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incomplete but "complete" models



hi, i am going to assemble my first 1000 points of seraphon, i am fascinated by dinosaurs and i will probably play TQ in Coalisced. However, a doubt has arisen.

if I wanted to create a very specific theme and a "lore" to my army of primordial beasts, the following would be accepted:

my idea is to remove, while keeping each model hyper recognizable with modifications) the various palanquins / riders from my stegadonts and bastiladons, replace the old saurian riders with consistent conversions of the khorne mastiffs adequately transformed into fast and feral saurians.

my idea is a very savage list of primitive dinosaurs having the peculiar decoration and heraldry of the seraphon, but stripped of all the apparatus of "artificial weapons".

I ask therefore if such a thing would be frowned upon in casual games, in local tournaments and possibly in more serious tournaments (which I don't think I will ever want to participate in)

I kindly ask you not to comment by criticizing the choice on an economic basis, I can assure you that the costs between conversions, green matter / milliput and alternative models (all coming from GW) is much more expensive than sticking to GW's pre-set schemes.

thank you.

ps: English is not my language, you will probably find errors.

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Are you saying that you would build a stegadon without the skystreak bow or sunfire throwers? Which weapon would you play? How would your opponent know? This would violate the rule of WYSIWYG, which is a rule at tournaments and is followed by players to various degrees.

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Casual play, no problem, go for it! A quick conversation before a game to talk your opponent through your list and you’re all good.

Local tournament, might get away it. Depends on TO

More serious tournament. Hmm, probably not.

I think as long as there is some visual distinction between units which are similar then you should be more likely to get away with it. For example if you have a Stegadon and an Engine of the Gods, how is your opponent meant to tell them apart? If one was painted a different colour, it will be clear which is which. Same with other similar looking units, be it infantry models or heroes.

Personally, I wouldn’t have a problem playing against such an army with no weapons, they could shooting lasers from their eyes for all I care. Not everyone with feel the same tho.

You ask about rules, the closest thing is in the FAQ there is a Q about proxying models. The answer is that it is frowned upon due to the confusion caused, but allowable with the opponents permission. In a tournament setting, the TO makes the rules!

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As others have said there needs to be a way to tell the models apart, if you have 4 Stegadons one has an engine, one a bow, one sun streak throwers and the other has a chief. as your opponent how can I tell? If there different colours that helps but I’d be likely to forget that during a game with so much other stuff going on. 

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I have to concur, as an opponent it would frustrate me to have to remember or constantly ask which unit was which.  My solution would be to magnetize or otherwise make those unit specific elements removable for when you are playing casually vs tournamentally.  Customization is wonderful, but confusion is not.

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As long as it is clear which unit is which there shouldn't be a problem at all. If anything such customization is encouraged so long as it doesn't cause confusion!

In practice what that means is a dino carrying a ranged weapon should have a clearly ranged weapon as part of the conversion. A stegadon with a chief should clearly have some sort of leader mounted on it. And so on.

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For the Saurus Knights, look at the Drakespawn from Cities, they have much newer sculpts. With Blood Bowl saurus or Saurus Guard, you could make adequate knights for them.

For Stegadon, I'd like to see the riders with missiles, at least which big weapon you chose. That tells me something.

Same for Bastilladon. It has a big laser, how does the opponent know that?

I am no TO or shop owner, but do like to see things like missile/melee weapons, and armour on low save units. Doesn't need to be exact in the slightest, but the function should be visible.

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