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Skaven & Future of AOS


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So I'm considering Skaven as my next army, and wanted to hear some thoughts from the community about their overall place in Age of Sigmar as it (currently) stands.

Firstly, are Skaven strong or weak as a whole? My ideal list would combine the mortal wounds of Stormvermin, Stormfiends, and several of their warmachines, with a light screen of battleline to soak up the initial attacks by enemy troops. On paper, they seem fairly competitive as things stand, but i feel like i dont't often see them or anyone bringing up lists that aren't pestilens.

Secondly, I'm worried about comitting to a combined army when factions seems to be the trend of things. Is this an army i should hold off on until we see what's to come witht he "king-rats"?

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Skaven are definitely strong, especially with your choices. I think you may see more Pestilens because they were featured with a new book and have a Start Collecting box. I think the Start Collecting box is a good deal because you can build a Screaming Bell and Warplightning Cannon instead :) Consider it a discount with some free Plague Rats.

I don't think there is any reason to hold off, there is nothing even faintly whispered about as far as Skaven go. I think they're pretty set for the time being, so start collecting and have fun!

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Yeah, I like the idea of a list that takes advantage of their sweet warmachines. Something like ~


Vermin Lord

Grey Seer



Stormvermin - 20 

Stormvermin - 20

Clan Rats - 10

Clan Rats - 10

Clan Rats - 10

Stormfiends - Warpfire Projectors


Lighting Cannon

Lightning Cannon 


That leaves about 120 in pts left for formations (I don't have access to a copy of the Chaos GA book yet) or another hero, or else buffing up one of the Clanrats to 30. I could also drop the Warlock/Warlord or Seer for a Screaming Bell. 

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Skaven are indeed very strong, not only as a whole, but also as a part of a Chaos army and they, I belive, won't be touched for now, since there is no need (maaaybe Skryre, but as long they are resin and metal mainly, it's harder than simple refresh). I run a competitive 1k list - Deceiver, Stormfiends (3x Warpfire Projector as i got 3 boxes), 2x 20 Clanrats and Jezzails.

Of course I got many more to choose from. Doomwheel is mediocre at best, only good as a cheap wall with 8 wounds and decent save. Warplightning Cannon is a gamble, so i prefer Jezzails (40 points cheaper also). Stormvermin, if played correctly, can throw a punch, but once targeted - dies horribly. Archwarlock is amazing. Verminus Clawpack in 2k battles - brilliant. Weapon teams not that much, but having 2 or 3 Warfire Throwers can kill thing or two (3d6 mortal wounds from 3 after all), while passing wounds to clanrats is fantastic (I always run 10 Clanrats with them). Warlords are ok, but IMO only good with Verimnus Clawpack.

As you can see, I don't run Clans Pestilence. I don't belive they are competitive at all, and you can choose from only 5 units. Also the Start Collecting is rather bad. Only valueable thing you get from the box is Warplightning Cannon. And Screaming Bell for the model.

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I think Clans Pestilens is usefull if you have a Nurgle army in need of some cheap units to slow the enemie's troop movements.  Plague monks are only 70 pts a unit, Plague Censer Bearers are only 60pts a unit, pretty cheap especially compared to the units available in a Rotbringers or Daemons of Nurgle army.  Most units in Pestillens synergize with other units with the Nurgle keyword in some way.

Personally my favorite branch of Skaven is Clans Skryre.  Love the insane magitech theme they've got going.

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25 minutes ago, Dez said:

There used to be a rule where Weapons Teams within 3" or so of a unit of Clan Rats could pass off wounds to the Clan Rats. I can't see it now, it may have just been the old WFB book.

It's in the Skaven Compendium for AoS, Verminus Clawpack battalion. Did GW change that?


40 minutes ago, M'ygnal_Wyrm_Blessed said:

I think Clans Pestilens is usefull if you have a Nurgle army in need of some cheap units to slow the enemie's troop movements.  Plague monks are only 70 pts a unit, Plague Censer Bearers are only 60pts a unit, pretty cheap especially compared to the units available in a Rotbringers or Daemons of Nurgle army.  Most units in Pestillens synergize with other units with the Nurgle keyword in some way.

Why take Pestilence, when you have Nurgle? ;)

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Verminous Clawpack is still on the app and is a very characterful batallion:

 3 weapons teams, 3 clanrats units, a unit of stormvermin and a Warlord.

+2 bravery for every 10 minis in a unit.

Weapons teams can pass wounds onto clanrats within 3" on a 4+

Lead from the back: Warlord can use his command ability even if he isn't the general for all units within 13", so long as there aren't any enemies within 3"

Seems very Skavenesque to me.

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I've always liked the Stormvermin models and the feel of Skaven in general, but never had the opportunity to give them a try before AoS. I'm just finding out about the Verminous Clawpack battalion now, and it sounds fluffy and fun to use. I'm wondering about the playability of Skaven as a whole, when it comes to competitive environments. I haven't kept up with their warscrolls asides from Pestilens, which I'm not too excited about.

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I opened up the old Uniforms & Heraldry of the Skaven book again, and all the lore and color schemes are making we want to collect them! I'd forgotten all about the lesser clans and Skaven politicking.

To this end, I'm not sure what to start with; I'm sure Stormfiends and Warp Lightning Cannons will come in handy. Thinking of the teleportation shenanigans the Verminlord Deciever and Warp-grinders can offer is too fun.

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So here's my first 1k points for the basis to a non-Pestilens army:

Skaven Warlord - 100 pts.

Clanrats (20) - 120 pts.
Clanrats (20) - 120 pts.
Clanrats (20) - 120 pts.

Stormvermin (20) - 280 pts.

Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team - 60 pts.
Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team - 60 pts.
Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team - 60 pts.

Verminus Clawpack - 80 pts.

Total: 1,000 pts.

Of course, I don't expect much out of it at 1k; it seems like it'd struggle without being able to spam mortal wounds. But it makes a good core for a 2k force, provided the clanrat numbers are bolstered. To add to the list, I'd probably look into a Battle Standard Chieftain to guard against battleshock. Then, one of the Verminlords: Deceiver or Warbringer; add Stormfiends or some WLCs. I think an Arch Warlock might be useful for the magic. It's hard to try and fit all this in, especially with a Verminlord and bigger clanrat units, so one has to be choosy.

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