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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. +1 save cahracteristic, better profile and the usual 3.0 features are going to stay at least until the next battletome/edition. GHB2022 helping basic troops is just a bonus. But believe me that it's a bit boring when you play an army without powerful Heroes, 0 monsters and rely on profiles with rend to do damge in a season that specifically buffs Heroes, Monsters and save-stacking units.
  2. I only played 2 times agaisnt Sylvaneth, so, I don't know exactly all their interactions. If you put this unit in a sylvaneth forest (with unleash hell ready for any charge), that means that this unit can only be damaged in that turn by units with mortal wounds on charge or big monsters that have ranged profiles?
  3. Remember that a lot of 2" weapons (Bloodknights lance, Nurgle Scythes, etc...) are turned to 1" weapons. Another thing to take in mind is that save characteristic of 4+ (or 5+) is a lot better than a plain +1 save. AoD, Magic Shield, Garrisons, Cover,... can do wonder with a unit than can ignore -1 or -2 rend and still have a 4+ (or 3+) save. If we look at previous 3.0 books, appart from a few warscroll (mainly drakeguard and a few other SCE) everything seems to rely on their battletraits (Nurgle, Nighthaunts, double-taps SCE, etc...). Appart from that, rememer that the new GHB will give "something" to Battleline basic troops. imho, everything seems to go in line fro a powerful book.
  4. Whatsapp groups. But I'm 100% sure that someone will post it in reddit in a few minuts.
  5. Stoemvermin: 4+ save an +1bravery. 1" halberd, 2 attacks at 3+/3+/-1/1. 2+ bodyguard for Verminous Heroes. 4+ bodyguard for non-verminous heroes Clanrats: 5+ save Return 1D3 models at the ens of battleshock phase.
  6. Nop. SCE holy orders (special enhancements) are like a Battletrait. Some armies have crazy stuff (5-6 battletraits, mainly Nighthaunts), others have 2-3 and maybe an enhancement, heroic action or this kind of stuff
  7. Is Gnarlroot a part of the Gnarlwood zone?
  8. Warhammer Fest is coming to an end, and we have a nice surprise in Drekki Flynt, and he will have a Warscroll too! He was presented in two Black Library short stories, The Lost Karak and Krenkha Ghorogna and soon it will have a new book as it's main star: I can't wait to paint mine!
  9. I partly agree The design seems to be based on Spanish Conquistadores than the Germanic Empire with Landsknechts. That's a plus, but I hope that they retain a bit of the old Empire too (maybe in some bits and iconic units). Of course the Morion helmet is a classic emblem that should be there, but how many armor are they going ot wear? With bloomers or metal-skirts? Armor with attached weapons or something more historic? Mask under the helmet? Half-mask? Skulls? Holyseals? Feathers? I'm not saying that they are going to be Alarith for humans, I'm just saying that a concept can be turned in to something really unique, and that's what I expect. I can see a mix of full-armored non-historic Conquistadores, a lot of halberds with crazy stuff (feathers or even fire weapons mounted on the same weapons), maybe a bit of steampunk in some units, and then something crazy for zealots and Sigmarnatics. Time will tell, and even if I never collect humans, I'm really curious how they are going to be.
