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A tale of Kirton Gamers!

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Our local community of players at Kirton Games are starting a tale of... project! 

Coming about after a recent crack at some narrative play, we were all inspired to start something new and work towards getting it painted. We'd love to invite you to join us as we get underway - we tend to play games on Sunday Nights at Kirton Games in Crediton and on Wednesday nights at the Rygas club in Exeter in the UK.

We're all starting new armies, working around a box like a Start Collecting or Grand Army set with the aim of getting the army painted and some games of narrative AoS played. We've all been quite fixed on matched play for a while now so it's nice to leave that world behind for a bit and get underway with something new!

I'll hand on over to the players now and will ask them to introduce themselves and their plans and I'll try and create an index back at this first post as we go!

The Players:

Tim (Theslowcentury): The City of Hammerhal
Fred (fredster4050): Kharadron Overlords
Ollie (MidgardMarauder93) Legions of Nagash
Scott (CyderPirate) Marauders of Chaos
Reuben - Kharadron Overlords
Padds (ageofpaddsmar) - Daughters of Khaine
Lewis (LewDog) - Ironjawz
JR (Dawn hunter) - Stormcast Eternals 
Ethan (Eththebeef) - Ogors
Dave  (Davido) - Tzeentch
(Husslehoff) - Nurgle 
The Mysterious Mr B) - Death
Tim (Itonfist) - Nurgle

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I'll kick us off...

I'm Fred and I've been collecting AoS for the past 2-3 years although I was into WFB starting way, way back in the late 1980's (which I think makes me a veteran, although Tim will say I'm just old..), where I played  Skaven, Chaos and Empire Armies (War Wagon anyone).

I have a decent sized Khorne Daemon and Bloodbound force, probably 80% painted which I played for 2 years but who have taken a back seat to my recent purchase of a Maggotkin army. I have been playing them for the passed 4-5 months starting in the months before the book came out, they are again about 80% painted.

Therefore I'm switching tack completely and going with an Order army, the Kharadron Overlords.

I've never collected Dwarves  before however the imagery of the Kharadron's was really appealing, especially the artwork showing the Bloodthirster attacking their ship. As a Khorne player it looked fantastic, but I really liked the look of the Kharadron, as much as the sight of a Bloodthirster about to set about their ship!

We've been quite flexible with our approach to 'A Tale of...' as we recognize not everyone in our community wants to invest in a new army, or may have existing armies they want to upgrade/just get painted, so we're letting all players in as long as they make an effort to get stuff painted and get involved in the games. Our only rule is that only painted miniatures can be played...

I'll be starting with the Kharadron Battleforce which will be arriving just before Easter. I'll post pictures as soon as I get started...


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Hey everyone, I'm Scott! 

I'm gonna be using this "Tale of..." to add to my existing Tzeentch-dedicated chaos army. It started off as a Warriors of Chaos army when I started at the beginning of 8th edition but I've gradually been tinkering and updating bits of it over the years. In the process of trying to switch it up and update it I've ended up with a few boxes of beaten up plastic - leftovers from conversion attempts, abandoned projects, that kind of thing. So I'm going to be starting off by trying to salvage what I can, whilst adding a few new toys here and there.

With the release of the Darkoath Warqueen, I really wanted to add some marauder bodyguards for her, and that's now turned into doing an entire army for her! She'll be leading the Frost Axe Clan - denizens of the frozen tundra of Ghur  that have been pulled into the wake of Warqueen Lissandra's crusade into Shyish. 

First up is a warshrine and some Marauders that have suffered several paint scheme and equipment changes. Once these are sorted, I'll be adding some of the female barbarians from shieldwolf.




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Hello all, I'm Olly! 

I've been on the fence for quite some time with regard to AOS. I've been a die hard fantasy fan for as long as I can remember and wasn't entirely certain whether "the age of sigmar" could fill the void that the old world left.

I'm happy to say that after following our local community closely and seeing how much fun they were having, I just had to get in on the action! For me this is feels like a great opportunity not only to give the whole new system a go but also to start a brand new army.

I've always been drawn to "the good guys" but as its a whole new hobby adventure I have decided on the legions of nagash and more specifically .. The legion of blood! Soon Neferata's chosen shall make themselves known! Led by Lord Harkon most commonly known as "the mistwalker". 

First up in this tale is some vampire characters! 


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Hi, I'm Padds ! 

I have been in this hobby for nearly 8 years starting right at the star of WFB 8th edition. Seraphon (lizardmen as they were back then) were my first army. I have collected many more since including Empire. I took to AOS right away and started an Ogor army which I painted as big Orruks (even giving them Orruk heads). I have started a few armies but never got round to finishing them. That is what I'm using "Tale of..." for , Its going to motivate me to get an army finished. 


So with that said I guess it is time to reveal what army I will choose . Daughters of Khaine I choose you!!!! 

As there is no true start collecting for daughters I will be trying my hardest to get my hands on a blood coven box to add a unit or so to. Not thought much about a theme for the army yet. All I can say is the flesh will not be in the traditional colours. Pics to follow soon

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Great start guys!

