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Anniversary Models

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     What is the usual price (range) on the Warhammer anniversary models? I’m debating picking up something off eBay and it’s gotten me wondering just how many times over the actual price I’m paying. Also, are these store anniversaries just to commemorate the store’s one year anniversary, every year, or periodic/specific years? The second question is because the have a store roughly 200 miles from me which I missed the anniversary for back in May and I’m wondering when the next one will be (if at all). I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to snag that new Knight Questor model at some point this year.

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1 minute ago, Ahn-ket said:

Every Store has its anniversary in same timeperiod and every year are new models for both aos and 40k

They usally cost around 20-25€

Yeah, this is the price range. And most of the time. If you pay at least 180€ you will get one mini for free (this was at least the case in Germany during the last two years)

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3 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

Yeah, this is the price range. And most of the time. If you pay at least 180€ you will get one mini for free (this was at least the case in Germany during the last two years)

Are you from germany

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     Cool, thanks for the info guys. Yeah, I’ve paid well over $100 for WW exclusive Errant Questor and (just) paid the same for Leena Stormspire as well. Closest store to me is about 200 miles (320km) but unfortunately their anniversary is also the day before my birthday which means I’ll never be able to make it.

     @Overread thanks for the link but unfortunately I don’t do social media so it doesn’t directly help me much. However I will try to talk one of my kids into checking the page out and seeing if I can score a Berek the Indomitable from there. 

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On 7/1/2019 at 4:42 AM, Lior'Lec said:

     Cool, thanks for the info guys. Yeah, I’ve paid well over $100 for WW exclusive Errant Questor and (just) paid the same for Leena Stormspire as well. Closest store to me is about 200 miles (320km) but unfortunately their anniversary is also the day before my birthday which means I’ll never be able to make it.

     @Overread thanks for the link but unfortunately I don’t do social media so it doesn’t directly help me much. However I will try to talk one of my kids into checking the page out and seeing if I can score a Berek the Indomitable from there. 


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On 6/30/2019 at 7:42 PM, Lior'Lec said:

     Cool, thanks for the info guys. Yeah, I’ve paid well over $100 for WW exclusive Errant Questor and (just) paid the same for Leena Stormspire as well.

I recently bought a white dwarf promo goblin warboss from 2007 thats almost impossible to find for just 50€ you really need to try finding better prices my friend. Those store promos are not even that rare. 

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On 6/29/2019 at 6:16 PM, JackStreicher said:

Friedrichshafen here, though we don‘t have a GW, just a Seetroll.

Hm, if Google maps is still correct your nearest GW-Stores would be Ulm (about 100 km) with Store Anniverary August 24, 2019 and Freiburg (about 150 km) on August 3, 2019

On 6/29/2019 at 6:16 PM, JackStreicher said:

well in general I dislike that these models are very expensive, hard to get and some lack quality... 😕

Yeah, the price is a thing, but I think that it is more of a problem, making models with there own unique weaponary, which means they have there own warscroll and basicly create problems like in this thread.



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