  10. Nop. That Dwarf was Grombrindal or Grungni (both had arguments to e there)
  11. Congratulation to Sylvaneth!! Not going to lie, I'm a bit jealous but really happy for all of you!
  12. A few hints that were talked in the stream. Skavens: Lot's of diferent ways to build the army, expect a few more things with Eshin (because new deadthmaster and the Underworlds warband). High risk, high reward, A few rolled 1's or bad bravery-stacking can destroy your plan. Can build specific clans (eshin, verminous, etc...) or as a full mob from all aspects of the horned rat. Sylvaneth: Lady of thorns has the same role of Drycha. More powerful than 5 wounds heroes but less powerful than god-like Allarielle. Gossamid Archers are faster than average ranged units and they do "something" when they hit (Eddie explains that their arrows turn to insects and some other creepy stuff...). Spiteriders Lancers are shock cavalry, comparable to Eels (in dmg) and really fast. Revenant Seekers can still hit hard but have more synergies with the army. They can collect the seeds of fallen Sylvaneths to ressurect them or heal other units. New Battletome will change a lot of things, even old units will have diferent roles and abilities. This new Sylvaneth units expanded how the Sylvaneth can be played and opened a lot of new type of mechanics. GHB2022: Still in Ghur, but in another zone (bye bye Thondia!). 6 "generic" battleplans 6 "specific" battleplans Basic Troops (talked about battleline troops) are going to be the starts of the show. Until now, they were just "chaff", but this book will bring new ways to play them and have another type of impact on the table. Monsters are still going to be good. Dawnbringer Crusades (no name given in the stream): The new army will come at the end of this edition. The release will be like Sisters of Battle. They will show some renders and models before their release. Based on humans (grounded people) but they didn't deny that it could be other races too (answering a twitch-chat question). New design. They are not Empire but in AoS, they are a new army. Again, their focus is on the people of the realms. Based on the ongoing story of the Cities of Sigmar & Free Cities (now Dawnbringer Crusades). Lot's of skulls and warhammer stuff. Drekki Flynt & Cado Ezechiar Both with warscrolls. Drekki was presented in two short stories and will recieve a new book. Ogroids Theridons We know everything about them so...
  13. I'm a simple man. When I see a Kharadron, I just vote the preview as the best one ever
  14. The true mastermind behind the Imperium. PRAISE THE BEAR!
  15. Female Dwarf for League of Votann. Meanwhile in AoS.... (still waiting)
  16. I think that's completely intended: Full dmg (that can take down an Ironclad in one average hit) but really vulnerable to incoming dmg (ranged, strike first, etc...) A bit more tanky but half dmg. Imho, that's a good step in the right direction. Maybe not the best "point and click" unit for competitive play, but I'm fine with that (until someone find a delivery system to remove their downsides...)
  17. Thx a lot @Garrac Imho, they are one of the best villains for Duardins (Gobbos/Skavens already have some Kharadron Sky-ports under their control, that's a lot of Runes of Mark!). One of my favorite conflicts was the Karak Eight Peaks, I hope to see something like that again.
  18. I'm not used to read Skaven lore, can anyone explain a little bit what are they doing in AoS? (thx!) I read some books with Skavens (Be'lakor pact with them in Broken realms, the Giant Doomwheel in Spear of Shadows, Malign Portents/Black Pyramid 2.0 ) but none of them has any focus on Skavens.
  19. Maybe the controversy will be the return of Zoats...
  20. 6 Spirit Torments Hosts+Krulghast seems to be a good tarpit for big threats: Krulghast with Look Out Sir, bodyguard (3+) and 4+ unrendable save. 18 Unrendable wounds with a Ward 6+ (or 5+ with 1CP) and -1 melee damage. No inspiring presence for engaged enemy units. Wave of Terror (if needed). (Conditional bonus) Grieving Legion don't let the enemy retreat. 10+ models!!! Edit: Thx @That Guy!
  21. Sam Pearson played a campaign based on the Carcass Donse (Whitedwarf 475, awesome read for anyone interested). A lot of ruins and vaults around there, but it seems that the Drogrukh had a bad time before going the way of the Dodo.
  22. The dmg potential of Ogroid Theridons seems awesome. With Great Axes (and only 5+ save...), they can hit stronger than Fulminators. And that's without any AoA or Battle Trait (They have Mark of Chaos too). Delivery and ward saves are going to be their main drawbacks (I suppose), but that's exactly how this kind of mosnters should be. And le'ts be honest, they look awesome!!
  23. No. You can still take him in any other Nighthaunts subfaction, but he will not get any subaction bonus appart from the Grieving Legion
  24. Wow. Glad that Nighthaunts can play with a lot of new tools! Even traits and artifacts seems good and can be used as combo with a lot of crazy stuff. I need to read again their rules because I can see some awesome interactions. Even glavewraith seems good with that +3 to charge!!
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