@Theslowcentury Tim, these were the stories I mentioned the other day, the first one has the wager between Rotigus and Horticulus and the second one has the Rainfather's 1st go at wading into Shyish:



@fredster4050 Have you picked up the KO book yet? Any idea what colours/fleet you're going for - can't remember the specific term for the KO chapters...

@Reuben Awesome idea with the anchor, Reuben. Is that just jewelry chain you've used? What's the plan with the basing? 

@MidgardMarauder93 Yes Olly! Can't wait to see the classic vamps painted up!Are you using the rest of the Shadespire skellies, or did you just pick the ones you most like the look of to pad out a normal unit? Not sure if you've been following the MP stories, but there was a great little one about vampire covens: https://malignportents.com/story/the-crimson-connoisseur/ 

@ageofpaddsmar Have you had a chance to look through the story bits of the DoK book yet, Padds? Just seen a few snippets here and there but there seems to be some really cool ideas for armies in there if you're looking for inspiration. Any thoughts on whether you're going to include Morathi or not? 


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You may call me fat fingers Tim. Hopefully admin will update my display name to Ironfist (a great dwarfish name for my little underworld dwellers) as sadly all my inspiration around Beastlord seemed taken already and, with my fat fingers I will probably henceforth be known as Itonfist.

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OK, for my tale of...

I consider myself first and foremost to be a collector and, in the spirit of an AA meeting, my name is Tim and I have been collecting miniatures since 1982.  I may be that old on the outside but in reality haven't moved on since I since I started. Sadly, I fell victim to my family's drive to clear out the old and usher in new Lord of the Rings miniatures some years ago when a baby faced Jordan got into the hobby; much of my former death and chaos collection was sent to the far corners of the world, literally. I am now rebuilding the collection.

Beastmen are my core collection and in the spirit of the Pestigor/Bestigor elite unit, I am expanding the collection along a Nurgle Theme and, at the same time as starting a repainting process, I have just opened my box of Start Collecting Nurgle Demons.

My aim is to have all 11,000 points painted in my chosen theme colours by the end of this year and to set up a massive chaos alliance force against similar fully painted forces, hopefully by which time the Beastment will have a new book out and will be back to having the mark of Nurgle and being truly fearsome!


After that, best get back to my Dwarfs.



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Here's my attempt at this Tale Of... 

To put this into context, I already have roughly 2000 points of painted Ogor gutbusters ready to go. I'm using thisTale as a chance to add some cool extra units to the army. I'm picking the army up again after it suffered several defeats in a local tournament about a year ago. I love the big guys and what to show them some love again. The new units will be: Maneaters, Gorgers, Butcher with cauldron and 40 Gnoblars. I'm looking forward to them adding some variety. 

"Tog thumped his club into the ground out of frustration as he watched the tiny Skinks Sprint away from his Ironguts to claim the ancient ruin for their own. Before the Guts could purse a strange darkness crept across the battlefield. Out of the nearby realm gate there uttered an otherworldly howl and lightening flashed across the sky. Where the lightening struck or the wind blew the corpses of Ogor and Skink started to rise from the earth and turn on their still living kin. The assault from the dead drove all thoughts of victory from Tog's mind as he bellowed the order to retreat. Limbing away he  felt a strange unease in his gut, partly from the lack of meat on the corpses bones, but also at what this could mean for his tribe. Vowing to Mork that he would return to have vengeance he stomped off to gather his tribe and prepare." 


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Greetings from beyond the grave! Some call me The Mighty Heldrax, Destroyer of Worlds, but you can just call me Mark. 

I first got into GW back in 3rd Edition 40k and BFG, then when LotR SBG came out I delved into a new (old) fantastical world. Since those days in the glorious early- to mid-2000s I was on the fringes of all things GW, looking in from the outside as other things in life took priority. I always liked the look of WFB and followed developments over the years, but never got into it myself. When AoS came along I was intrigued but it wasn't until last year that I got round to giving it a go. Starting small with Storm of Sigmar, I fell in love with it and the rest is history...

...but a history which is still being written! Which is why I'm here, joining in with this Tale of Kirton Gamers. I only moved into the area at the start of February but the first time I made it along to the club these guys meet at I was given the warmest welcome I think I've experienced at any games club! 

For this Tale I intend to build, paint and play a Death force. I've found the lore quite captivating for a while and had convinced myself to get a Death army just before the news of Malign Portents and Legions of Nagash came out (I didn't jump on the bandwagon - promise!) but as of yet they remain grey plastic. I need to breath some... life... into my Death. 

In terms of play style, I've always preferred to tell a compelling story than play in a 'gamey' ultra-competitive way, so narrative is right up my street. So with no further ado, I'd like to introduce my army's background... 

It is not right that the Kingdom of Adalon in the Realm of Life was brought to its knees during the Age of Chaos. Where was Sigmar to protect his people during that time? As the embers of their citadels and townships died down and the winds scattered the bones of the kinsfolk, glorious Nagash saw fit to send an emissary - the noble Arkhan. King Ardur was raised once more, alongside his loyal knights and men-at-arms. A new age had begun, and the people of Adalon had but two desires - vengeance on the forces of Chaos for destroying their beautiful kingdom, and vengeance upon Sigmar, who had abandoned them so long ago...

