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AoS 2 - Ironjawz Discussion

Chris Tomlin

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5 minutes ago, Superninja said:


"if successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 12" of the caster that is visible.  Until the start of your next hero phase, that unit cannot retreat.  In addition, until the start of your next hero phase, that unit cannot fight in the combat phase unless all other enemy units that are eligible to fight have already done so."

from faq: Page 55 – Soul CageChange the last sentence to:‘In addition, until your next hero phase, that unit fights at the end of the combat phase.’

so this is the correct version of spell now --"if successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 12" of the caster that is visible.  Until the start of your next hero phase, that unit cannot retreat.  In addition, until your next hero phase, that unit fights at the end of the combat phase"

Yes smashing and bashing overrides it. In both cases.

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So i'm playing a tournament next week. Been having good success with the new ironjawz so far. Maw Crusha has been a part of the army from the start but is almost always outclassed by Gore Gruntas in my Ironsunz lists. So this is the best list i can muster in Ironsunz so far and what i will be playing.

Game plan is to buff up and teleport 15 ardboys to the frontline of the enemy to take out screens unless he shows any openings. With 2+ to cast on my general Weirdnob this should be pretty consistent. Gore Gruntas will follow up behind and be in position to either charge or counter charge weather or not i get the second turn or not.

while putting on huge pressure i will secure objectives in the back with Gore Gruntas and ardboys while playing reactively to opponents positioning always looking for openings to chuck the last ardboys in.

Allegiance: Ironjawz - Mortal Realm: Hysh - Warclan: Ironsunz
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (110) - General - Command Trait : Master of the Weird  - Artefact :  Shamanic Skullcape  - Lore of the Weird : Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork
Orruk Warchanter (110) - Artefact :  Aetherquartz Brooch - Warbeat : Get 'Em Beat
Orruk Warchanter (110) - Warbeat : Killa Beat
Orruk Warchanter (110) - Warbeat : Killa Beat
6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320) - Jagged Gore-hackas
6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320) - Pig-iron Choppas
3 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (160) - Pig-iron Choppas
15 x Orruk Ardboys (270) - 2 x  Gorkamorka Banner Bearers - 1 x  Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
15 x Orruk Ardboys (270) - 2 x  Gorkamorka Banner Bearers - 1 x  Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
Ironfist (160)
Extra Command Point (50)



Edited by Fastbear
Inserting list
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@Fastbear I'm also finding that the standard cabbage is mediocre. I really like big g though. The MW output and ability to knock down cover is really nice.

Fyi you can only use 1 of each warbeat each turn just in case you missed that.

Is your shaman running the double cast ability? If so grabbing wrath of gork and having a unit of 5 and a unit of 10 ardboys gives you the 2 extra dice but also gives you the small unit for home objective protection.

Definately looks solid though, those units of 6 ggs are evil with the +1 dmg! I'm looking at getting a 3rd Warchanter and running a Gorefist with big g 😁

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On 10/31/2019 at 8:13 AM, Kasper said:

I don't see Mighty Destroyers as a "win more" ability at all, but I think the "issue" is that most of us have played Ironjawz as an alphastrike list that can't take a lot of punch. After having watched Leo Rautonen play his Ironjawz vs Slaanesh, I could certainly see a much slower and defensive playstyle with tons of Ardboyz where you let your opponent get the double turn and you sort of rely on your opponent to charge you, then countercharge important hammer units with Ironsunz CA and when your turn rolls around you have a load of stuff locked in combat during the hero phase and ready to smash.

Gotta be frank with you. That is kinda how I won against slaanesh two months ago: let him get an incredibly rotten double turn (was out of reach and he couldn't land charges) and then overwhelmed him with more charges than he had units with locus (and therefore chained a tide of destruction).

But that is beside the point. Wanted to ask which list you guys would take:



Megaboss on mawkrusha with riptooth fist and mean un. Has ironclad and scales of ignax. 460pts

2x warchanters. killa and get'em beat. KIlla beat chanter has termalrider cloak. 220pts

1x weirdnob with the teleport. 110pts


15 x ardboyz with +2 bravery banner and 2 -1 bravery ones. 270pts.

