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7 minutes ago, Mutton said:

I don't think it's an error. It's a way to cut down on rolling dice for the sake of rolling. Instead of having to roll a 3+ and then roll D3 mortals, you do it all in a single die roll. It also makes it so you'll never only do 1 Mortal. It's a clever streamlining of what we're used to.

"Do D3 Mortal wounds" would be quick clever writing. Its quite the opposite.

Otherwise i Like the warscroll Design and the command abilities so far. 

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4 minutes ago, Mutton said:

I don't think it's an error. It's a way to cut down on rolling dice for the sake of rolling. Instead of having to roll a 3+ and then roll D3 mortals, you do it all in a single die roll. It also makes it so you'll never only do 1 Mortal. It's a clever streamlining of what we're used to.

not everybody uses a d3. Maybe they will add a d3 dice to the starter set.

it basically says 4+ is 2 mortal wounds, 5+ is 3 mortal damage. I wouldn’t call it clever. It is just a choice to half the dice rolls and speed up the game.

imo everything points to a very tournament focused game.

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4 minutes ago, Dukeus said:

"Do D3 Mortal wounds" would be quick clever writing. Its quite the opposite.

Otherwise i Like the warscroll Design and the command abilities so far. 

You have 1 in 3 chance of failing, which clearly they had the intention of keeping in there. Probably for the better, if all lines up well, that chariot on charge can now potentially do up to 3D3 damage.

And it's only a single dice roll.

This is exactly what many people would call a clever rules writing.

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Later this week we’ll be taking a look at how Battle Traits work, and what you can expect for Battle Formations, the replacement for subfactions.

The path for me is clear. Tomorrow Skaven's lore and on Friday this post about Battle Traits.

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5 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

not everybody uses a d3. Maybe they will add a d3 dice to the starter set.

it basically says 4+ is 2 mortal wounds, 5+ is 3 mortal damage. I wouldn’t call it clever. It is just a choice to half the dice rolls and speed up the game.

imo everything points to a very tournament focused game.

1. Why wouldn't you use a D6 for D3 rolls, like everybody does already anyway?

2. Yes, and 1-2 is a fail. And do you know what's a quicker and simpler way of presenting it? By using D3.

3. And IMO everything points to a game that's far more approachable, easier to introduce new players to, and q bit quicker to play, so I can actually have a chance of finalising five rounds within that target three hours slot. It's not just tournaments, it's also being able to allocate a far more manageable portion of your afternoon/evening for a friendly game, while being able to balance it with your family life, for example.

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6 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

2. Yes, and 1-2 is a fail. And do you know what's a quicker and simpler way of presenting it? By using D3.

Granted I understood the rule but as written "when you roll a d6 and it shows a 2 it isn't a 2+" is a bit... of a choice.

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Taking into account that next week another Stormcast miniature is supposed to be revealed, which miniature do you think will be shown, I would like them to show the new paladins those who carry an ax and a shield.

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2 minutes ago, Mcm6495 said:

Taking into account that next week another Stormcast miniature is supposed to be revealed, which miniature do you think will be shown, I would like them to show the new paladins those who carry an ax and a shield.

It's a tough one because I wanna say maybe they will build up to the heavy hitters over time so maybe instead go for Prosecutor, but it also feels like it would be a good time to show one of the Ruination models, maybe our poster elite.

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27 minutes ago, Mcm6495 said:

Taking into account that next week another Stormcast miniature is supposed to be revealed, which miniature do you think will be shown, I would like them to show the new paladins those who carry an ax and a shield.

IMO we will see the Prosecutors. Something new, but not so new.

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25 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

It's a tough one because I wanna say maybe they will build up to the heavy hitters over time so maybe instead go for Prosecutor, but it also feels like it would be a good time to show one of the Ruination models, maybe our poster elite.

