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Wild theories about the future of BoC

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On 2/3/2024 at 11:13 AM, JerekKruger said:

there are people who have built BoC armies from scratch after AoS was released,

I'm one of those. If BoC was to go, or were changed in such a way that the units I have are unplayable then I wouldn't get new ones. I'd just try and sell and as I'm already selling my 3000pt Nighthaunt army, I would be left with about 1000 points of Blades of Khorne that I would use alongside the beasts when I wanted to mix things up, and so would have to sell them too.

I'm only one AoS customer but I'd leave the franchise and concentrate on 40K. the same money goes to GW ultimately but it would be a shame. I get that GW might want me to, but I don't want to rebuild a new army again. Getting new units once in a while I can put up with.

Edited by Oak7603
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3 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Where is a place for Khornegors? There is no place for them in Blades of Khorne. There is already 3+/3+ Bloodletters and 3+/4+ blood warriors and for elites you have the Wrathmongers/Skullreapers which are also 3+/3+.

Tzaangors are essential unit for DoT from the beginning, although a more elite version. For BoK it's much harder to add them, while being different enough from the other foot units. There is also no place for them in StD, as it have the same problem as with BoK.

The whole AoS rulesystem is imo hitting its limits.

I agree with your last sentence but imo the room is in monstrous infantry. There's nothing between the 5 man skullreapers and the single unit khorgarath (think bullgor of khorne) in either mortals or demons that isn't cavalry.


I also don't think God gors have to be elites. Pestigor could easily end up being a chaff horde for nurgle (like plaguewalkers in 40k) because nurgle really doesn't need more beefy elite infantry either.

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1 hour ago, The Red King said:

I agree with your last sentence but imo the room is in monstrous infantry. There's nothing between the 5 man skullreapers and the single unit khorgarath (think bullgor of khorne) in either mortals or demons that isn't cavalry.


I also don't think God gors have to be elites. Pestigor could easily end up being a chaff horde for nurgle (like plaguewalkers in 40k) because nurgle really doesn't need more beefy elite infantry either.

Yes, but that would almost be a direct copy of the StD Ogroid Theridons, which is aesthetic wise (ignoring lore) an update of the older Bullgors sculpts.

In the 4-5 wound elite unit department we already have for BoK the Mighty Skullcrushers and Bloodcrushers. Although the Bullgors have a higher damage output.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see updated BoC mini's and preferable interchangeable with TOW Beastmen. Alas if we have to believe the rumours it will not happen and I don't see a place for the BoC units in any of the other Chaos battletomes.

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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

Yes, but that would almost be a direct copy of the StD Ogroid Theridons, which is aesthetic wise (ignoring lore) an update of the older Bullgors sculpts.

In the 4-5 wound elite unit department we already have for BoK the Mighty Skullcrushers and Bloodcrushers. Although the Bullgors have a higher damage output.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see updated BoC mini's and preferable interchangeable with TOW Beastmen. Alas if we have to believe the rumours it will not happen and I don't see a place for the BoC units in any of the other Chaos battletomes.

Well sure but ogroids are just rat ogres etc. Etc. I'm just saying BoK doesn't have monstrous infantry not that they NEED it per se.


But to be clear I'm in agreement that BoC doesn't seem to have any future and it looks like I'll probably be taking a long step back from AoS and maybe the hobby/company in general.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now that we kinda now that season of war gallet was canceled, do you think it affected the lore of BoC? The whole thing about the first book was them learning to corrupt the incarnates. Maybe there was a whole lore thing that now its just missing, and thats why we are so disoriented about the future of boc

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I don't know how the Season of War narrative changes affected BoC, but probably not much since the one book we got felt really low stakes, but then again maybe it was because it was meant to be an introduction to a narrative that never was followed through. 

Wait and see but I'm still fairly optimistic for the existence of Beastmen in AoS. Beastmen have always been neglected anyways... In Total Warhammer, they got a half baked DLC in 2016, then had to wait until 2021 for a rework and their missing units. Poor guys always end up getting something, but they're always at the end of the queue.

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"Double post" after 4 days. This is post Darkoath reveal.

The reveal of Darkoath and how it both replaces and reinvents the old chaos marauders sheds new light, in my opinion, on what future awaits Beasts in AoS. First a new name (for copyright reasons but also to distance themselves from TOW), then new minis that put the older ones to retirement in TOW but also bring something new : a bit like how the Darkoath are no longer just Norscan/Chaos marauders put in AoS, but a distinct culture with unique lore and minis that aren't just marauders 2.0. Beasts will have the Darkoath treatment imo.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

"Double post" after 4 days. This is post Darkoath reveal.

