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Let's chat : Blades of Khorne!


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49 minutes ago, TheAdequateWargamer said:

Would the best way forward be to go with just chaos allegiance? Apart form not being limited to 400pts of allies for wizards you could also take some pink horrors. 

Hey, hey now, let's not get crazy.  Wizards are one thing, but horrors are horrible :) (kidding).


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2 hours ago, Sabrewulf said:

D'oh! Some crow to eat with a couple recent opponents. Never occurred to me Chosen ability was just StD. Thanks for correction.

Still works the normal way tho. LoKJ affects Mortal Khorne, so Khorne-Marked chosen can use Blood Stampede to proc more mortal wounds.

Exalted DB only needs one cast of Bronzed Flesh for Skullgouger to work. Opponent ignorance isn't required; if the DB charges a large unit or a unit with a lot of attacks, they don't really have a choice. It isn't 20 wounds, it's D3 wounds per 6+ save. With Bronzed Flesh you'll average 1/3 saves of 5+ or 6+. It can be more, it can be less.


I like the way you think!

I'd make sure I had some big blocks of Blood Warriors so Bronzed flesh would get some more mileage with gorefists.

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On 03/02/2018 at 11:45 PM, Fireymonkeyboy said:

Hey, hey now, let's not get crazy.  Wizards are one thing, but horrors are horrible :) (kidding).



You could even stay with khorne allegiance and use an allied wizard to summon some horrors. The 

But then you're probably back to the original problem of what happens if they pop off the wizard before he casts.

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On 04/02/2018 at 12:27 AM, jazman84 said:

I like the way you think!

I'd make sure I had some big blocks of Blood Warriors so Bronzed flesh would get some more mileage with gorefists.

Tried something similar in June last year with Gore Pilgrims + Bloodforged battalions. Bloodwarriors with a 2+ ignoring rend -1. Which is great if you can get on an objective and want to be passive aggressive with mortal wound output, but it's not very killy if you need to shift something big or resiliant. Esp if your opponent knows they'll take more damage back than they will kick out.

Id probably run with a chaos sorcerer lord (for rr saves of 1) and go with killing frenzy as the SP prayer(s). When they die in combat they hit back with a punch

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I look away one minute and suddenly it's about Wizards in Khorne armies :P WTH!

1 minute ago, TheAdequateWargamer said:

Has anyone used a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage? 

If so, how did it go?

How you use him for in your games? Throw him into units or heros or a distraction piece etc

What did you give him in terms of artifacts/command traits?

Is there a way to get +1 to the wound rolls to make his axe explode on anything better than 6's?

Did with GH2016.
Was neat but nothing too impressive, still prefer Bloodletters over him because I don't think he makes a good general.
Used him mainly for hero hunting purposes, which worked once and got area denied after that.
Gave him the hit re-roll trait and wound-reroll artefact. Was fun.
Other than re-rolling 1's from the Bloodstoker we don't have a way to do that for Daemons, Khorne Lord on Juggernaut can only give it and gives it to Mortal Khorne. Perhaps there are spells or something ;) 

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1 hour ago, TheAdequateWargamer said:

Has anyone used a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage? 

If so, how did it go?

Perfect example of something that can go wrong very fast for me.

Tried unbuffed : The opponent overestimates da big guy with a giant axe and concentrate on him. Then he tries his 4 (5) attacks that his on 4+ with high variance dammage (rolled a 2 on the only attack that went throught. Got butchered.

Tried buffed : General that rerrol to hit with +1 to hit from a blessing and RR1 to wound from the stocker. Was much better but i had to give up on usual combos of the army. The 6 on wound happened once and the range engulfed a surprisingly big number of ennemy units, not bad. The command ability never served as i never fail a charge when i have +3/+6 on my rolls.

Afterthoughts : I would never run him anymore unless i also have 2-3 Spriest to give him +2 to hit and another WOKBT to make him run'n'charge. Unreliable because of the D6 dammage, but nice when the stars align.

What i truly don't like on this BT is the dammage chart : unlike other BT where getting damamged makes your "to wound" rolls worse (which only require you to have more luck) , this one loses attacks, which is a direct alteration to your dammage output.

That beeing said he is more or less cheap for a flying monster.

That beeing said he can't hold a candle to the same amount of point of Bloodletters.



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There's always an artifact that lets you rr damage on a weapon that might help with the swingyness.

Would quite like to take him as a second BT along with a WoKBT. Whip and send flying across the table for my opponent to deal with.

Would have to take gore p (+hit buffs) and a bloodstoker and WoK for it to work.

Could only really drop a slaughterpriest to fit in 6 hero limit

But now Gore Pilgrims is really expensive for what you get. Dilema.