Prosecutors are ruination also ;)

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I have high hopes for how slaanesh could work with these

more "keep away" gameplay with blissbarb on foot and on seeker, chariots for crushing light infantry, Slaangors if they have enough wounds could actually end up ok at bullying through lines to get onto objectives with pull through. Keepers could also be scary with counter charging and pull throughs for good positioning

I hope slaanesh keeps its "make a deal" mechanic with temptation dice in 4th, its really fun and thematic but a little bogged down in (always offer and never take the offer), though think a fun improvement would be "if you fail a roll  the slaanesh player offers you a fate/miracle dice with a number decided by the slaanesh player to sub in, if you take it the slaanesh player gets to keep a copy of that dice and can sub it in for any roll" so if you fail that roll and slaanesh offers you a tasty 6 you can take it, but slaanesh player will then have access to a pocket 6 to bite you back later.

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been thinking a lot about the SCE squatting and the Realms of Ruin roster... the new Liberator was introduced via the game, which allows you to easily swap the classic skin for the thunderstrike version. We now know Prosecutors are 100% showing up in new armor.

there are also 3 versions of the Lord Celestant in-game, which got cut and likely gets a refreshed model.

Celestar Ballista and Evocators are the two Sacrosanct units in the game. They have no replacement skins. I'm now wondering if inclusion in RoR is signaling a *definitive* Thunderstrike version of all these models?

The Vanguard Hunters and Raptors weren't squatted, but their design aesthetic is nowhere near as strong as Sacrosanct and Thunderstrike. Out of that Chamber, these are the 3 units I could definitely see get refreshed.


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5 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

where did people decide on this? they're Angelos Conclave/Warrior Chamber per the warscroll and battletome. They got Thunderstrike armor, not put into a new chamber


It is based on two things.

1. The Warhounb pic that shows the prosecutor's wing in the ruination style.
2. The trailer. This shows them with the same ruination wings and the ruination iconography on the shield:



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55 minutes ago, Mcm6495 said:

Taking into account that next week another Stormcast miniature is supposed to be revealed, which miniature do you think will be shown, I would like them to show the new paladins those who carry an ax and a shield.

While I would like to know a bit more about them in terms of narrative (even if it's in that cringey Warcom lore-talk where everything is a remarkably clever joke on the level of a local station radio host), we know quite well how those look like from the trailer, they were featured quite prominently and there's only so much posing you can do on a model with an axe and shield. I'd prefer a look at Prosecutors, which are only shown in glimpses and gonna have spectral wing 'particle effects' and flying poses that both may or may not look convincing on a physical model. A confirmation whether they come in units of 3 or 5 would be nice as well, since the trailer shows five of them in a camera shot that feels quite deliberate.

Failing that, the gryph-stalker hero (because while we have quite detailed artwork, you can do a lot with posing on a large cav model like that) or, in a perfect fantasy land of rainbows and unicorns that will never come to pass, one of the foot heroes that's absolutely gotta also be in the box that they haven't shown at all.

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8 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

where did people decide on this? they're Angelos Conclave/Warrior Chamber per the warscroll and battletome. They got Thunderstrike armor, not put into a new chamber


This really would be the least of the established lore incongruities they have done recently regarding Stormcast...

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9 minutes ago, Mortal Wound said:

This really would be the least of the established lore incongruities they have done recently regarding Stormcast...

To me the ruination chamber works in a different way. It is a bit like a pool where everyone else can be after a certain time. So a chamber with a mix of all chambers.

Also, I was just thinking about this. The ruination chamber is a clever way to "primarise" the models. In the end they are moving into this chamber just minis from the very first chambers. Those that no matter what fought a lot of battles, so it makes sense that slowly they are all filling the ruination lines in some way.

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29 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

1. The Warhounb pic that shows the prosecutor's wing in the ruination style.
2. The trailer. This shows them with the same ruination wings and the ruination iconography on the shield:

interesting... so maybe Prosecutors take on a more literal Valkyrie-role for the Ruination Chamber? by helping ferry the broken souls back to the Anvil, or to their final rest

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39 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

To me the ruination chamber works in a different way. It is a bit like a pool where everyone else can be after a certain time. So a chamber with a mix of all chambers.

Also, I was just thinking about this. The ruination chamber is a clever way to "primarise" the models. In the end they are moving into this chamber just minis from the very first chambers. Those that no matter what fought a lot of battles, so it makes sense that slowly they are all filling the ruination lines in some way.

