. Yes I know thats how GW usually does it, I've been around since 2008 so I know usually you get a book, then have to twiddle your thumbs for the next 3-5 years (unless you're Bretonnia which meant never). Even "technically Legacy but now are AOS factions" could really use a second book like Beastclaw Raiders to show "don't worry, we didn't give you a half baked battletome only to drop you like a rock". Either that or they should really shake up next years GHB. I'm surprised that GW is so afraid to break all the silly faction keywords they imprisoned themselves with since the rocky launch of AOS. Is it really that mind shattering to go "hey maybe lion rangers should be with someone else like SHA"? Or "ok Dispossessed can have their Gyrocopters/Bombers back."
  3. Maybe change his Rotaxes from being a multiwound unit finisher to what the Blightkings have (turning his hits into D6)? That'll certainly give him a lot more punch.
  4. Well if I were to change the Maggotlords other than point reductions, I think 1. The pox maggoths become daemons, giving Daemon Keywords and Disgustingly Resilient 2. Bloab should be able to cast 2 spells 3. Maybe Morbidex Twiceborn makes Nurglings Battleline? Would make Menagerie lists more interesting. I think the loss of a general trait balances it out.
  5. While I like classic dwarfs, I would actually go "really? ?" if they somehow announced a dispossessed update when they already introduced 2 new dwarf factions that also desperately need updates. Maybe after Fyreslayer and Kharadron 2.0 would they update dispossessed. And also Chaos Dwarf update.
  6. It's not completely 100% up to date with 2.0, but I like to use 1D4chan (search age of sigmar/tactics for the rules, otherwise you'll get the fluff pages). It is a wiki though so anyone can edit, plus many entries are possibly biased towards one persons experience rather than an amalgamation of data. But other than that it gives a good overview of all sorts of profiles.
  7. Well also if they were daemons...they would also get DR! That would really help them and their "please shoot me" sign!
  8. One big problem about Nurgle Wizards in general is the lack of casting help, outside of the daemon item. Having a 260pt model that can only cast one spell, and most likely his signature spell, is not a fun time with the huge unbind range. I think they should count the Maggot Lords as Daemons to at least give some more synergies. One of them is even half daemon! And another is BFFs with Nurglings! Just Retcon the maggot beasts as daemons, no one will notice.
  9. Makes me wish Assassins were still Khaine worshipers so could be in the dang book/allegiance! ?
  10. Well the Warherds collecting box got discontinued, and that did not have a plastic hero (well I forgot it technically was not Start Collecting). At the very least being that back. Heck they STILL have Start Collecting Malignants despite Malignants not being an army, and also not having a legal list for LoN or Nighthaunt! edited for clarification on the warherd box.
  11. The fact that they're willing to show off sets they're not planning on releasing for a while, like Rogue Trader, while Beasts came out of nowhere to me says no new models other than the possibility of Malagor getting his rules back. Hopefully though they bring back Start Collecting boxes.
  12. Well I was thinking of the "just the miniatures" box. Thats like an extra $5 off right? So its like 10 for a banshee, 15 for 6 alternative chainrasps. Ehh hopefully. So far the shade spire units haven't been much other than "point fillers". It would have been more interesting if they were unit upgrades so they weren't so puny.
  13. Isn't nice being the SCE where you always get more Shadespire warbands? ?
  14. Well to be fair some of the other Shadespire bands aren't too different from their parent unit. Like the Farstriders and Vanguard Hunters. Other than the leader with the Bird, the other two I could probably not tell them apart from the normal vanguard hunter kit. Also assuming this set is the same price as other shadespire kits, now theres affordable Chainrasps without buying tempest of souls/souls wars!
  15. Speaking of ghosts popping up, the new shadespire band looks pretty ghaslty! The one thats basically hanging is pretty chilly!
  16. Speaking of alternative minis, norba seems to now have good-faction dwarfs including "totally not" irondrakes. They don't look as substantial as the current dispossessed line but not bad for 12 euros for 10.
  17. A weird thought came to me, are Chaos Spawn still going to be in? Sure they may not be the most beloved unit for beasts, but they have also always been there even in the beastmen shift.
  18. Unfortunately they seem content with the finecast shaggoth, unless they make Kholek a completely different kit.
  19. At the very least they could give Malagor his name back, they still sell him! And if khorne can have all his dudes, including scyla, why not the beasts. Seriously who uses scyla?!
  20. Technically I believe you can run understrengthed units, people did it all the time to match the holy numbers for the Everchosen Battalions like 14 chaos warriors. So if you paid the points for 6 plague drones, you can run them as 4 or 5 if you really wanted to. But if you took 7, you'll have to pay for 9 drones.
  21. Honestly it was even worse in WFB where the most advanced piece of technology was a half wooded tank running on steam (and whatever hellmachines the chaos dwarfs invented)! At least the Kharadron Overlords are a little more techy. Heck FW's own nurgle styled soul grinder, the Plague Hulk, isn't available in AoS. I think the main reason for its inclusion is that all other Chaos Daemons (at least GW ones) are Fantasy compatible, so they probably didn't want the one odd one out. Though to be a tad fair there were a few times in Fantasy where 40k crossed over. One of the most interesting times was a fluff book all about Chaos where there were some interesting items such as a "teethed" sword that seemingly eats their enemies (yes it was indeed a 40k chainsword, there was even a picture of it). And the author of the book (the in universe author) had dreams of the daemon primarchs and their chaos marine legions.
  22. I'm sure there are Battleline IF stuff for Thunderscorn and others, I mean thats how it is right now!
  23. Unless they somehow lose the original casting mold, I think centigors will still be around. GW deosn't seem to mind keeping all these finecast models around, even the friggin old ugly Fell Bats. Now the question would be if they're any good.
  24. Technically if the entire "Monsters of Chaos" faction gets in, all the FW monsters would also get in! Though it would be kind of weird to see a beastmen bound slaughterbrute.
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