10 x ardboyz with +2 bravery banner and -1 bravery one. 180pts.

3 gruntas with spears. 160pts.


Ironfist. 160pts

Extra cp 50pts.


1500 on the dot.


List B is:

warchanter general with brutish kunin (free Mighty D) and daubing of mork 110pts

weirdnob with great green hand of gork and great green visions. 110pts

another 2 warchanters for 220pts with killa and get em beat respectively

2 x10 ardboyz for 360pts

6 gruntas with spears with 320pts

3 gruntas with spears for 160pts

extra cp and ironfist for 210pts



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7 hours ago, Malakree said:

I'm also finding that the standard cabbage is mediocre. I really like big g though. The MW output and ability to knock down cover is really nice.

Yeah big G command as true value at least it's significantly better than the generic one... I'm really thinking  if i play the MK i'm gonna play it with fast un and gryph feather charge for the extra move, and kill satellite units early game before going for the main body.

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15 hours ago, Malakree said:

@Fastbear I'm also finding that the standard cabbage is mediocre. I really like big g though. The MW output and ability to knock down cover is really nice.

Fyi you can only use 1 of each warbeat each turn just in case you missed that.

Is your shaman running the double cast ability? If so grabbing wrath of gork and having a unit of 5 and a unit of 10 ardboys gives you the 2 extra dice but also gives you the small unit for home objective protection.

Definately looks solid though, those units of 6 ggs are evil with the +1 dmg! I'm looking at getting a 3rd Warchanter and running a Gorefist with big g 😁

On the warbeats i just figured that the healing warbeat is pretty bad, especially without the cabbage. So i just prefer to have more options to where i send the plus to hit.

Shaman is running the 2 plus to cast, not the double cast. Casting hand of gork on a 6up isnt as reliable as i would like so i opted for a 5 up instead.

I'm still trying to work the unit sizes. Could do 15,10,5 on the arboys and 9,6 on the Gore Gruntas.
Another option is to run the doublecast on the shaman, and run 5 ardboys less and play geminids instead.

But i will do some more play testing with this list and figure out what adjustments i would like to do. 

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15 hours ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

warchanter general with brutish kunin (free Mighty D) and daubing of mork 110pts

Hey man, I believe this list is not legal as you cannot choose traits and artefacts for the warchanter anymore. They are for Megaboss and Weirdnob only (they have their own specific tables). The only artefacts you can put on a Warchanter are the Realm specific ones.

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At blood and Glory with big WAAAGH! 0-3 on the first day 😥

First game was vs terradan, super close game came down to priorities and he squeaked a major with 1 vp in the final turn.

Game 2 was vs 30 hearthguard on starstrike. Stars landed in a blob under the hearthguard, real boring nothing of note happened.

Game 3 was against cities, I thought the handgunners were the scary part of the list so activated in the wrong order. Only got 5 attacks from my ardboy boss onto his greatswords not 32 at 3s/2s(rr)/-1/2...got mopped up after they minced 10 ardboys and 6ggs in a single round of combat.

Allegiance: Big Waaagh!

Gordrakk the Fist of Gork (540)
- General
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch
- Warbeat: Killa Beat

6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Pig-iron Choppas
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
10 x Orruk Brutes (280)
- Jagged Gore-hackas
5 x Orruk Brutes (140)
- Pair of Brute Choppas

5 x Orruk Ardboys (90)

Ironfist (160)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 1980 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 133

This is my list. Conclusions from day 1.

I hate not having MD as a CA and miss SnB so much.

Brutes are so mediocre, I'd gladly trade the unit of 10 for 15 ardboys, that +2 to charge is massive.

Combine with dropping the unit of 5 for 3 more ggs and I'd feel so much better about the list.

I miss the ironsunz hero phase charge.

The list I was planning on running was a Da Choppas list but I forgot a weirdnob and 5 ardboys so couldn't run it. Probably last time I play big WAAAGH! Outside of tech lists which are using it for some cheeky stuff. Im definately an IJ player not a big WAAAGH!


