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What do you think of Duardin in AoS?


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I'm a lifelong dwarf player.  I heard all the 'dwarfs are boring talk yet still contented myself with sitting back and shooting my opponent off, time and time again.

Since AoS dropped I've been enjoying the freedom to build small forces so much that I've been off buying all manner of Chaos minis, and the duardin have barely had a look in.

Dwarf Duardin players, how are finding them in this new age?  Are we finally able to take the fight to the opposition (without having to write silly, gimmicky lists) and smash face?  I'd love to think I could play a duardin force which could run down the enemy, and race around grabbing objectives.

Are the break off?

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As long as you are on the #legacyIN team, you can do great smashing face.  I posit it takes the legacy Thane with Battle Standard to really be able to pull it off.  And the best Warmachine support for smashing face is the non-line of sight Grudgethrower, also legacy now. 

Oh, you also need to be able to contest objectives with Gyrocopters, which are technically Warmachines and some comps/house rules don't let you hold objectives with Warmachines.

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So they were fun when AoS dropped, but maybe not so much now? If that's the case, I'm hoping we get the long rumoured golems/constructs with the next duardin release. They need a little variation. It'd be nice to get something quick moving that can take objectives too, but maybe that's asking too much...

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Part of the thing is they still aren't fast. But they seem to play as you would expect. Except for being less tanky than expected, due to only having 1 wound per model across the board. But they are much less static. You can move and shoot! Duardin shooters are also surprisingly not-terrible in close combat. I need to rebase them and get a few more games in. But I honestly believe that there's a lot of good stuff in the dwarf list that hasn't been used. It just feels like a lot of Dwarf fans rejected this new-fangled thing, and so we're left with the guys who don't mind a little experimenting :P

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I've rebased all of mine in 25mm. I'll no doubt give them a go at some point, probably when a battletome comes out. The idea of moving and shooting is definitely a big change and should speed them up loads. There's just too much cool chaos stuff at the moment to look anywhere else. 

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I went with 32mm, it probably hampers a bit, but the models look good on them.  40mm for characters.  Played last night, and if your group is using legacy, Bugman and his rangers plus miners both give you good options to get deep into your opponents territory quickly.  I have found them to be pretty sluggish and these units help combat that aspect.

I am adding a steam tank, as now it seems to fit as a good centrepirece model.

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I am interested in peoples experiences and finding with the Duardin so far in AoS. Is there any Heroes / Units that are auto includes? When i have written lists i fins the units take up lots of the points (SCGT or Clash Pools) that I could never squeeze in artillery as well. Maybe its just not needed.

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I find the fact that artillery can never capture to be a huge obstacle to including any (especially as war machines aren't cheap). I tend to go with long ranged elite units instead, e.g. Jezzails and Judicators. Turning to Dwarves - the closest equivalent would be Irondrakes plus a Runelord for some -2 rend brutal shooting at a decent if unspectacular range.

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3 hours ago, ChippyRick said:

I am interested in peoples experiences and finding with the Duardin so far in AoS. Is there any Heroes / Units that are auto includes? When i have written lists i fins the units take up lots of the points (SCGT or Clash Pools) that I could never squeeze in artillery as well. Maybe its just not needed.

I'm finding that issue too.  When I've played about with lists, the artillery is just too expensive (though fairly priced) to field an old school gunline.  You end up with just warmachines on the table!

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3 hours ago, ChippyRick said:

I am interested in peoples experiences and finding with the Duardin so far in AoS. Is there any Heroes / Units that are auto includes? When i have written lists i fins the units take up lots of the points (SCGT or Clash Pools) that I could never squeeze in artillery as well. Maybe its just not needed.

I would say bugman purely for his deep strike ability (assuming legacy support).  Apart from that none of the others are 'stand out'

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I've taken Miners to a tournament as a sidecar to Stormcast and they proofed to be a useful and fairly cheap addition, especially in table control scenarios (table quarters, terrain). You just have to pop the little blighters up on turn 4 and not forget like I tend to do each time. They're a bit defensive though, I wish their Steamguns were 9" and not 8" though. Think they're legacy now which is a slight bummer. 14 effective woulds as well in a unit of 10!

I'm also looking at Ironbreakers as a toughish, cheap, nut to crack. 4+ save rerolling 1's, 5+ ward banner v magic. Mhhh but cheap under Mo.

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I have been reading through all the characters and seeing what buffs each of them have and then where they can used to make units better.

Cant seem to leave out Belegar or Bugman, they will both be in for sure. Outside of that, Runelord looks cool, Ungrim as well and even looked at Grimm Burloksson for boosting a decent sized unit of Quarellers. As commented, just seem to run out of points quick, as liked the idea of a tunnelling unit from the fyreslayers but every list I have wrote so far points vanish quick (SCGT or Clash pools). 

I havnt played a game with them yet so this is pure theory, just been surprised so far and expected to fit more in. Definitely intrigued to see how they play and I think I might try and get a few games in with a list soon. I am also only trying to use the newer model range, so Hammers, Irondrakes, Ironbreakers and Longbeards as I hope these will stay in the range once book/release comes for them. I will use other things but hope the basis of the army will work around Hammers and Irondrakes as I own these.

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Quarrelers + runepriest + ungrim with the range boost are very nasty  but its a ton of investment.  If you get longbeards with another dwarf lord in your list they are ridiculous. ( I prefer the big unit of thundrers I think, less range and shots but 2 to hit 2 to wound and -2 rend is very tough.)  Leaves the quarrelers to deep strike with bugman.

Been looking at a tiny unit of longbeards, with several characters all pumping out thier command abilities. Think it does make it a bit static though as everything has to group up.

Shame none fo the boosts work on war machines, Ungrim plus any of those is really nasty, if they did.

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I had been collecting up dwarfs as my next project around this time last year and so when AoS dropped I immediately painted them up and started playing with them. 

They were great fun to play and I tended to run 30 hammers, 20 longbeards, 20 warriors, 30 thunderers  warmachines, Grimm, belegar and some Runelords 

the thunderers were great with a Runelords -1 rend added and grimms extra 6" range I flensed Arkhan, a necrosphynx, carnosaurs war altars etc... All with a single volley. 

The hammerers were also amazing with Belegar's +1a ability and the extra rend. They did die quite easily but I tended to use the longbeards and warriors and thunderers as the anvils to hold up and absorb casualties (shield wall is very good) and then counter charge. 

Grudge throwers and canons with Grimm also were good fun and without them the army wouldn't work 

Sadly though over over time I found that both clash comp and Scgt massively over costed the warmachines so that the army no longer had much of a chance as you really do need 2 warmachines (min) and the big blocks. 

Hopefully things will change once the official GW points come out as warmachine whilst deadly should not be as expensive as they are relatively easily countered 

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I love them, currently have some Ironbreakers and an Organ gun allied to my freeguild army, but planning to expand it into it's own respectable dwarf force at some point.


I'm really hoping they release a start collecting Duardin box soon 

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