I can only imagine the roar of delight you would get from rolling a double 6 to wound esp if you are in range of a load of squishy characters. Like charging a slaughter priest in gore Pilgrims. 8" is probably going to take out all the characters and have some serious battleshock potential on any small unit nearby.

2 inch range on the axe, you might even be able to hit a hero over the top of a chaff unit without the hero being able to attack back because of their own blocking screen. Obs you still take the hits from the chaff, but could be the lesser of two evils. 

A lot of the artifacts only work against heros/monsters and they aren't always in range of a turn 1 charge.

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If you want an obnoxious Flyer with some Mortal wounds consider the Jabberslythe first Id say.

Non WoK BT just doesnt impress me. The reason the WoK does comes from his relevant Command Ability which confirmed now works in perfect harmony with the Bloodstoker.

Unfortunatly Blades of Khorne is a bit limited in choice while looking at flavour. The Slaughterbrute doesnt make me happy either. Multiple Khorgoraths do though, so theres at least that.

In that same vein a lot of cool doors would open if our Juggernaut riders and Fleshhounds all became Daemons ;) because then suddenly all Bloodthirsters would have an additional boost.

All this old test stuff also brings back good 'old' Bloodsecrator games when Khorne had something to say competitively ;)

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40 minutes ago, TheAdequateWargamer said:

There's always an artifact that lets you rr damage on a weapon that might help with the swingyness.

Not sold on that one. First, rerolling D6's can be tricky and second, this only works on monsters (and heroes maybe)


If i have to take a second Bloodthirster, i'd be tempted to take another WOKBT just because he is 300% more reliable and for the eventual use of the Bloodtithe point N°1. Otherwise, for 70 point less a BToUF will serves you as well if you don't mind free-arcane bolts, magic-devouring and command abilities.

If you just need a big thing to buff, lash, bless, run'n'charge, you have some option like a Prince with Deathdealer or a Soulgrinder. Thoses have a massive movement speed and enjoy +1/2 to hit and +7 to run and charge. 

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On 2/2/2018 at 7:59 PM, Sabrewulf said:

Daemonic Mount, Immense Power, Gorecleaver, Gore Pilgrims, Killing Frenzy, Chaos Chosen

This bad boy has 4 Attacks, 2+ Hit (Reroll 1s), 2+ Wound (Mortal on 5+), -2 Rend, 3 Damage. He'll average 9 damage, 3 Mortal Wounds per turn. dding attacks thru any means (Bloodmarked Warband, Bloodsecrator, Wrathmongers) is +2 Damage / +1 Mortal Wound more on average. Oh, and he has a Runeshield, so when he misses, next turn, he usually gets to try again.

Just curious how he is getting the 2+ to wound and mortal wounds on a 5+...everything else makes sense to me but this. Chosen don't confer this ability, they just have it themselves.

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24 minutes ago, exliontamer said:

Just curious how he is getting the 2+ to wound and mortal wounds on a 5+...everything else makes sense to me but this. Chosen don't confer this ability, they just have it themselves.

The Lord of Khorne Command Ability? Adds 1 to his otherwise 3+ to wound.

In general the combos are cool, could post them all over again but its cooler to find them out whilst exploring the army.

There is a reason why I think The Crimson Crown is the strongest Artefact in this book and really not going for it is missing out on raw power.


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2 hours ago, Patapoef said:

I used the ir bt in bloodcoucil and gave him the weapon that always hits on a 2+.

He killed everything with just one round of combat. Best thing is with 3 bt running around and his command ability being the worst the other bts were focussed.

Same here, I used it with this artefact to hunt down big stuff against a friend's sylvaneth army. Worked wonderfully, treelord ancient was dead in one round, and thanks to the area effect, killed some stuff around it. 

But I agree it was circonstencial, and BTW it was killed a bit later by kurnouts with blades. 

But for the look on my friend's face when he realized 500 pts had just vanished like that, it was totally worth it! 

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1 hour ago, JonnyTheKing said:

So I've been toying with a list but the only problem is that it runs 5 Khorgaraths, I love the rules and the model, but I don't want 5 of the same pose models walking around. Think we will get a multipart kit one day or does anyone have any good conversions?

Do think that somehwere in some future there will be a kit for it, but since we missed it in the Daemonic boat for 40K (could have ended up there) I think the next step where we might expect it is with a Codex World Eaters/Khorne as an addition to that army on the 40K side of things.

As for conversions, there are some options to kitbash it with Bloodthirsters and the likes but generally the pose seems very much set. Headswaps is what I do for mine. In addition I cut and reset an army whilst one of them had the rock removed under his hoof so it's stance is at least somewhat different.

The real question is if you really want 5 in your army offcourse. Because I think it can be done with Skaarac but otherwise I'd keep it at 3.