Edit: Day 2 was utterly irrelevant. 2 curbstompings vs ppl who didn't know how to play the game...I should not be on bottom tables after round 3 anymore 😅

Edited by Malakree
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I've been really keen on getting into IJ as i was wanting amore elite army after painting a million ghosts for my Nighthaunt.

I've been scanning lists and everything seems to heavily involve 'Ard-boyz. I assume because 'Ardfist is bonkers.
Is is possible to make a viable IJ/big waagh list based around Brutes? they are some of my favourite models in the range.

Also, if i run brutes are dual choppas the option to take?

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8 hours ago, Drew64 said:


I've been really keen on getting into IJ as i was wanting amore elite army after painting a million ghosts for my Nighthaunt.

I've been scanning lists and everything seems to heavily involve 'Ard-boyz. I assume because 'Ardfist is bonkers.
Is is possible to make a viable IJ/big waagh list based around Brutes? they are some of my favourite models in the range.

Also, if i run brutes are dual choppas the option to take?

Dw is strictly better at 5, 2h and dw are equivalent at 10 so yeah really it's better to have the dual Choppas.

Sadly brutes are a bit overcosted given their lack of extras compared to ggs/ardboys. GGs are amazing and ardboys are solid buff targets.

There hasn't really been THAT much exploration of brute lists because most of us don't own that quantity of brutes and those that do haven't really tried out a brutefist list I believe. We're to early into the book release to have actually explored the less obvious lists.

If I had to guess it's either a brutefist in ironsunz or something in da Choppas. Maybe something wonkey like this.

Allegiance: Ironjawz
- Warclan: Choppas
Mortal Realm: Hysh

Orruk Megaboss (150)
- General
- Trait: Checked Out
- Artefact: The Golden Toof/Boss Skewer
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch
Orruk Warchanter (110)

10 x Orruk Brutes (280)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
10 x Orruk Brutes (280)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
10 x Orruk Brutes (280)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
10 x Orruk Brutes (280)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Pig-iron Choppas

Ironfist (160)

Total: 1970 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 169

So you can pop the CA to buff up all your brute units, combine with the +2 bravery trait, maybe boss skewer, you're now rocking a reasonable bravery stat. Honestly though it's tricky, they needed to be ~10/20 points cheaper to be solid.


EDIT: The issue really comes down to the fact GGs are just so much better for 20 points.

+1 Bravery, +5" move, MW impact hits, lose the 7 attacks at 4+/3+/-1/2 but gain 12 attacks at 4(3)+/4(3)+/-/1.

Brutes are just sitting ducks for both shooting/magic and opponents charges, GGs will basically always be initiating the combat which combined with SnB gives you such a massive advantage.

Edited by Malakree
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31 minutes ago, Drew64 said:


I've been really keen on getting into IJ as i was wanting amore elite army after painting a million ghosts for my Nighthaunt.

I've been scanning lists and everything seems to heavily involve 'Ard-boyz. I assume because 'Ardfist is bonkers.
Is is possible to make a viable IJ/big waagh list based around Brutes? they are some of my favourite models in the range.

Also, if i run brutes are dual choppas the option to take?

IMO Ironjawz right now are built around Warchanters and Ardboyz. Gordrak/less degree MegaBoss on Maw Krusha and Gore-Gruntas after that.

Brutes are just there as cheap filler at best.

I dont think anyone really uses the Megaboss on foot?

I still plan on playing around with some Brutefist lists though because well they look awesome and I'm gonna use them damn it.

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14 hours ago, Malakree said:

I miss the ironsunz hero phase charge.

If I remember correctly, you can charge at the end of your opponent's charge phase, not during his hero phase, right ? I have the book in french and we often have mis translation.

I really don't understand how to beat slaanesh. In fact, it has become so frustrating to have an army with so much lack of balance that I stopped tournaments/playing AoS and we're having fun playing narrative game with Warcry. Such shame since we finally have a book haha

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1 hour ago, Backbreaker said:

If I remember correctly, you can charge at the end of your opponent's charge phase, not during his hero phase, right ? I have the book in french and we often have mis translation.

