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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

The only way to make everyone happy would be having that many kits for each race that you could end kitbashing one mini into another unit without it looking too weird.

Yeah, that's unfortunately really unlikely - when the day comes that people can print GW minis from home, they might do more sculpts so that everyone can include whatever fantasy race they want. The 3d modeling now takes the most skill out of all steps but it's the easiest for GW. Definitely easier thanmaking molds and shipping products all over the globe.

Perhaps they should add expansion packs for units like they do with Horus heresy marines but only sell the digital files in a way that you can't share them. Like a PDF kind of file for 3d printing. Then people could print more cool GW stuff while Gw still can make the basic troops and sell them as usual. I'm getting ahead of myself, I figure that would only make real sense for... you've already guessed it... spees mahrines.

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22 minutes ago, Sception said:

really?  That's AoS canon?  There are half aelves, and half ogors?  See that's a cool concept.  That's the kind of thing I'd like to see in game and on the table, even if it's rare enough to be reserved for named characters.

Yes. Sources are “Covens of Blood: A Snake Sheds Its Scales” and “Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear”. 

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I mean, what I would have liked to have seen is a scattering of non-humans throughout the mostly human units.  Like maybe one of the five cavalry models is an elf, or in a unit of 10 hand gunners there's seven humans, two dwarfs, and a half elf, or maybe one of the cannon crew is a dwarf, etc etc.

But again, while it's not my preference, I'm fine enough with the new CoS line as is.

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2 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Yes. Sources are “Covens of Blood: A Snake Sheds Its Scales” and “Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear”. 

It also shows up in Scourge of Fate, where part of a chaos warband is made up of a half-Ogor and some of his monstrous kin.

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I think it'd be cool if they gave us sculpts for units of aelf and duardin steelhelms and then you could mix and match with the humans, but that's realistically a waste of store shelf space and design time from GW's perspective. I'll settle for unique units of duardin and aelves in the new CoS uniform/aesthetic. The mixing of model sizes within mainline aos units feels unlikely outside of warcry units that carry over.

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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I think it'd be cool if they gave us sculpts for units of aelf and duardin steelhelms and then you could mix and match with the humans, but that's realistically a waste of store shelf space and design time from GW's perspective. I'll settle for unique units of duardin and aelves in the new CoS uniform/aesthetic. The mixing of model sizes within mainline aos units feels unlikely outside of warcry units that carry over.

I agree, though if Duardin don't have much of a presence in the Ironweald wave I'm not holding out hope. As it stands now, the Duardin holdovers are covering heavy infantry (CC, Ranged) and the airborne warmachine roles. If they drop beefy human foot knights, I can't see them keeping the dispossessed in the army. I could see, long term, GW encouraging kitbashing the TOW range to "represent" the people of the different cities on the tabletop instead of making some units duardin and some humans; foot knights, phoenix temple, and longbeards are all pretty much the same thing if we're simplifying stuff and I could see GW simplifying the range to be one race.

41 minutes ago, Sception said:

I liked CoS as a mixed fantasy race faction simply because you /never/ see that anywhere else.  Every other fantasy game and series and whatever always has the dwarves off in dwarf society, elves in elf society, humans in human society, orcs in orc society.  Where they're mixed, it's always one subjugating another and mostly segregated regardless (see elves in dragon age).  Sometimes the dwarves/elves/whatever have novel and interesting societies, usually it's the expected cliches.  Either way though, you'll have a mix of fantasy races in the protagonist lineup or player party, but in the world everything stays separate.

Cities in AoS was a very rare exception, with modern Azyrite society born from refugees of all the realms fleeing chaos, collectively turning to sigmar to protect them as their own gods fell to Archaon or were driven into hiding.  What kind of society does that produce?  How do people live and work together when their neighbors might have lifetimes far shorter or many times longer than their own?  Are all the captains and guild leaders elves out of seniority alone?  Or are retirement ages mandatory, with humans living out their last days with their family while dwarves are obligated to take up a second or third career and elves a seventh or eighth? How common are cross-species relationships, do they increase or strain social cohesion, and do they ever produce offspring?  I mean, even if not naturally, there are gods are right there, physically present in Azyr, theoretically you can go to their house, knock on their door, and petition for a miraculous exception.  Speaking of, Sigmar and Grungni are there, but do the former followers of other gods regret their abandoned faiths, or resent the gods that failed or abandoned them?  We know the humans, elves, and dwarves, but are there other, rarer, stranger folk who are also part of Azyrite society?  halflings, gnomes, greenskins, faries, sylvaneth?  undead, even?  Did no vampires or wights escape to Azyr and, with Nagash's apparent demise, pledge themselves to Sigmar?  We know Sigmar's stolen the souls of some undead to forge them into stormcast, were none freely offered?  And if there are any Sigmarite undead in Azyr, how have things changed for them in the modern age with Nagash back, but now as Sigmar's enemy?

I'm not saying these kinds of stories are ~more~ interesting than those you could tell with just humans in azyr, just dwarves in their sky cities, just treelves in their forests.  But they are different stories, and ones you just don't get in most settings.

