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Everything posted by Forrix

  1. I'll also emphasize that this is often 6 to 9 citadel woods and potentially more (I'm not that familiar with the ways Sylvaneth have to put down forests), it's an absolutely huge portion of the board.
  2. As I Nurgle player I hate the Sylvaneth Wildwoods with a burning passion. GUOs and the Glottkin are too large to fit through the trees and generally don't have the movement to make climbing them a feasible move. Combined with the Sylvaneth's ability to just cover the board with them and it can create games where you're big centerpiece models are effectively unplayable.
  3. With the advent of the activation wars, how have you all been dealing with stuff that fights at the start of the combat phase? I'm looking to start a Gloomspite army and am curious about this. I've noticed Itchy Nuisance looks promising (it cancels out start of combat phase right?).
  4. I feel like they're in a damned if they do damned if they don't situation with Sylvaneth Wildwoods. The cost of purchasing 9 to 12 citadel woods to make sure you have enough adds a massive expense to starting a Sylvaneth army. Yes, you can use proxies but GW has been moving in the direction of not encouraging players to use proxies (no model, no rules situation). So if they don't change that a lot of players (myself included) are going to be put off from starting a Sylvaneth army. Yet if they do then existing players are going to be mad at having wasted so much money on terrain. There's also the gameplay issues of coating an entire game board in los blocking and deadly terrain which I hate with a burning passion but I know some players like.
  5. I've always felt GW has some weird aversion to actual LOS blocking terrain.
  6. .... I'm not really sure how to respond to this... I understand that all playable unit models have been produced in the UK and the Endless Spells and terrain are made in China. I'm saying that the model, as in the finished, manufactured model I have physically in front of me, is good enough to be a unit regardless of where it was physically made. That GW won't allow anything not manufactured in the UK to be a unit is them holding themselves back unnecessarily.
  7. The thing is though that the Molten Infernoth model is good enough they could have made it a unit. It doesn't need a new model or different plastic material or whatever. It only needs a warscroll. It might be a little lame to just have it be one mono-pose miniature but its what Khorne players have for the Korgorath.
  8. I assembled Archaon separately from Droghar and now I can't get him to fit in the saddle ><
  9. I don't necessary want Tomb Kings back in that they just transplant the entire old model line and as much lore as possible straight into AoS. However, I really liked the plastic construct kits and I'd like to seem them brought back via Flesh Eater Courts treatment or preferably with a Sylvaneth style treatment where they flesh them out a bit more a couple of additional kits.
  10. I put models. Rules are important but I've played other miniature games that were pretty good. What makes Warhammer (40k and AoS) really stand out are their miniatures. Personally, I'll iffy on the Slaanesh release since I'm not sold on daemonettes and it seems to require a ton of them. Time will tell though, the new Keeper and Fiend models are both excellent and I've always like Hellstriders.
  11. You roll 6 dice and they take 1 mortal wound for each roll less than their save characteristic, so 1-4 on a Hag queen which is 4 mortal wounds. She'll save 1/3 of those so 2.667 or 2 to 3 wounds realistically. Edit: I really don't like the mirror's Gaze Not into its Depths ability, its one of those balanced because its so random. Most of the time it does nothing but sometimes it does 24+ mortal wounds and kills any hero in the game (including Nagash statistically if you get the full 36).
  12. I'm beginning to think that battletome got canceled considering the absolute lack of new StD and bros rumors. I think there is going to be a new paradigm in which GW explores Chaos mortals which Warcry will be the cornerstone of. I'm curious to see how those warbands get worked into AoS and how it compares to how they do the shadespire warbands. Side Note: I'm also hoping for a surprise Bonesplitterz battletome release before Seraphon so my rumor doesn't get completely disproven.
  13. Looks like that might be it. Totally missed that that kit has a pipe in it. Think they just combined it with a open hand from somewhere.
  14. I've seen several Fyreslayer conversion now with the model holding a long stem smoking pipe in one hand. Most notably a 2016 Golden Demon winner by Angelo Di Chello (can't link images at work). Does anyone know what kit this is from? I'm assuming its GW since it was used in Golden Demon.
  15. Going to be a negative nancy and say those bone tendrils remind me a lot of the Chronos/Talos Dark Eldar kit . On the Tomb Kings picture I'll just say that army had some absolutely amazing plastic sculpts and I'm still flabbergasted to this day that GW decided to trash them. They could have at least given those plastics the Flesh Eater court treatment.
  16. DIdn't have my tome on me when I wrote this. Turns out I was thinking of a Khorne prayer ><. Now I'm really curious about how endless spells have been effecting games.