I really don't understand how to beat slaanesh. In fact, it has become so frustrating to have an army with so much lack of balance that I stopped tournaments/playing AoS and we're having fun playing narrative game with Warcry. Such shame since we finally have a book haha

You're right, yesterday was a long day so my brain was frazzled. It's charge at the end of your opponents charge phase.

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21 hours ago, Jabbuk said:

Hey man, I believe this list is not legal as you cannot choose traits and artefacts for the warchanter anymore. They are for Megaboss and Weirdnob only (they have their own specific tables). The only artefacts you can put on a Warchanter are the Realm specific ones.

So not really an issue, plus something i toyed with:  Give shaman the plus one spell general trait and give the +1 to wound spell.


I will have a relic wasted most likely. TO requires to stick to one set of relics and i want spell reliability 


Now, onto actual army building,  could someone give advice? Something of actual substance.

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On 11/1/2019 at 7:02 PM, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

Megaboss on mawkrusha with riptooth fist and mean un. Has ironclad and scales of ignax. 460pts

2x warchanters. killa and get'em beat. KIlla beat chanter has termalrider cloak. 220pts

1x weirdnob with the teleport. 110pts


15 x ardboyz with +2 bravery banner and 2 -1 bravery ones. 270pts.

10 x ardboyz with +2 bravery banner and -1 bravery one. 180pts.

3 gruntas with spears. 160pts.


Ironfist. 160pts

Extra cp 50pts.


1500 on the dot.

Some comment on the first list: it's a fairly classic list, it's heavier on ardboys so it'll be more durable for sure. Always depends on what your strategy is. I would say though that your GGs in groups of 3 should have the pig iron choppas because the "missile" effect of the charge is less impactful when they're in groups of three than in groups of 6. I guess you want them to be more of a strategic anvil so choppas will get you more benefits in the long run. 

I don't know about the extra CP at 1500pts. It might be better to drop the shaman and add in another group of gruntas to make it 6, so you can focus your ardboys on being anvils. Just a few things to think about. The shaman is often a total waste for me. Never casts HoG when I need it, while gruntas never disappoint in their brutality.

Also, if you're Ironsunz, you'll get that extra CP anyway.

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On 11/1/2019 at 4:02 PM, KillagoreFaceslasha said:




Megaboss on mawkrusha with riptooth fist and mean un. Has ironclad and scales of ignax. 460pts

2x warchanters. killa and get'em beat. KIlla beat chanter has termalrider cloak. 220pts

1x weirdnob with the teleport. 110pts


15 x ardboyz with +2 bravery banner and 2 -1 bravery ones. 270pts.

10 x ardboyz with +2 bravery banner and -1 bravery one. 180pts.

3 gruntas with spears. 160pts.


Ironfist. 160pts

Extra cp 50pts.

This is 1560 without the extra CP or 1610 with it. Not sure if you’re trying to create a 1500 list or just the basis for something as well. 

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19 hours ago, Malakree said:

At blood and Glory with big WAAAGH! 0-3 on the first day 😥

First game was vs terradan, super close game came down to priorities and he squeaked a major with 1 vp in the final turn.

Game 2 was vs 30 hearthguard on starstrike. Stars landed in a blob under the hearthguard, real boring nothing of note happened.

Game 3 was against cities, I thought the handgunners were the scary part of the list so activated in the wrong order. Only got 5 attacks from my ardboy boss onto his greatswords not 32 at 3s/2s(rr)/-1/2...got mopped up after they minced 10 ardboys and 6ggs in a single round of combat.

Allegiance: Ironjawz
- Warclan: Choppas

Gordrakk the Fist of Gork (540)
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- General
- Trait: Checked Out
- Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch
- Warbeat: Killa Beat

6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Pig-iron Choppas
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
10 x Orruk Brutes (280)
- Jagged Gore-hackas
5 x Orruk Brutes (140)
- Pair of Brute Choppas

5 x Orruk Ardboys (90)

Ironfist (160)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 1980 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 133

This is my list. Conclusions from day 1.

