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It's a hard nut to crack, and I'd be interested to see someone pull it off.  The main issue is that the narrative to date, while including some characters, has mostly been about gods and leaders and not about regular people - and regular people is the traditional "in" to an RPG.

It might be possible to craft something where the PCs are Mannfred and Korgus Khul and Gordrakk and Ionus Cryptborn, but that's a whole different level of challenge.

The closest I've seen to date is Silver Tower, but even then the story is so constrained and enclosed, by design, that it's hard to see what you could really do beyond the tower itself.

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Exalted is a great model, actually. I agree that the system should have some crunch, because there's a definite pecking order and power level matters - you wouldn't want a loosey goosey pure narrative system like FATE - but probably not super gear-headed. I think that like Exalted, the game should be tiered, with the idea that you pick a power level and then have a variety of character types that sit at that level. So, a game with Stormcast and mid-level vampires would be different from a game with mortal warriors, which would be different from a game with ancient Sylvaneth and Stormcast officers.

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I'd probably just make a new system that plays off the mechanics of the game, or at least Silver Tower's version of them. I'd make the progression similar to FFGs star wars system. If anything i'd make Chaos the player character perspective. Travelling different realms under an increasingly difficult to deal with Daemon Prince, as he plans to usurp Archaon and eventually the Dark Gods. 

Alternatively I'd love to run a brotherhood of Stormcast seperated from their chamber and only faintly connected to sigmar's guidance. I feel like stormcast have quite a bit of great class choices, especially with the new lord-veritant.

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So before started a course about a month ago (that I just finished), I was about half way through working on a dungeon crawl system for AoS. Similar to Silver Tower, but more like Descent: premade characters that you unlock new skills for as you progress. I have 3 Duardin characters fleshed out, as well as a Necromancer and Witch hunter. Maybe more, can't remember at the moment. 4 players vs a GM that would control all of the enemies and have event cards he could play to set back the players. 

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I was reading the books and really thought they could have done something special with Lord Celestant Gardus,  trapped in the Realm of Chaos. Just imagine him trying to survive while outside of Sigmars view and influence and not being able to make it to Azyr, in order to get reforged, if he died there. Add to that a small team of Hallowed Knights going in after him.

So that got me thinking it would be a cool thing to play through as a small team of Stormcast Eternals that goes into a realm in search of something (not as an all out war thing). Meet people from that realm, make allies and enemies, explore some ruins full of monsters and come back having gained experience, level up and go out again.

The narrative already supports something like this with the Knight Questor in Silver Tower and the 2 Knight Azyros seeking an audience with Alarielle... 

Players could pick to play as a Liberator, Retributor, Protector, Decimator, Judicator, Prosecutor, maybe even Knight Questor, Knight Venator, Knight Azyros, Knight Vexillor... Or as one of the locals, a Sylvaneth, Seraphon or something. 

I think something like that lends itself for both an interesting novel and a great role playing experience. 

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Silver Tower works as an open RPG system, you can easily add mechanics for things like traps or puzzles. Maybe a room has a door sealed by an arcane trap, which will need 3 x 5+ Action from an Arcane character to clear.

In terms of character growth and development, earning the skill cards goes some way

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2 hours ago, Soulsmith said:

Depends if you mean an RPG game akin to silver tower, or more like warhammer fantasy roleplay. It's possible as the latter, but would need a lot of writing from the gm. Though if they were passionate it could be flipping fantastic.

Yup the nice thing about AOS is that it's more like 40k where you can insert your own towns and cities here and because the realms are so vast. The realm of life is pretty much the size of the old world going by the map. 

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What I love about the idea of an RPG set in Age of Sigmar is that the possibilities are endless...! Find a lost civilization, or an undiscovered area in any realm. Pockets of civilization that had somehow withstood the advance of Chaos. New monsters and even races to discover. 

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2 minutes ago, Wraith01 said:

What I love about the idea of an RPG set in Age of Sigmar is that the possibilities are endless...! Find a lost civilization, or an undiscovered area in any realm. Pockets of civilization that had somehow withstood the advance of Chaos. New monsters and even races to discover. 

Yeah part of my undead back story is based of the fact that the starting blurb of age of sigmar that sigmar did turn his back on many civilizations and of course many turned their backs on him for abandoning them. Hell that's pretty much the backstory of the chaos barbarian from sliver tower.  

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4 hours ago, shinros said:

Yeah part of my undead back story is based of the fact that the starting blurb of age of sigmar that sigmar did turn his back on many civilizations...

Mine, too! I'm hoping for Soulblight to include the surviving mortals of Shyish under the command of vampires... we'll have to see what we get!

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If you want a offhand RPG approach, you could start with normal warriors of any race, and could try the Path to Glory but with 8-10 common troops (say militia, bowmen, spear men, flagellants, and a great sword leader) and fight small skirmishes. Say that everyone who survives gets a +1 to their attacks, to hit, to wound, rend, or damage. If you win, one character can also add +1 to their move, wounds, save, or bravery. You'd want caps so a character couldn't move 72" or hit 100 times, but it would give an easy to apply RPG element to skirmishes.

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