I'll live with overwhelmingly or entirely human cities of sigmar, I don't think it'll ruin the game or setting or anything, I don't think it reflects a negative worldview by the creators or whatever.  Heck, I don't even play the faction.  But I liked what the previous version did for the game and the setting, and even with fantastic new models I can't help but feel the new version is a bit dull by comparison.

I agree, a hopeful setting where differing peoples can and do work together to become "more than the sum of their parts" is really unique for a fantasy setting. Everyone lived together, made mistakes, and became refugees or recluses. All those societies were all unique mixes of races! It made for a setting where anything felt possible to me, moreso than the World-that-Was. Every question you asked in that second paragraph is a compelling narrative hook, and I'm let down that those sorts of "fantasy race team-up's" are seemingly no longer the focus as those models go "back where they belong" after a decade. 

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4 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:


I agree, a hopeful setting where differing peoples can and do work together to become "more than the sum of their parts" is really unique for a fantasy setting. Everyone lived together, made mistakes, and became refugees or recluses. All those societies were all unique mixes of races! It made for a setting where anything felt possible to me, moreso than the World-that-Was. Every question you asked in that second paragraph is a compelling narrative hook, and I'm let down that those sorts of "fantasy race team-up's" are seemingly no longer the focus as those models go "back where they belong" after a decade. 

Maybe they want to create that feel by making coalition rules for LRL, KO etc. instead, that way they'll get you to buy into 2 armies instead of 1

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28 minutes ago, MitGas said:

He's playing Tekken with your feelings!

26 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

@MitGas Was always more a mortal kombat kid. 

21 minutes ago, MitGas said:

At least not Street Fighter! 👺

Soul Calibur! (Astaroth main).

(They should make a Blazblue game in the style of SF4)

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1 minute ago, Gitzdee said:

Soul Calibur! (Astaroth main).

(They should make a Blazblue game in the style of SF4)

Nightmare/Taki/Cervantes here... despite only playing Yoshimitsu in Tekken! I never got past his commands being different between the two games. 😂 SC was such a fun series, too bad it doesn't get appreciated more.

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On 4/9/2024 at 11:52 PM, Whitefang said:

Can't see that happening in the coming 3 years

but there is always uncertainty for weird things. 

Weird things.

Weird Brutes..

Weird Nobz...

Weird Boars???

Weird Wyverns???

(Please give me Gore Krushas)

On 4/10/2024 at 12:36 AM, Whitefang said:

Oh there is going to be plenty.

Something completely a challenge to logic. 

Plenty of Waaagh energy is a challenge to logic!

Give me a Bonesplitterz refresh/ replacement ! ! !

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1 hour ago, ScionOfOssia said:

The answer to this, in case anyone is curious, is “Yes, at least with Khainite Aelves and Ogors”. 

Pardon? Did a Khainite have a child with an Ogor? Where can I read that?!

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57 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Well, DnD has lots of very diverse regions in the sense of elves, humans etc. living door to door. But in a TT game it's definitely a notable exception.

Ironically enough, the first TT force that had very racially varied units is the Imperium in 40k, despite being the most xenophobic bunch out there with Ogryns, Ratlings and the like (they justified it with these being meta-humans, apparently that's good enough, despite burning you at the stake if you got a 6th digit for fear of it being a Chaos mutation....lulz).

I wanted to see CoS in a similar vein, ideally even more intermingled but like I've written in waaay too long posts now, it's hella difficult to make it work. So maybe more interesting WarCry stuff and non-human units could be a decent compromise...

If we go for the crazy stuff I will always say UW rather than Warcry.

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8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

No, for real. I don't know what you meant to say with those fists xD

Either he fist-bumped the board or he's taking Kefka down with the fabled Bum Rush technique! 

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29 minutes ago, Luperci said:

Maybe they want to create that feel by making coalition rules for LRL, KO etc. instead, that way they'll get you to buy into 2 armies instead of 1

This new system of a hero + a couple units could absolutely be a patch for that; it'd probably be easier to balance than all the city subfactions. At this point the GW-sponsored tabletop is what it is but I hope the narrative doesn't wind up focusing exclusively on human sigmarite cults and the human side of cities. Like, Duardin should have a place outside the footnotes saying "they build things!"

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18 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Pardon? Did a Khainite have a child with an Ogor? Where can I read that?!

No, but Half Aelves are apparently common enough that it wouldn't be particularly scandalous, except if the child is a male and sent to live with their father to avoid having their souls drained, and Half Ogors are mentioned in Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear where they're cast out of the tribe to die for being the runts.

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14 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:


Gore kushas?

@Ejecutor Fist bumps. Probably doing it wrong. 

Maw Krusha = Huge Wyvern

Gore Grunta = Big Pigs cav unit

Maw Grunta = Huge Pig

If GW wants to go full circle with their naming we need the last one.

Gore Krusha = Big Wyverns cav unit???

Edited by Gitzdee
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