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Allies and Mercenaries in CoS - What Stands Out?

Double Misfire

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Cities of Sigmar, with Stormcast and Kharadron/Sylvaneth factored in have easily got the widest and most diverse selection of units in the game going for them, but say you did want more... what allies and mercenaries have you used or thought about using?

Gotrek in CoS armies is very well trod territory, with easy access to movement buffs and healing, as well as models that never left the Old World being a natural fit. Tenebrous Court Crypt Flayers in Anvilgard armies have had some solid bravery debuffing theroyhammering going on (and the thematic bonus of looking like oversized versions of the original Dark Elf Harpies), and I've written a very sad essay extolling the virtues of including discontinued Dwarf Cannons in CoS armies via the Blacksmoke Battery mercenary company.


Are there any holes that need filling in CoS lists? Ridiculous combos? Or simply allies mercs that are fun to use? I'd love to know 🙂

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1 hour ago, dekay said:

Order of the Blood Drenched Rose, first as the best ruleset for any horse mounted knight models we might have, second as a very effective shock unit. Kind of compete with Demigryphs, though.

Yeah, Those dudes are quite a powerhouse. About on par with Demis, slightly better maybe. The Vamp lord is also quite awesome, but better when you have summonable units.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Hallowheart not being able to include Fyreslayers was very strange considering the City's very close ties with them, at least as close as Kharadrons are with Tempest's Eye I think. With that in mind, Greyfyrds seem appropriately fluffy. 

I agree, it feels like an oversight that should be fixed in an faq. Hallowheart had Fyreslayers in Firestorm, there's a (reused) illustration of Hallowheart with Fyreslayers outside in the CoS book, and the short story Josh Reynolds wrote about Hallowheart for the book even has a Fyreslayer as one of the main characters.

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30 Witch Aelves (300) and a hag Queen (90pts)

Gives you the run/charge unit that can throw out a ton of attacks and immune to battleshock/Reroll wounds

yes, you lose the DOK faction abilities (6+ Fnp and the stacking abilities) and faction prayers, but still a cheap high attack output unit

Edited by Chumphammer
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Checking out the new Slaves to Darkness Warscrolls, and oh boy did the Rampagers mercenary company get a lot better.

Chaos Marauders buffed to two attacks, with rend in big units and a guaranteed charge of at least 8", with the Darkoath Chieftain (now very buffed and a beast on the charge himself)'s command ability letting slain models get attacks in.

Not sure if they do a whole lot our elite infantry can't already do, but hey, they got better I guess. 🤷‍♂️ Wonder how they'll be pointed.

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