  17. As someone who plays Khorne and runs Blood Warriors I'm thinking Vulkites will be pretty good. The main issue with Blood Warriors' no respite rule is that aside from the champion they don't really do much damage unless buffed (that 4+ to wound hurts). With vulkites having a 3+ to wound and rerolling hits or -1 rend (but with 4 to wound so they'll need support if you want them to do some real damage) I'm thinking they'll get some fair mileage. My only issue with them is that their Berserk Fury triggers is a once per game ability that triggers "at the start of the combat phase" so they'll still be vulnerable still to something like a Gristlegore general just charging in and killing them. My main concerns with the new book are 2 points: Turn 1 alpha strike lists: This is something of an issue in my meta. These lists low drop to go first then charge their whole army in (or most of it) with massive melee buffs. The only reliable counter I've found is cheap chaff units I can bubble wrap my army in which is something Fyreslayers don't have. I'm thinking of allying in dispossed warriors but I'd rather no have to go out of our battletome. Unbinding and Dispelling Endless Spells: I've got mixed feelings about this. On one hand it leaves us very vulnerable but on the other hand the super nasty casting lists all have bonuses that mean a straight dice unbind is almost worthless. On the other hand, Endless Spells like the rat trap need to be dispelled immediately or you risk losing the game because of it. Our dispel prayer actually makes us more reliable at dispelling endless spells than most armies. Anyone here got some games in yet against alpha strike or casting armies? How are you feeling about the tome in regards to those lists?
  18. They explicity said Fyreslayers were next (and they were obviously) but not necessarily Hedonites. The rumor has Bonesplitterz before Hedonites which I did find surprising since I assumed Hedonites were coming right after Fyreslayers based on the Adepticon reveal. Note: The giant foot endless spell is %100 my personal guess and was not mentioned in the actual rumor.
  19. Not sure if it hasn't been mentioned already (tried looking back but so many pages of fyreslayers and survey in here but I have an actual rumor of Bonesplitterz being next for a battletome release. Just a one week thing, terrain and endless spells. My personal guess is one of the spells will be a giant foot....
  20. I played against a mortal Khorne army this weekend in a tournament that was running Slaughterborn with several units of Wrathmongers. It was pretty cool to see in action and I got some take aways: 1. Slaughterborn is incredibly good. He had a unit of 30 Blood Warriors that was impossible for me to shift, especially when he got the +1 save prayer off. I'd probably not go over 20 in a unit personally due to points cost but it was very effective in battle for the pass. Basically claimed an objective and blocked off half the board. 2. Skullreapers are also very good but I wouldn't count on their mortal wound output to kill armored opponents. Definitely a good pick but keep them out of combat against 3+ save dudes. 3. Wrathmongers were surprisingly killy with their rend and +1 hit on the charge. Charging them into combat kept them in range to buff other units. They're noticeably squisher than Skullreapers (though Skullreapers were in slaughterborn) but still fairly survivable. I'll probably be taking 2 units of 5 min in every Khorne army I run. For reference I was playing Thricefold Befoulment with a bunch of Putrid Blightkings.
  21. In my opinion the current rules don't fit the lore and look of the models. I'd expect an army of hard hitting but fragile (by duardin standards at least) elite warriors instead of a tide of mediocre, low damage output but tough as nails dudes. I've been in the camp of no new models = dead on arrival but the more I think about it a comprehensive rules rewrite could do a lot.
  22. I'm not sure what his source is but Tom on Warhammer Weekly was saying that Fyreslayers are getting a major overhaul rule wise with Vulkites possibly losing their save after the save but gaining an extra wound. Personally I'm hoping for a much more elite glass cannon style army.
  23. I'd use them as a highly mobile tarpit. 4 to 6 of them with the Lord of Afflictions command ability, wheel, and bell can move 21 inches without running before their charge. You could trap some opponents in their deployment zone for a couple turns (I've lost a game to an Ironjawz player who basically did that despite tabling him turn 4). In units of 2 to 4 they could easily get into the backfield and take out artillery or support characters being tanky and fighty enough to weather some attacks and take out screening units (I've got 2 currently and that's how I've used them). That said, they were never worth their points. One of those units that feels like a good warscroll but is just badly overcosted.
  24. Yup, Blightlords are mortal nurgle and those rules don't have the same name. You can also stack hit debuff from the Lord of Blights on Plaguebearers btw. Side note: I'm not currently a fan of Blightlords but I think they could quickly become MVPs if they get a point reduction in the upcoming GHB.
  25. I hadn't noticed that but Unfettered Fury is a nice counter to Gristlegore. Combined with the Tyrants of Blood/Halo of Blood combo I think Khorne, or at least that list, might do pretty well on the tournament scene. Edit: or Using the 6 inch pile in with reapers of vengeance double pile in to get quasi Gristlegore ourselves but with multiple units (assuming we have the command points, that is going to take a lot).
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