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Forgeworld stuff in big tournaments.

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Question folks.  In the bigger tournaments, are Forgeworld models generally allowed in AoS tournaments?  I get that all tournaments are unique and might have different rules and restrictions, but as a general rule, are the big tournaments cool with Forgeworld?

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FW has traditionally had far less for AoS and Old World fantasy and old world was often more generally balanced than 40K in many respects. So I think its been more inclusive even in teh past than 40K (where things get a bit more complex). 


In general ask before you go to avoid disappointment and if you can't ask take a reserve army that doesn't use models you think might not be allowed. That way if you are rejected you've got a backup and the trip and event are not wasted. 



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I agree with everyone else in the thread.  Ask before you go, that's the safest option.  I have read some local tournament organizers waffling about the idea of a FW ban due to the price hike in quite a few areas of the world, so it would depend on what the organizers say and if they are against FW's current standing on products.

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From an AoS perspective, I've never seen one ban FW*.  Within 40k, FW used to have a really bad reputation for overpowered rules, however that's generally no longer the case and certainly isn't for AoS anymore.

What are you thinking about getting/using?

* I'm excluding local Warhammer stores which is down to the whim of the manager

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I think on the 40K front one issue was that early on armies like the Imperium had knights and titan units that were, in the past, VERY hard to deal with in 40K unless you brought your own superheavies. As things like Baneblades and other knight/superheavy units have steadily entered regular use in 40K this has dramatically lowered the power and tactical difference on its own.

The other issue is that armies like the Imperium and Space Marines get a glut of choices from FW well over and above what other armies got. So there was often that feeling that they could build with way more choices and problems for opponents who had no access to such an arsenal of choice. Again this variation has lowered over time, though not so much in variety of choice of models; but of type of model within the rules. 

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