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Games Workshop Out of Stock Items.

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The “out of stock” redband for some key items and the length of restocking is getting to be ridiculous! GW has not had Cauldrons of Blood since the release of Daughters of Khaine in March. A friend of mine is also looking to build his warherd list but Minotaurs have also been out of stock for months. Seriously, GW needs to address this issue immediately. No item should ever be out of stock for months. Considering that Daughters is such a hot selling army, how on earth can a person build their list when a premier item for their army is out of stock In perpetuity. Has anyone else been annoyed by this? Does anyone have any inside information about these obnoxious and lengthily out of stock items?

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2 hours ago, Scythian said:

The “out of stock” redband for some key items and the length of restocking is getting to be ridiculous! GW has not had Cauldrons of Blood since the release of Daughters of Khaine in March. A friend of mine is also looking to build his warherd list but Minotaurs have also been out of stock for months. Seriously, GW needs to address this issue immediately. No item should ever be out of stock for months. Considering that Daughters is such a hot selling army, how on earth can a person build their list when a premier item for their army is out of stock In perpetuity. Has anyone else been annoyed by this? Does anyone have any inside information about these obnoxious and lengthily out of stock items?

Well...I do recall that it has been mentioned that GW has production issues due to the extremely high demand. Hence why they have been investing money into it constantly. If your friend is able he should head down to a GW store, they might have a box. 

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Yep, they are at max production capacity, from what we know. And only part of it is due to them. 

What doesn't help is the start of two new editions within 12 months, nearly all stiff for specialized games being plastic as well with titanicus coming around the corner and being in high demand and further boxed games and expansions planned. 

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8 hours ago, Scythian said:

The “out of stock” redband for some key items and the length of restocking is getting to be ridiculous! GW has not had Cauldrons of Blood since the release of Daughters of Khaine in March. A friend of mine is also looking to build his warherd list but Minotaurs have also been out of stock for months. Seriously, GW needs to address this issue immediately. No item should ever be out of stock for months. Considering that Daughters is such a hot selling army, how on earth can a person build their list when a premier item for their army is out of stock In perpetuity. Has anyone else been annoyed by this? Does anyone have any inside information about these obnoxious and lengthily out of stock items?

I hear you can get the Cauldron of Blood set from independent stores. GW tries to stock them up first. A friend of mine got his blood coven box from our local store all while the GW website still listed it as out of stock. 

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myrmourn banshee: I couldn't even have them while I pre-ordered them! out of stock (and still are)

Dire wolves: out of stock for ages. couldn't fill my cheap death battleline.

It is annoying but hey, it isn't software, it is real product that last forever in our home.

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GW produces all their models in house in the UK, which means that when production goes up they can't just hire a new factory in China to take increased load. In addition one of their factories is (or at least was a few months ago I've no idea if it still is) underpowered as a result of works being conducted by the local council in the area which affects the power grid.

8th edition 40K also sparked massive sales over their entire 40K range (prettymuch) so GW is at maximum capacity.


Use the "email me" button on the GW website as GW does monitor the amount of times that is used within a period of time. If a specific product gets a lot of hits then its likely it will get bumped up the casting list to deal with that demand. Otherwise keep an eye on the 3rd party stores and your local GW store. The GW website can be out of stock but independents and GW stores can still hold stock. This is true even of out of production stock (eg there are still Blood Coven kits going around the system)

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Independent stores and other web shops are also a good source for "temporarily out of stock" stuff. As are other regions.

Just a quick look, Cauldron of Blood is only out of stock on the US site. UK, Norway, Germany, Rest of Europe all have it.

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