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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. Well we'll just have to wait to see the synergy. Theorycrafting can only go so far, heck I remember Nighthaunt preview speculation where people were cheering for Kurdoss while not being too into Reikenor, yet now they're very much reversed in popularity. I mean I'm sure everything will be usable, but Competitively it might end up being LON where some choices will always beat out others.
  2. Nicely done! Got to love those feather banners. Come on GW give me a Special Order Week for Kislev! (It's never going to happen ?)
  3. 0 sadly They do not sell the Chaos Ogors anymore, no do they show up in GHB 2018. The only options would be Proxy as Bullgors or Plague Ogors of Nurgle.
  4. Men wield 2 Hand Weapons. Beastmen wield 2 Great Weapons! ?
  5. I think axes edge out flails a bit, but I think it is pretty negligible. It isn't like say Sequitors with their other weapon option gaining a flat out additional attack thus increasing maximum damage output. And hey could be worse, could have like +100 old marauders with great weapons that now probably have to be count as flails or something!
  6. I guess their reasoning is "well if you wanted to kill heroes and monsters, use the doombull (which I assume can now only have a great axe)" Despite that new command ability..... Edit: Also this is just me but if you still have the PDF or GA Chaos around, I'd allow the other weapon options. It may not fly in a tourney setting but as we seemed to have established here, the Beastlord is the farthest thing from broken.
  7. Other than removing the Shield and Great Weapon, looks like all the same abilities. But it does look like his Command Ability is slightly tweaked (notice much larger number of Bolded Keywords compared to his current one).
  8. Awww yea theres going to be a Start Collecting Beasts of Chaos! And Summoning!
  9. If only GHB gave Gyrobombers and Gyrocopters the Dispossessed Faction! But nooo, only Nighthaunt apparently can get shoved into another faction though FAQ/Errata...
  10. I don't think he has the bulk of the doombull, but if you put him on a fancy pants base I think it could work. Not sure if these pics are to scale but the mongrel team has him next to other BB models
  11. Well if it looked like a really good army with a consistent theme, I think I would allow it. But if it is mostly straight up count as, it can be a little hard to swallow or worse be seen as power gamey. It would be like if I liked the rules of skaven, but used grot models on a permanent basis. It can work but it should be more than a different paint job. Plus there is the thematic issue that Seraphon are also daemons and you'll have to remember your normal looking humans must be affected by any Daemon specific interactions. But as I said first, if you really did a good job of having a flavorful army, it could work. Like maybe the Engine of the Gods could be a heavily converted Magic Wagon. Maybe a Wingless Elf Dragon could be a Carnosaur count as. Hawk Riders into...Terr...oh they don't sell hawk riders anymore...gosh diddly darn it gw why'd you discontinue them!
  12. To be fair about the cockatrice, wasn't that thing Storm of Magic only? It never got to be in a proper army even in wfb, despite its fluff literally being a beast of the chaos wastes (aka a beast of chaos!). And WoC took the chimera because they were half monster army for some reason.
  13. Yea that is true, though still a bit surprising they haven't done a blanket FAQ/Errata for everyone just in case.
  14. I think painting them a lot like you would with rotbringer mortal armor should be fine, unless you haven't painted blightking armor. You can go from dark rusted/putrid green, to more flat bright green of "fresh" warriors. Heck I quite like this non standard blue scheme (though could accidentally think they're tzeentch from a distance)
  15. Though RAW the Flesh Hound is not a mount, kind of like the Moonclan Grot Warboss with Giant Squig. Especially in the latter case since it's a "weapon option" rather than a separate profile from the normal non-squig grot warboss. They should really say "mount AND accompanying models/figures that are clearly separate entities". Other examples would be other models that aren't the pullers on chariots like the bloodletters on a blood throne, or the additional vampires on a coven throne.
  16. Well not really unexpected. They still sell friggin Fell Bats and Bat Swarms for LoN!
  17. Could maybe also use LOTR Wargs? I think they scale up to Wolf/Frost Saber size. Wild Wargs ( £11 for 6 ) come with 40mm bases and the Fell Wargs ( £18 for 6) come with 60mm bases.
  18. Once Morboyz dropped in points, they do seem the winner. Especially if you ally in a suicide giant or a wyvern waaagh machine.
  19. At this point we have no idea. As a reminder, only Stormcast (with 3 books) and Khorne (with 2 books, with likely a model update next year) are the only Battletome armies to ever get another book. I got quiet a varied amount of responses from my other topics, with a few people convinced that Battletome armies are going to be on the backburner for GHB->Battletome or brand new armies updates. I mentioned this also in another topic but while I love support for legacy armies, I think for a few legacy armies they should take a backseat for a bit to get another 2.0 update for a AoS faction. For example Dispossessed vs Fyreslayers/KO.
  20. I think, just like with artifacts, you can't take GA Traits with an Allegiance. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just sure about the artifact thing!
  21. You know though speaking of Hag Queens, anyone think Warchanters will become a full Priest? It seems more fitting than Totem, or it can be both Priest and Totem!
  22. Ahh ok it was GHB releases. Weren't BCR Stonehorns awesome at launch? And then got hit by the nerfbat?
  23. I think it maybe moreso they got better in figuring out what works and what doesn't work in AoS. After all DoK and IDK were basically made for a seamless transition 2.0. Meanwhile Ironjawz were among one of the first AoS factions and like many other first factions have some awkward list building (aka very limited options). That is not to say though they aren't powerful. DoK snakes will mess you up good!
  24. IDK aren't a normal ally for Dispossessed so you won't have to worry about the point cap.
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