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Wrathmongers + skullreapers from only 1 box?


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I would like to know if it is possible to (easily) obtain 5 wrathmongers + 5 skullreapers from only 1 box of wrathmongers. I have not seen any nice YouTube video explaining this or making an unboxing so I would like to know if some of you have ever tried this. Maybe using the bodies of 5 bloodwarriors (those from the AoS big box)?

Thank you

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It sounds good! I thought of using the bodies of the 5 bloodwarriors in the starter box because I bought a start collecting bloodbound so I have a unit of 10 already.

Maybe it is better to sacrifice 5 bloodreavers rather than 5 bloodwarriors I guess.

Thank you very much!

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Just made a simple skeleton wire, and then sculpted it with an epoclay. the results is just a simple and plain legs, no ornament at all. It's even plainer than marauder legs. But, just in the same size as the skullreaper box. It took me around 1 hour for sculpting each legs. Sure, it's an extra work, but because of that i'm interested in sculpting now ?

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  • 2 years later...
On 11/25/2016 at 9:52 PM, Sigmalthus said:

I recently did this actually. Bought a set of 5 assembled blood warriors from the starter box. Cut their torsos off and put wrathmonger tops on. Pretty happy with the result



Hey, I know this post is old but I’m just about to do the same. What did you do about the backs? Did you just green stuff them? I used the plates for the Skullreapers. Thanks for the inspiration!

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