So my theme is a once-glorious kingdom reduced to dust, raised up again in the service of Nagash in return for the chance to get revenge on both Chaos and Order (and if Destruction get in the way, they'll give them a fight too!).

I have the Deathrattle Start Collecting box, Barrow Lords box, several boxes of Skeleton Warriors, and the Sepulchral Guard from Shadespire. I like the look of the Morghasts, which might be my next purchase, and story-wise make them the loyal bodyguards of (Wight) King Ardur. 

I want the army to come across as still retaining at least a semblance of their past lives as warriors and nobles of Adalon. I'd like the stick with Deathrattle/skeletons rather than other forms of undeath. The only non-skeleton I have is a Necromancer, who I might characterise as the court of Adalon's resident magician, who hid from Chaos during the fall of their kingdom and was the only one left standing when Arkhan turned up to raise his countymen. He sold his soul to Nagash to walk for eternity as a mere shadow of his former self, but with the command over the king's soldiers he never got in life - jealous of the knights and generals he was employed to entertain with cheap parlour tricks. So... no idea how to do that with a paint job but so long as I'm telling the story in my own head when I'm playing I guess it doesn't matter!

Well, that's that for now. Hopefully this will encourage me to get some painting done and we'll have some fun games telling this Tale.

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Hi all time for my tale of... 

I'm Jr also known as Mr stormcast, I'm always looking to expand my storm host and this is the perfect excuse to buy more. 

I have been playing Age of Sigmar for about 2 years and it's become my favourite table top game to play. 

My stormhost is called the fractured spirit and is based in the realm of Shyish put there by Sigmar to monitor and protect the realm gates from falling under Nagash's power and spill the never ending legions of the undead to all the realms. They are lead by there priests and are really ever seen by the living or spoken of, even by Sigmar. 

Though there victories are unnumbered and uncounted it's a very uncomfortable truth that runs through the host. They are the lost with only a few nightmarish memories in the way of a past. Desperate to stop them self's from remembering they throw them self's in to the enemy there hope is the next time there reborn will be the last time they remember. 

I have all the battle line a stormcast player could want and I'm looking to build in some bigger monsters to help put the dead back in there graves. 

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Not strictly part of the project but had to post this. First game against the new undead, was winning on VPs throughout but was just getting smashed in combat and on magic. Round 5 came around and i was up 9VPs to 2, with just the Warqueen left standing. If she survives,  chaos is triumphant. If she dies, Death reigns supreme. 

Unfortunately, her success drew the ire of the grand necromancer himself - the god of death charging halfway across the battlefield to kill her personally.

Cracking game and surprisingly close given how the casualties looked. I really like the feel of the new Death armies, they really capture that sense of hopelessness that comes from fighting a seemingly endless foe. That said, if you're able to kill the leaders or force them to fight away from their source of fresh corpses, they will eventually crumble. 



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@fredster4050 Uh, ain't nothing there Fred.

Think there's a pic missing there. Unless emptiness arrived for you?

@Dawn hunter Didn't realise you'd made such a detailed backstory for your stormcast, JR - that's pretty dark! Have you got a way to reflect that side of them either on the models or the bases?


On 3/20/2018 at 10:03 PM, The Mysterious Mr B said:

The only non-skeleton I have is a Necromancer, who I might characterise as the court of Adalon's resident magician, who hid from Chaos during the fall of their kingdom and was the only one left standing when Arkhan turned up to raise his countymen. He sold his soul to Nagash to walk for eternity as a mere shadow of his former self, but with the command over the king's soldiers he never got in life - jealous of the knights and generals he was employed to entertain with cheap parlour tricks. So... no idea how to do that with a paint job but so long as I'm telling the story in my own head when I'm playing I guess it doesn't matter!

That's awesome, Mark - I'm a fan of anything with even a whiff of Arthurian legend about it!  And that sounds like a great twist on the traditional Merlin: jealous and bitter rather than the wise old adviser.  


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@CyderPirate There you go Scott, should be there now! I don't know what fleet I'm going to paint them yet as I need the book to have a look at the options.

However if someone in 'The Tale of...' collected the Sea Elves, sorry Idoneth Deepkin ^_^, then Ruben and I could do the hunting of the Snark/Moby ****** type scenario!

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First bit of actual progress from me and the bitzbox rehab is going well: 9 Marauders and 4 Marauder Horsemen built, and the start of my warshrine conversion put together. Had to stop there for now until I can re-stock on bases. 

I'm not sure yet who to have riding on the shrine. I've got a Gaunt Summoner model that would fit, but that would permanently tie it to Tzeentch and I quite fancy trying it without a mark. The other option is to pop a generic chaos or barbarian hero on it, which might look alright. 1521756861216263110835.jpg.a18dbeb563dd349ed169d73a6ada3dee.jpg


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