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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. One month ago, the Honest Wargamer updated a full indepth statistics. Idoneth had 41% winrate vs High top-tier (armies that had more than 55% winrate in tournaments) and 50% winrate vs middle armies (45-55% winrate). To my surprise, Idoneth had more than 70% of winrate vs low-tier armies (less than 45% winrate). There are some issues here, because an army that it's "middle-tier" (btw, top 7 without their last wins), can faceroll "lower armies" better than the top 6. I'm not saying that IDK are the best of the best, but I can't see them as bad as some people claim.
  2. I'm with you. Currently, all other 3.0 battletomes have 3+ allegiance abilities. 2.0 Fyreslayers have just one (Ur-Gold runes).
  3. I get the point, there are armies that can use more than one build to have a nice and fun game (Soulblight, Cities of Sigmar and maybe NewNurgle). But take in mind that 90% of the competitive lists have the same 2+ wombo-combo units: WLV+ironclad x3 (or more) KoS Slaaneshy lists Longstrikes-Anvils Sentinels/Teclis-bomb Double-tap medusa/Morathi Tzeen-chaon HGB spam etc... And I still think that SCE have good units that don't feel bad to be played outside of drakes (Judicators, Anihilators/Paladins, Incantor, etc...).
  4. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Example: You play Lofnir with 3-4 magmadroth and 1 unit of HGB. The enemy needs to take care of your buffed Magmadroths and be careful of your striking-first HGB's.
  5. Being able to use it in any other Lodge than Hermdar seems a buff to me. Yes, it can be a nerf, but to say that, we need to know how the other lodges work
  6. So, it seems that Tides of Death have 2 abilities for each turn. One of them is passive and the other needs an Isharan unit on the table. I don't understand why WC talks about "choosing a ritual", it seems that there is no choise. Maybe I'm missing something? Edit: yep, I'm a ******. Only one ritual in the first turn. Thx @Kadetonand @Flippy
  7. I got confused by the name!! I don't think Fjul will be any good...
  8. Fjul-Grimnir has a warscroll on the book!!
  9. Chaos Space marines are close to what we have in Disciples, Maggotkin, Blades and Hedonites, with some Power-Armor elements. But they are far away from being "space marines in blue, white, black, red, etc...". Deathguard marines are a good example fo that: Rubric Marines are really nice too: Kharn the Betrayer is the first new "khorne" miniature for 40k (really close to our Blood warriors btw): Slaanesh has "noise marines", saddly, they are still not updated (yet), but we have a nice model commemorating the old glam-rock look: I hope to see the new Emperor's Children (Hedonites of Slaanesh 40k-style) because they look awesome!
  10. @Doko Your last 10+ posts seems to be repeating the same (vulkites unplayable, everything is nerfed, magmadroths are bad, etc...). I think that you make your point very clear, but I still think that we need to read the whole battletome. I'm sure that people will find new combos and ways to play.
  11. What do you think if all the infantry troops have the Sworn Protectors?Maybe that could make Vulkites really useful? Yes, Guttrippaz and Ardboyz are still better if we only look at warscrolls, but with all Buff-Bots within this army, maybe it can turn the humble naked-dwarfs in to something crazy.
  12. Anyone have any Fyreslayers/Idoneth leaks?? Even Horus Heresy has more leaks at this point!
  13. Wtf? You said: @Marcvs said that you are wrong and proved that there are monsters with worst save, and he only pointed a few because there are a lot more with 4+ save or even worst, 5+ saves. Conclusion: doesn't matter if there are 3+ monsters (btw, Ironclad is not a monster), the point is that new monsters (SCE, Kruleboyz, Maggotkin...) are NOT 3+ as you said.
  14. I think you are right. They showed how the Roaring Fyrestream and I don't even know how I should play it
  15. Not having any issue at all. TTS helps to (partially) know the behaviour of some units on the table, test some lists and play with friends that are far away. I prefer to play IRL with friends but that's another thing.
  16. 100% agree with this. Mathammer is awesome, but it's just one jigsaw piece. The whole picture is what it matters.
  17. I don't know, really. Each attack is resolved individually, that's why all other abilities that return dmg have a description of "after suffering" a wound have a max cap of dmg that can return. Aura of Madness has another description: "after all of its attacks have been resolved." From a lore pov, it seems that's the same unit that hit themself because their own madness (and not acid blood or whatever). I suppose that you are right, but I'm not really sure.
