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Does Jack Armstrong need to be nerfed?

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52 minutes ago, Mayple said:

I second this. Mentality is everything in a competitive setting, and a lot of the time matches are decided by one of the players reaching the conclusion that they are losing, and starts playing worse as a result (not on purpose of course), leading to the winning player winning even more, and removing the potential for a comeback.

Not the exact point you were making, but expanding on what I got from it ;) now for some digression. 

"I will lose this" - bad. 

"I am winning this" - bad (leads to losing sight of what can be done to make you lose)

"I can win this." - Good. 

"I can lose this." - Eh? Needs outside point of views. 

I'd also add in one point of view I generally have when playing an army I've never played before:

"Not convinced I'm going to win this, but I'm going to come away with knowing how to tackle it next time"

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16 hours ago, Kamose said:

I think its important to remember is that if Jack Armstrong needs to be nerfed, well, that is entirely GW's fault. 

Clearly GW doesn't know how to write rules and they don't playtest their games and their playtesters don't know how to play and they can't balance battletomes and their models are too expensive and the points are way off and they can't keep Jack Armstrong in check and they hate the swarming throngs of millions of Bretonnia players and they don't know how to run their tournaments and they don't care about Matched Play and they don't communicate with their fans and Open Play is just muckin' about and they killed my Tomb Kings and AoS has no fluff and they they retconned the Eye of Terror campaign and their last ad wasn't funny and their paints come in pots, not dropper bottles and everything is Kirby's fault and they nerfed my army and something about Thunderers and they hate my Grand Alliance and the Kunnin' Ruk isn't fun to play and they blew up the world and I burned my army and...and... 

...that about covers it.  Please let me know if I've forgotten anything!


Everything IS Kirby's fault!

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I feel like admitting that you -can- lose the game if it keeps going in the current direction its in is important since it lets you address the problem and start counterplaying to solve it. You may still lose that game, but knowing when a game is starting to go badly for you is still a valuable skill that every player should develop.

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