The reveal of Darkoath and how it both replaces and reinvents the old chaos marauders sheds new light, in my opinion, on what future awaits Beasts in AoS. First a new name (for copyright reasons but also to distance themselves from TOW), then new minis that put the older ones to retirement in TOW but also bring something new : a bit like how the Darkoath are no longer just Norscan/Chaos marauders put in AoS, but a distinct culture with unique lore and minis that aren't just marauders 2.0. Beasts will have the Darkoath treatment imo.

With marauders getting the marauder treatment now, Skaven getting a big refresh for 4th edition, Chorfs being rumored and the 4 main armies due for an update at some point I think it's safe to say that BoC are probably not even in their 2-3 year design cycle. If they get squatted to be replaced it's likely to be a long time before they are actually replaced.

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3 hours ago, Tonhel said:

It will be interesting to see the rules of those new Darkoath units. If there is somekind of Ambush rule than the future for BoC is bleak.

Yep. It'll also be interesting to see whether BoC show up in Dawnbringers 6. With the Changeling showing up in the Dawnbringers Chronicles Story we've seen every chaos faction except BoC and Slaanesh get mentioned in the narrative. 

Slaanesh isn't going anywhere either way, but it'll be another bad omen if BoC don't at least get a mention in the Dawnbringers Narrative

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This doesn't look good, from today's Metawatch.

"Ironjawz, Kruleboyz, Sylvaneth, Coalesced Seraphon, and Slaves to Darkness are all slightly trailing, so the studio have them earmarked for possible future changes."

When BoC are right in the middle

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/14/2024 at 1:00 PM, Tonhel said:

Where is a place for Khornegors? There is no place for them in Blades of Khorne. There is already 3+/3+ Bloodletters and 3+/4+ blood warriors and for elites you have the Wrathmongers/Skullreapers which are also 3+/3+.

Tzaangors are essential unit for DoT from the beginning, although a more elite version. For BoK it's much harder to add them, while being different enough from the other foot units. There is also no place for them in StD, as it have the same problem as with BoK.

The whole AoS rulesystem is imo hitting its limits.

There's a place for Khorngors, just not thinking about them being like their previous incarnations (meaning, just marked bestigors). Given the pieces of background of Khorne marked beastmens in AoS being more focused on something like minotaurs (they are already blood-crazed, after all), I can see a role with some kind of hard hitting monstruous infantry.

AoS is far from hitting its limits, really. The different factions still have a lot of room for new units, especially chaos god battletomes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it's confirmed guys.



The Beasts of Chaos are leaving Warhammer Age of Sigmar, but they’ll be back in the future… or rather, the past. Yes, the Beastmen are returning to their old feeding grounds in the World of Legend and Warhammer: The Old World.

Beastmen have fallen. Millions must be sacrificed to the herdstone.

its over.png

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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Terrible move when paired with all those recent Stormcast going offline as well. Filing this under my 2nd edition was my edition rubric, which is mostly uninteresting, but the last thing they want medium to long term is for their operations to resemble CCG cycling on the rules AND production end.

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Not a good day today. My brother collected two armies, Bretonnia and Beastmen. He was on the phone last week trying to give away his miniature collection. Not angry, just done.

Hard to see the sense in it. At least these armies had a good run. My son’s Sacrosanct however…

To try and be positive, I have been able to find a place for all my Empire miniatures in my Cities army. They are looking fantastic and have never had better rules. Perhaps Bonesplitterz and the retiring Stormcast can be counted as other troops in their ranges?

Have thoughts on why Beastmen are leaving us but that might be for another day.

Edited by Greyshadow
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Well for now, they will be removed but what we know from GW's past deeds is that something that gets removed can pretty much return later.

Since they have a place for "older ranges" to stay in TOW, I'm honestly expecting a new form of beastmen only faction in a more copyrightable / AOSable name...and maybe not in the Chaos Alliance anymore.

I'm actually interested in reading what GW will write in the background of 4th about them, including their announced digital books. Pretty sure there will be hints on the future. Maybe Morghur isn't "unidivided chaos personnafied", but more like something that wants things to go back to their original state - shapeless form of the realms before Chaos and Order made a mess in it. A true avatar of wild nothingness, not following Gorkamorka nonsense but real, raw destruction of everything.

After all, we know "unmarked" beastmen in AoS actually despise the Chaos Gods and their legends tell more of a Zodiac Beast as their father rather than being "just" beings made by Chaos like in Warhammer Battle / The Old World. A lot of previous "chaos beasts" have a more "natural origin" in AoS, after all.

Maybe we'll have more wild-faun like, less chaos beastmen ? Or Kragnos lost long people...or both. Future will tell, and hope is the last thing left in the box.

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  • 3 months later...

So, in another crazy turn, gw throw us more lore. The last piece of morghur was rescued by Garrahai, and the beast are now almost extint but not entirely gone. Personaly i liked that they at least  said something, and that leaves potential for a morghur return in the future. maybe now centered in spaw-mutated beasties?

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