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Everything posted by Vanger

  1. Anyone has an idea, how you can make Varanguard battleline in the new StD book? Is there some rule hidden away in the Host of the Everchosen that says that they get that? Or their formation? Or Archaon? Because on the point cost page there is nothing about them being battleline or if they are battleline if Archaon's the general...
  2. Got to watch too late. Any improvement on brute weapon profiles?
  3. Well, you answered your own question. But here is the definition of copyright: " Copyright is a form of intellectual property that grants the creator of an original creative work an exclusive legal right to determine whether and under what conditions this original work may be copied and used by others ". And intellectual property consists of the names, looks and background story they created. Or what's you guess, why we don't have elves, orcs and dwarves in AoS, but aelves, orruks and duardin? You seem to forget the history of Games Workshop, how triggerhappy their lawyers were under the previous management, even going so far as to send cease and desist letter to a writer, who published a book called "Spots the space marine". They were laughed out of court, because no judge will decide that you can copyright a general term like "space marine" (or for matter of fact a name like Brettonia, or lore that is based on Arthurian legend). You can spin your own conspiracy theories on why WHFB was killed off and replaced by AoS, but it's clear as day, that it was a badly realised attempt to redefine the fantasy IP of Games Workshop that is defendable in copyright court. Guess why we still don't have proper replacement armies for free people, druchii, disposessed? And why the grots and greenskinz have been erased? Because they are so generic, that they won't bother with them, untill they figure out how to reimagine them. (Or in case of grots, they have been reimagined into gloomspite gitz)
  4. People don't want Brettons back, they want mounted knights and the knight lances back. Not the Lady, not the Men at Arms and the rest of the army, no one ever used. They didn't fit the aesthetic of WHFB and they definitely don't fit the aesthetic of AoS. Also medival, chivalrous knights can't be copyrighted and that's what was their undoing. They are the Flesh-eater Courts now or if GW ever gets around to give Free People the treatment, some of their units will find a home there. Tomb Kings. While they looked cool, they were always a pain in the ass to collect. I never heard people raving about how great a kit the Screaming Ckull Catapult was. Or how well designed their bone horses were. People like the memes about Setra and the egyptian aesthetic. Another thing agains TK is, that they would play very identical to existing Death armies, so what's the point? If they ever do a new Death faction that's a redesign of TK, then it will need a lot ow work on models and rules, to differentiate them from existing armies and make them fit the AoS look. Gitmobs are there, it's the Gitz. If you ever tought about WHFB and goblins, then Night Goblins weas what came to your mind. They were always the iconic part of the Goblin range, They have now their own identity and army. Greenskinz are kinda in the same problem as TK and death armies, that game design wise they have no place. You have your lightly armoured orruks, the Boneplinterz, you have your more heavily armoured ones, that's the Ironjawz. If they would expand the Ironjawz, there they could make a comeback as light infantry, light cavalry, orruking warmachines or being ranged fighters. But as a seperate faction? Nope, not seeing it from a game design perspective. Or again, they get a complete redesign.
  5. Yeah, that sounds great, but the people that have an issue with this book view it in the light of the previous book. The bonuses that you get are nothing new. There are some better rules, like Bloodstokers giving a full re-roll to wound (but not stacking anymore), Bloodsecrator doesn't have to plant the flag to use it, the healing from Blood Tithe being continous, etc.
  6. I watched some reviews, but none of them mentioned how do you spend Blood Tithe points. Did it remain the same, or can you use multiple ones, like in summoning?
  7. What would be the 3 items you'd take?
  8. Doesn't Mighty Waagh! and Waagh! stack? They are differently named command abilities...
  9. Hi there. Now that the Nighthaunt are out for some time, can someone summarize (or point me to an article) what works in the army and what not? Or better, what to get and what to avoid? When AoS2 was released I got a Soul Wars box and played the SCE but I'm looking into the NH, but I would like to make informed choices on what to get next
  10. Maybe I should ask my question in the rules thread, but here it goes. Can units belong to multiple warscroll battalions? Say, I bring 5 units of brutes and can they belong both to Brutefist, Ironfist and Weirdfist (with acompanying shaman)?
  11. First, everything they shown so far is up for pre-order, including the Mymourn Banshees, the only unit not in the Soul Wars box. Second, if Soul Wars releases in a similar fashion to Dark Imperium (and why would it not), then we have 2 week of pre-order, release and then 2 weeks after that the second wave of release. Third, they will space out the new releases into multiple waves. Nighthaunt for sure, and I would bet on it, that SCE too. What we can expect in the next weeks are announcements like next battletomes (SCE & Nighthaunt duh), mortarchs, multi part kits,
  12. And the only one without plastic Greater Demon.
  13. Even a god may regret what he has done. Since your birth in the celestial forges, you have done all I've asked of you. You have bled the lightning in your veins, you have endured resurrection after resurrection in the wars for your homelands. Sacrifice no matter how necessary can still scar the soul. Now the season shift, the ages turn. The skies of the Mortal Realms grow dark. Heralding. Our. Storm. My children, cast in thunder, born of Azyr's wrath. You are my judgement, my vengeance, you are the avatars of my oath! My promise of redemption to the Realms I once abandoned. Sorry for not the perfect punctuation, made in haste
  14. Yes. There was nothing like the Malign Sorcery addon for 40K 8th edition. Aside from that, the GHB18 is kinda like the Indexes were. They released al manner of dice back then too. But I don't remember any funky objective markers like these. So yeah, bigger.
  15. From the latest Summoning article " For some recent armies, this ability works just like it does in your battletome today (but free!). For others, their unique summoning ability will be rolled into their army’s new allegiance abilities, which will be found in the General’s Handbook 2018. " It implies for me that the General's handbook 2018 will come out with the new edition.
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