  18. I think that's 1mw for each attack roll of 1. But you can't kill the attacking enemy unit before he/she finishes all of his/her attacks. All Aura of Madness mortal wounds are applied after he/she resolves all of them.
  19. I don't think there is any IP problem. The "concept" of the army can't be registered, and GW doens't have any KOs building. Unless there is a 100% copy&paste designs (and I mean, 100%), it will not be a problem.
  20. I’ve tried to look to other games/systems to see why AoS has different feeling when you use some Artillery, and I think it’s because they don’t have a role on the table. They are just “worst" ranged units. So, I decided to look for other roles that have a similar problem and I find that Cavalry and Heavy/Monstrous Cavalry had a similar problem. But lot's of them have similar abilities that we can group into two groups: So, big cavalry/monsters can do mortal wounds and skilled riders have a bonus to their weapon profiles after a charge. Some of them can be really bad (stats, points, etc...) or out of the meta, but at least, they are different from other units. That's what I'm looking for. Let’s move to Artillery. We can group all Artillery units into 4 groups: Catapults/Trebuchets Maybe blob-killers. Bolt-Throwers/Axe Throwers Maybe high-wounds killers (Beast-skewer Killbow) Cannons/Gunpowder Generalists (high rend, damage, range, etc... but without a specialist bonus) Lightning/Lasers High risk-high reward? I'm not sure what abilities they need, but their role should be clear. Numbers can be tweaked to make them more viable, so it's all about giving them a purpose on the table.
  21. Turtle, turtle for everyone (Nautilar)! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/02/15/the-new-idoneth-battletome-brings-extra-beefy-leviadons-to-the-battleline/
  22. My favorite games were using meeting engagement (mix them with fluffy battleplans for the best explosive experience). My main complain about playing 1k points games is basically the units that you can take, and how crazy are some of them. You really need to talk to your opponent before the game if you want to have a fun game.
  23. I think that's true for all armies appart from the ones at the bottom (Gloomspite comes my mind). Some micro-armies can disguise that problem because they don't have enough units, but it's exactly the same: only a few units are used in the competitive scene. Instead of Fulminators, Longstrikes and Dragons, we had HGB spam, Ironclad+WLV, Eeel spam, Morathi/Gotrek and/or snake spam, Mortek Spam (Petrifex), etc... With SCE having a larger roster than other armies, it's easy to see the problem. I read that Nu'Nurgle has some flexibile and unique lists that let you use a bigger competitive roster (5++ army-wide helps a lot I suppose) and maybe Lumineth, but I'm not really sure about that.
  24. I suppose that the bold part is just gloom&doom, unless you already read the battletome. Just to make it clear, SCE, Orruks (all 3 clans) and Nurgle have 3 battle traits (or even more, like Bonnesplitterz) + 1 ability for each subfaction. That's what I expect for other armies. Let's look at SCE: In 2.0, SCE had shock and awe and Scions of the storm or Shield of civilization and Mortal Auxiliaries. (2 abilities). In 3.0 they have Blaze of Glory, Scions of the Storm or Shield of Civilization and Holy Commands. From what I know (not an SCE expert btw), Holy Commands are a mix of old CA/subfactions/ etc... and a completely new thing. Let's look at Nurgle: In 2.0, they had Cycle of Corruption and Summon Daemons of Nurgle. (2 abilities). In 3.0, they have Diseased, Disgusting Resilient and Cycle of Corruptions (and Summon Daemons too). GW removed some of Nurgle's abilities like Disease-ridden Demise (nurglings) or Blighted Weapons (blightkings) to make room for Diseased. Same with Disgustingly Resilient... What I'm saying is that moving an ability from a warscroll to a battle trait is not always a 1:1 thing. I'm pretty sure that you get the point of what I'm talking about. Let's look at Fyreslayers: In 2.0 they had Ur-Gold runes... and that's all. In 3.0, GW showed that they still have Ur-gold runes, let's see if Fyreslayers are going to follow the same pattern as other 3.0 Battletomes... Yes. Orruks, Nurgle and SCE lost 99% of their CA. Only one or two survived, and I expect exactly the same for Fyreslayers and Deepkin. Edit: But I can see some of them in the new Holy Orders: Thunderbolt Volley - Heroes of Another Age (Command) Call for Aid - Souls of Stormhost (Command) Steadfast March - Onwards to Glory (Knight Heraldor Ability). Unleash thy Hatred - Righteous Hatred (Command).
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