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Everything posted by mikethefish

  1. Anything that is a Control spell. Specifically stuff to jack up enemy movement, either by directly affecting the enemy (Shackles) or by simply being a bigass template that's hard to avoid if you can't fly (Palisade).
  2. Yes and no. The Skaven and the Moonclan specifically were called out as stealing KO airships - it is these that best for your assertion as being GW giving their player base a few conversion ideas to have fun with. The Grotbag Scuttlers, on the other hand, are described as crafting their own "scrap ships" that they fly around in. They are apparently not KO tech. It's POSSIBLE that these are geared towards mad converters/sculptors who want to build their own ships from scratch, but it's far more likely (though of course, not certain) that these will be realized as actual models from GW someday
  3. It (or possibly the Hurricanum) was shown in the original model display a few months ago
  4. My own thought was to use the Firebelly to cast a reasonably useful Endless Spell, rather than use his native spell.
  5. To be blunt? Probably not. Duardin are (wisely) being relegated to a small facet of the conglomerated Order races. They were apparently not interested in selling those models anymore. Playing all-Duardin will in the future probably be sort of like playing all-Troggoths in a Gloomspite list. You can certainly do it, but it probably won't be the most competitive option, and you will almost certainly have a lot of duplicate units/models. In the setting, most "traditional" Duardin are going to be living among humans and Aelves in the AoS settings. Enclaves of only Duardin are pretty rare - so rare that they really don't need much representation as models that GW sells and promotes.
  6. So, has anyone played around with the Gutstuffers Merc unit at all? I am just starting a conversion project, using 40k Bullgryns as a base to make steampunk Gutstuffers. I am doing this just for fun, but was wondering if anyone had gotten any real use out of them? In theory, a multi-wound hitter unit, backed up by a legitimate wizard doesn't sound too bad. Admittedly, losing that CP for the Merc tax does suck, though.
  7. They would most likely be great kits to use as substitute monstrous mounts for AoS heroes as well.
  8. It is definitely intriguing to think about what sorts of "side games" might come out for AoS. We already have Warhammer Quest and War Cry, so yeah maybe the AoS equivalent of Aeronautica or Adeptus Titanicus is in order. Oh hey - here's a fun thought! Similar to how Adeptus Titanicus is a "historical" game that is set in the Horus Heresy, maybe we get a Titanicus-scale game that focuses on God Beasts, back during the time that they were active? I'd buy the hell out of that game.
  9. So by that logic, Nighthaunts' count as human? Glad to know they will totally be included in the (hopefully) upcoming Cities of Sigmar Battle Tome.
  10. What about the antlers? Or tree bark bodies? Or spectral energy forms? Spirits.
  11. That's your whole evidence? They're spirits, hoss. Long hair doesn't make them elves.
  12. Sure, because they were once closely allied with the Wood Elves, and there are leftover associations with that. But make no mistake - Sylvaneth are not now, nor have they ever been (even back during the Old World tree spirits days) related to Elves, or considered to be elves (or Aelves) of any form
  13. Disagree. I think Grotbag Scuttlers will see an appearance in AoS proper, rather than some sort of AoS version of Aeronautica Imperialis, or whatever. There had just been too many mentions of them in too many places. Quite frankly, there have been more mentions of Scuttlers in various GW publications, than there has been of things like the light/dark Aelves that folks seem to be so hot to talk about. What I CAN see is that perhaps Grotbag Scuttlers are not a full army themselves, but are rather just a small part of the reboot of Gitmob. Like we all assume that the Scuttlers would be a full-on aerial force like KO. But perhaps they are just merely like aerial support units for a more traditional ground-based Grot force. A force that incorporates wolf riders like the new Underworlds guys? While I fully recognize that trying to use fluff hints as a method of predicting GW release strategies is, shall we say...unreliable, THIS is something I could see happening.
  14. In fairness, the wolves are some of the coolest I have seen.
  15. Right well I pretty much wildly disagree with every single thing you just said, but we should probably just drop it, so things get back to regular rumor discussion
  16. Well... that's essentially false. They have their ORIGINS in the 80's/90's, but every single new thing that GW has sculpted in recent years (these new figs, excepted) has been an effort to update their aesthetic to more modern tastes. The new "tacticool" Primaris marines are a great example. Even the Gloomspite Gitz, while basically being an extension of a 90's era concept, are very much a modern-day riff on the original Grots, with a lot of unique and creative designs I can definitely see the Skeletor influence, but you are missing the essential point in that nobody has made miniatures that look quite like the Ossiarch. So even while they were inspired by older stuff, it's still very much new to us. These are rehashes of models they already made - and not particularly inspired original models, besides.
  17. Not loving the new warband. It would be like if some auto manufacturer took the time to recreate a 1980's Volvo sedan, without bothering to upgrade or add any new features. Even if they took painstaking detail and lots of brilliant engineering to recreate the original car...at the end of the day, it's still an ugly-ass Volvo, no matter how much talent went into recreating it. Same thing with these figs. Yes, they are well realized and nicely sculpted figures. They are, however, realizations the same tired old tropes we've seen hundreds of times before - even down to the ridiculous looking fur-lined Mongol helmet. I wanted something new. This isn't it. The nineties called and they want their minis back. Hard pass.
  18. Mostly agree but the Idol is in no way nerfed. It's well worth it's points, as long as you include units that can take advantage of it's buffs (ie - Gloomspite armies with Stabbas and Shamans, etc)
  19. I'm sure you're right, but it doesn't mean they didn't reuse it for the new book
  20. I think he really meant "skeleton" army, rather than "bone"
  21. Pretty sure they ARE made of actual bone - just bone that has been molded and shaped magically into something more useful. Sort of like Eldar wraithbone in 40k I think that is their whole bag - that they use bone as a malleable raw material that they morph into different things.
  22. It is undeniable that there are Egyptian aesthetic touches in these models. It's there for all to see - these models are a jumble of different aesthetic choices, and Egyptian styles are certainly one of them. That is more fact than opinion. Where the opinion comes in is whatever you define "spiritual successor" to be. To some, that they look kinda-sorta-partly Egyptian, (as well as being more "military" than the usual Nagash crew) is enough to hit the "spiritual successor definition. Others were pretty clearly looking for TK 2.0, and so anything short of that, and they are apparently absolutely not TK in any way shape or form. To each their own, I suppose
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