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The Painting Contract - May 2024

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Not quite by the painting contract rules, as I haven't painted any miniatures for months and didn't realise I'd be doing any now, but...

Being on a bit of a creative kick after finishing up some writing drafts, and inspired by what we've been seeing of the coming edition and the new Skaven, I decided to grab a Warlock Bombardier off the shelves of Wroclaw's new Warhammer store and test out a paint scheme. I wanted to try out using Contrasts heavily, as my usual painting process is very slow, and it worked out fairly well. A day after having bought the mini, I'd already finished all the base layering and shading, then it just took a little bit of highlighting and basing to finish up. The little bit of water effect on the base took longer to cure than the rest of the mini did to paint.

The robes did come out a bit darker and more intense in terms of colour than I was expecting, and I'll try and knock that back a bit for the clanrats/rank and file I paint a bit, I think.


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1 hour ago, Acrozatarim said:

Not quite by the painting contract rules, as I haven't painted any miniatures for months and didn't realise I'd be doing any now, but...

Being on a bit of a creative kick after finishing up some writing drafts, and inspired by what we've been seeing of the coming edition and the new Skaven, I decided to grab a Warlock Bombardier off the shelves of Wroclaw's new Warhammer store and test out a paint scheme. I wanted to try out using Contrasts heavily, as my usual painting process is very slow, and it worked out fairly well. A day after having bought the mini, I'd already finished all the base layering and shading, then it just took a little bit of highlighting and basing to finish up. The little bit of water effect on the base took longer to cure than the rest of the mini did to paint.

The robes did come out a bit darker and more intense in terms of colour than I was expecting, and I'll try and knock that back a bit for the clanrats/rank and file I paint a bit, I think.


Robes look great! Really nice looking piece

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Posted (edited)

Finished my Fangs of the Blood Queen box, and made it rather a long way further with some Vanquishers than I expected!

These Stormcast are just so simple to paint, I’m looking forward to the new stuff!





Edited by RandyRyan
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The May is over. I've had a strong beginning and then a long break. I've managed to paint the remaining 5 Eldar Windriders, but not the bikes - hopefully I can finish the bikes early June and post the picture in the next month's topic. 

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Got some Reinforcements for my lumineth!



Working feverishly on a lot of Ad Mech to get what remains of my force painted and ready for the tabletop.

I am thinking I might invest in some more Ad Mech units sooner rather than later, especially if the dataslate changes are good! Depends on if Aeldari are going to be one of the next codexes coming up here. We shall see!




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