I hate not having MD as a CA and miss SnB so much.

Brutes are so mediocre, I'd gladly trade the unit of 10 for 15 ardboys, that +2 to charge is massive.

Combine with dropping the unit of 5 for 3 more ggs and I'd feel so much better about the list.

I miss the ironsunz hero phase charge.

The list I was planning on running was a Da Choppas list but I forgot a weirdnob and 5 ardboys so couldn't run it. Probably last time I play big WAAAGH! Outside of tech lists which are using it for some cheeky stuff. Im definately an IJ player not a big WAAAGH!


Edit: Day 2 was utterly irrelevant. 2 curbstompings vs ppl who didn't know how to play the game...I should not be on bottom tables after round 3 anymore 😅

Dont you ever run into issues having put all your eggs in one basket? Arent opponents with quite a few Endless spells gonna be trouble with zero unbinding/dispells?

What about plague monks or witches? Wont they just run in and mob your units?

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12 minutes ago, Kasper said:

Dont you ever run into issues having put all your eggs in one basket? Arent opponents with quite a few Endless spells gonna be trouble with zero unbinding/dispells?

What about plague monks or witches? Wont they just run in and mob your units?

Quick note, I managed to ****** up the copy paste (I was knackered last night). I was big waaagh! With Big G as the general (corrected it).

A little bit but the only unit which isn't a threat with +1 damage is the 5 ardboys, even a unit of 10 or the block of 5 will mince stuff with it.

My biggest issue came down to how slow the army is without mighty destroyers, brutes limping across the battlefield being mopped up after the game is over etc. The only way I'd play big waaagh! Over IJ is if I was running a true hybrid list.

Honestly my biggest complaints were the 15 brutes rather than spells etc. I'd swap them out for 6 more GGs and possibly even another unit of 3. My next list will probably be something like this.

Allegiance: Ironjawz
- Warclan: Ironsunz
Mortal Realm: Hysh

Orruk Warchanter (110)
Orruk Warchanter (110)
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (110)
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
- Artefact: Sunzblessed Armour
- Mount Trait: Weird 'Un

6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Pig-iron Choppas
6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Pig-iron Choppas
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)

Ironfist (160)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 133

2 big blocks of GGs, cabbage, weirdnob (maybe as general with 2 spells?) Hand of gork. I don't think you can overdo it on GGs they are just that good.

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1 hour ago, Malakree said:

Quick note, I managed to ****** up the copy paste (I was knackered last night). I was big waaagh! With Big G as the general (corrected it).

A little bit but the only unit which isn't a threat with +1 damage is the 5 ardboys, even a unit of 10 or the block of 5 will mince stuff with it.

My biggest issue came down to how slow the army is without mighty destroyers, brutes limping across the battlefield being mopped up after the game is over etc. The only way I'd play big waaagh! Over IJ is if I was running a true hybrid list.

Honestly my biggest complaints were the 15 brutes rather than spells etc. I'd swap them out for 6 more GGs and possibly even another unit of 3. My next list will probably be something like this.

Allegiance: Ironjawz
- Warclan: Ironsunz
Mortal Realm: Hysh

Orruk Warchanter (110)
Orruk Warchanter (110)
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (110)
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
- Artefact: Sunzblessed Armour
- Mount Trait: Weird 'Un

6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Pig-iron Choppas
6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Pig-iron Choppas
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)

Ironfist (160)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 133

2 big blocks of GGs, cabbage, weirdnob (maybe as general with 2 spells?) Hand of gork. I don't think you can overdo it on GGs they are just that good.

Your lists just seem rather alphastrikey and not built around taking damage back. I have taken some inspiration, and I have had issues with other alpha strike armies personally. 

I dont mean anything bad about it, because a good offense is a valid tactic, and I often roll over people, but I have trouble vs endless spells that persist entire game and tons of screens or other armies that also alpha since the lists dont really have any proper screens. Thats why Im curious. 