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1 hour ago, Killax said:

Do think that somehwere in some future there will be a kit for it, but since we missed it in the Daemonic boat for 40K (could have ended up there) I think the next step where we might expect it is with a Codex World Eaters/Khorne as an addition to that army on the 40K side of things.

As for conversions, there are some options to kitbash it with Bloodthirsters and the likes but generally the pose seems very much set. Headswaps is what I do for mine. In addition I cut and reset an army whilst one of them had the rock removed under his hoof so it's stance is at least somewhat different.

The real question is if you really want 5 in your army offcourse. Because I think it can be done with Skaarac but otherwise I'd keep it at 3.

Honestly my Khorne army is currently  fluffy and fun more than anything (I don't even run a Bloodletters blob!) it's purely mortal and I love the idea of loads of big hulking creatures running forward at the enemy and slamming into enemy infantry!

I will definitely look into the headswap idea as I have Bloodthirster parts lying around somewhere. I also had an idea of maybe using the faces/masks from the Talos pain engine kit and basically having these faces of pure violence and destruction hiding behind ominous masks as they hulk towards the enemy.


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1 hour ago, Fireymonkeyboy said:

Sabrewulf's post about Chosen has me thinking, and I need an ask.  Can someone with access to both the Bloodreaver and Bloodwarrior boxes please check and see if the meatripper axe arms from the BRs will fit on the BW bodies?  Thanks in advance for any help.


Checked it for you but it's a bit hit and miss, I think your easier done if you just convert them from Blood Warriors. Afterall, Blood Warriors don't have big weapon options so a single big axe with bits from the Skullreapers should really do the trick I believe.

Having said that I'm not that big on Chosen, there is also a part in Sabrewulfs write up that isn't correct. The Chosen can buff Slaves to Darkness units. The Khorne Lord on Juggernaut is not a Slaves to Darkness unit...

But feel free to Sayl bomb Chosen, that can be fun and is strong. 

9 minutes ago, JonnyTheKing said:

Honestly my Khorne army is currently  fluffy and fun more than anything (I don't even run a Bloodletters blob!) it's purely mortal and I love the idea of loads of big hulking creatures running forward at the enemy and slamming into enemy infantry!

I will definitely look into the headswap idea as I have Bloodthirster parts lying around somewhere. I also had an idea of maybe using the faces/masks from the Talos pain engine kit and basically having these faces of pure violence and destruction hiding behind ominous masks as they hulk towards the enemy.

Going full Mortal is cool with me also, having said that though even Bloodbound shouldn't be full mortal when you consider their Daemonic Juggernauts and Fleshhounds ;) 
Best part for Khorgoraths I feel is the Bloodletter skull from the skull set, by large because Khorgoraths are actually constructed by Bloodletters and in addition to that an additional skull as head just blends in well with it's open skull filled back and all that.

The Dark Eldar Talos heads are certainly amazing swap pieces. Prime reason why I didn't go for that route is because I couldn't obtain the bits and didn't feel like buying a whole Talos model just for the heads if the Skullset offered an alternative.
Third time I'm showing this old picture but I still really like a Bloodletter skull on top of the Khorgorath's neck. I also added tusks to make it show some of it's bestial features the narrative suggests it had.

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4 hours ago, JonnyTheKing said:

Think we will get a multipart kit one day or does anyone have any good conversions?

I see people here and there doing coversion based on different alternative models :

-Chaos spawn : Ugly but with a good paint job can be convincingK

-Crypt horrors : Okayish, there are a bunch of skulls in the kit that made them convincing.

-Wingless-armorless daemon prince : Expensive option

-Kitbash Rat-ogor or Stormfiends : quite convincing but require Headswap and a bunch of Khorne icons


Hope that helps.


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9 minutes ago, Killax said:

Checked it for you but it's a bit hit and miss, I think your easier done if you just convert them from Blood Warriors. Afterall, Blood Warriors don't have big weapon options so a single big axe with bits from the Skullreapers should really do the trick I believe.

Having said that I'm not that big on Chosen, there is also a part in Sabrewulfs write up that isn't correct. The Chosen can buff Slaves to Darkness units. The Khorne Lord on Juggernaut is not a Slaves to Darkness unit...

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Thanks, Killax, much appreciated.  Pity - I was hoping that'd work.  I also caught the glitch in Sabrewulf's write up, but it's actually the buff the Juggerlord gives them that interests me.  They're not as efficient in delivering MW as a Letterbomb, but they do more in that line than any other mortal unit (with the exception of the JL himself, when Gorecleavered).  The prospect of a fun modelling project that was a) mortal, and b) gave me some moderate, but viable MW options had me intrigued.  I'm increasingly of the opinion that in both AoS and 40k, competitive armies have a) mobility, b) range, and c) the ability to dish out MW in numbers, so anything that adds to any of those capabilities is of interest.

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