And to me it just doesn't make any sense with previously established background. We already had Stormcast that had too many reforgings, we even had a specific name for them: the transfigured. We even already had entire armies of them, going on Relictor-led crusades Death Company style, like the Ebon Circle. Finally, we even already had a 'transfigured disposal system' in the form of Star Bridges, where Stormcast that were reforged too many times would heroically sacrifice themselves to have their soul-stuff power conduits to Azyr that sped up the reforging of their brethren.

There was no need for the Ruination Chamber to be a 'too many reforgings' retirement home, that story beat was already covered and that coverage is now being tread upon and soft-retconned, like many other aspects of Stormcast background recently.

If they wanted to explore that concept, fine, I'm alright with that. Say the situation is so dire there's more transfigured around than even and the need was so great they are pushing more transfigured to the front line. Do a new Thunderstrike Lord Relictor and transfigured versions of existing units. But there is thematically no need to open another chamber that's presumably always been there all along for this sort of thing but Sigmar just forgot about it until now, and mechanically there was no need to bloat the model range with completely new elite troops and foot heroes and lords on gryph-chargers when they literally just now cut a bunch of those exact things supposedly because of range bloat.

Between this Ruination Chamber thing, the Blacktalon cartoon and 'ooooh big deal guys, Sigmar Lied', it's really uncanny how much of their background they managed to contradict or flat out retcon in just nine years. In 40k, this sort of thing takes decades of incremental changes. It's like the writers don't read their own stuff. Or worse, like they did, but the people that wrote the old stuff are no longer at the company so the new guys purposefully kick their sandcastles over out of spite.

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10 minutes ago, Mortal Wound said:

And to me it just doesn't make any sense with previously established background. We already had Stormcast that had too many reforgings, we even had a specific name for them: the transfigured. We even already had entire armies of them, going on Relictor-led crusades Death Company style, like the Ebon Circle. Finally, we even already had a 'transfigured disposal system' in the form of Star Bridges, where Stormcast that were reforged too many times would heroically sacrifice themselves to have their soul-stuff power conduits to Azyr that sped up the reforging of their brethren.

There was no need for the Ruination Chamber to be a 'too many reforgings' retirement home, that story beat was already covered and that coverage is now being tread upon and soft-retconned, like many other aspects of Stormcast background recently.

If they wanted to explore that concept, fine, I'm alright with that. Say the situation is so dire there's more transfigured around than even and the need was so great they are pushing more transfigured to the front line. Do a new Thunderstrike Lord Relictor and transfigured versions of existing units. But there is thematically no need to open another chamber and mechanically no need to bloat the model range with completely new elite troops and foot heroes and lords on gryph-chargers when they literally just now cut a bunch of them supposedly because of range bloat.

It is the first time I have heard about these 'transfigured'. Where are they mentioned? It would be interesting to read more.

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9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It is the first time I have heard about these 'transfigured'. Where are they mentioned? It would be interesting to read more.

Mentions are sprinkled in the second edition battletome. You might have missed it because that battletome is... let's say a bit more nuanced and less direct in its lore section than the 3rd ed one.

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9 minutes ago, Mortal Wound said:

And to me it just doesn't make any sense with previously established background. We already had Stormcast that had too many reforgings, we even had a specific name for them: the transfigured. We even already had entire armies of them, going on Relictor-led crusades Death Company style, like the Ebon Circle. Finally, we even already had a 'transfigured disposal system' in the form of Star Bridges, where Stormcast that were reforged too many times would heroically sacrifice themselves to have their soul-stuff power conduits to Azyr that sped up the reforging of their brethren.

There was no need for the Ruination Chamber to be a 'too many reforgings' retirement home, that story beat was already covered and that coverage is now being tread upon and soft-retconned, like many other aspects of Stormcast background recently.

i don't think what you're describing and the Ruination Chamber are mutually exclusive is the thing. there's no reason to retcon the Star Bridges nor otherwise get rid of them. these could be the same Relictor-led crusades that we simply didn't see before they all got Thunderstruck to save on range bloat. those crusades could've found out new forms of the flaw since it's been a couple centuries since 1e. we may even see Transfigured as the weird, unsettling parts of Ruination.

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