But yeah, Im really surprised how much damage a buffed unit of charging Spear piggies do. Im certainly gonna run atleast 1 unit of 6, maybe 2, then Ardboyz.

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47 minutes ago, Kasper said:

Your lists just seem rather alphastrikey and not built around taking damage back. I have taken some inspiration, and I have had issues with other alpha strike armies personally. 

I dont mean anything bad about it, because a good offense is a valid tactic, and I often roll over people, but I have trouble vs endless spells that persist entire game and tons of screens or other armies that also alpha since the lists dont really have any proper screens. Thats why Im curious. 

But yeah, Im really surprised how much damage a buffed unit of charging Spear piggies do. Im certainly gonna run atleast 1 unit of 6, maybe 2, then Ardboyz.

As a player I am very aggressive. If you leave a gap or I think I see a weakness I will just initiate and try to punish as hard as I can. It's one of the reasons I struggled so much playing Big Waaagh! you need at least 1 turn to hit critical mass Waaagh! points before you can really go.

I'll try to hit broad points and keep the answers easy easy to understand as possible but this is going to dip into both my strategical, tactical and general gameplay very quickly. To reiterate though, if you go and watch the honest wargamer coverage of Bloodshed in the Shires, leo is a perfect example of a conservative Ironjawz player, I am literally the opposite end of that spectrum I'm about as aggressive as it can get. To give an example, since their release earlier this year I've killed 4 archregents before they got to summon, I've also got a few GK heads on the list aswell.


One of the key points to bring up early is that I am NOT running alphastrike lists, they look like it but they aren't. What I'm running is shock lists which rely on the lists aggressive potential to force the opponent to play as if next turn I'm in their face forcing the fight. This causes such a massive amount of problems and potential threats that the opponent has to deal with, is there a gap in the screen, can I punch one with shooting/impact hits, did they leave enough space for a Maw-Krusha to land in all becomes serious considerations for the opponent. More importantly they are serious considerations while I'm sat 25" away, I can literally be halfway across the board and they are still have to protect against me. I will just go at the drop of a hat from 24-28" away.

Game 3 at bloodshed is a good example of my mindset and how I play, my opponent deployed under the assumption that I would either give him first turn or try to fight on objectives. My response was to go first, ignore the objectives kill his archregent, put a cabbage into a terrorghiest while throwing 3 pigs to kill the screen allowing me to potentially pile in and attack the one with doppleganger. End result is that on my turn 1 I've his archregent and the ghouls on one side of the board, forced the terrorghiest to blow his doppleganger without actually engaging it and triggered a cabbage attacks on the second terrorghiest (it wiffed in spectacular style :( ).


The reason I brought that up first is that it's crucial to how I deal with the problems you're facing. An endless spell for example is hitting at most 24" away? So I'm actually out of range of them, Despite that I'm still well within threat range for my opponent, so they are forced to choose from three really bad options. Either they don't cast their spells (I played vs Nagash today, he cast 1 offensive spell over the entire game), they move towards me in the hope that they get next turn or they throw them out into the wild and pray.


On the screen issue, depending on what army I'm playing against I will often just swing for the double turn so at worst I'm running a 41.5% chance to win off a double turn. It's really complicated to go through because it varies wildly by army but it's combination of trying to force my opponent to make errors, making charges in order to clear screens while also screening myself from to much potential retaliation, throwing some units away to clean up screens opening up potential in later turns or just using my charges to pin the opponent while I win on objectives.

Another example from last week I played against sylvaneth he moved forward a bit and I slammed into his screens clearing them off. He then attacked into part of my assault with his hard hitters, so I threw the rest of it EVEN FURTHER into his line threatening his heroes that he needed for his teleports. By the end of his turn 3 he had cleared both cabbages, 6 gg's and a unit of 5 ardboys, he'd also lost the game because I was so far ahead on points he couldn't get back into it. I know I'm not going to hit his good stuff, I know that it's a suicide attack but I also know that while he's dealing with it I'll be busying scoring a ton of objectives. Then it really comes down to how well you pick your moment and can you delay/capitalise enough to win even if you die doing it.


Lastly is other alphastrikes, this is such a complicated question because I have literally never faced someone who could alphastrike me...Theoretically you screen in such a way that if they hit it you can retaliate and brutalise them. Realistically almost no army is running a 28-32" threat range AND a player who is aggressive enough to actually risk it. Even Bloodthirsters are running a max threat range of 22" and that's considered huge.


This then brings us back round to my first point. It's VERY rare that I actually alphastrike, maybe 4 games in the last 25. Most of the time I threaten without actually allowing my opponent to engage, this lets me build up command points and stall the game out on an even footing meaning that my eventual assault is even stronger. If you spend 3 turns wiggling forward on your objectives while I dance just out of range I now have 2 extra CP and you have 2 less turns to push me off your objectives ASWELL as take my objectives to actually equalise on points.

So yes, the list looks hyper aggressive because that's how it's meant to play and how I play as a player. The idea is that my opponent is so busy shitting themselves of whether or not I'm going to kick their teeth in next turn that I don't actually have to do it to win the game. They are looking at the bear knowing that they can't attack it forced to wait until it attacks them and if they trip or stumble it WILL pounce and will eat them. Control through aggressive potential.

If all else fails you can fall back on the old "Here's an army, catch" then play the "can you deal with it" game. 

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@Malakree Amen brother, I am with you here, I think this is exactly why IJ has so much potential right now. Yeah the Warchanter Buff is bonkers, but it's all about presure, threat and the possibility to punish your opponent when he makes mistakes, even if you are 24" away. With the current rules of IJ you have nearly complete map control.

I have a very similar list I want to play on my next tournament.


Allegiance: Ironjawz
- Warclan: Ironsunz
Mortal Realm: Hysh

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
- General
- Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa
- Trait: Right Fist of Dakkbad
- Artefact: Sunzblessed Armour
- Mount Trait: Fast 'Un
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch
- Warbeat: Fixin' Beat
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Fixin' Beat
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
- Allies

6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Jagged Gore-hackas
6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Pig-iron Choppas
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
- 1x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers
- 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
- 1x Gorkamorka Banner Bearers
- 1x Gorkamorka Glyph Bearers

Ironfist (160)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 1980 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 90 / 400
Wounds: 131

Edited by Hot Peanut
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One thing I have enjoyed over the weekend is a Warchanter with Get 'Em Beat and The Sash of Ten Paradises (+2" move). It meant that I could run him, make it a 6 and be going 12" when you combine that with the 12" bubble it's actually really easy to get off even with the long bomb engages. While it's very unreliable 😑 it can be game changing when it goes off.

Honestly I'm in 2 minds as to whether I make the cabbage the general and/or give him the artefact. I can just make the warchanter the general and have him take the d3 command points instead, same thing but better. Sure I lose the Waaagh! but if I'm honest it's so hard to get to make a difference now I'm not sure I wouldn't rather have a potential 2 extra CP's. Equally you could just take the 4+ CP on the weirdnob and grab hand of gork as a threat tool. (again if you don't protect your backline I'm going to TP stuff into it).

That said I really like the Fungoid tech, it's got the 4++ and the CP for free without the artefact. Plus the 20 points into a triumph which is super sweet. It's how much do I value hand of gork...realistically though I've been playing without it since forever so it's not like I'm losing something I'm not used to playing without.

So yeah I'm totally onboard with that fungoid train. Great shout there @Hot Peanut love it 🤩

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I was thinking about the Brutes current state and I had this idea that traditionally, we're always looking to HoG ardboys in (a big group preferably) but wouldn't a single group of 10 Brutes be a terrific target to HoG? They can either be TP'ed in the back or in the front/side to accelerate their movement. After that it's just a matter of timing to get in fight with them. I have a group of 10 and they look so damn cool, I thought this could be a great alternative. Meanwhile your ardboys take objectives and/or go faster in the frontlines, waiting to charge.

What do you think?

I'm also just considering taking a group of 10 instead of 2 units of 5. It feels like it would hit much much harder. I'd do this in Da Choppas though to get the extra bravery, otherwise it's too risky.

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