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Everything posted by Eththebeef

  1. Hi, quick update I’ve finished the gorgers and the maneaters as best I can. I am aware of the massive colour clash with the white bases but the other ogors are white so it had to happen.
  2. @CyderPirate yeah I k ow what you mean about the maneaters. I’ll have a think although I’ll nfvee use them. Yeah just skin wolves with gorger heads. Love the warshrine, get all the skulls on it
  3. Spell checking is overrated I stand by my errors. It’s the English language that’s wrong not me
  4. Here's my attempt at this Tale Of... To put this into context, I already have roughly 2000 points of painted Ogor gutbusters ready to go. I'm using thisTale as a chance to add some cool extra units to the army. I'm picking the army up again after it suffered several defeats in a local tournament about a year ago. I love the big guys and what to show them some love again. The new units will be: Maneaters, Gorgers, Butcher with cauldron and 40 Gnoblars. I'm looking forward to them adding some variety. "Tog thumped his club into the ground out of frustration as he watched the tiny Skinks Sprint away from his Ironguts to claim the ancient ruin for their own. Before the Guts could purse a strange darkness crept across the battlefield. Out of the nearby realm gate there uttered an otherworldly howl and lightening flashed across the sky. Where the lightening struck or the wind blew the corpses of Ogor and Skink started to rise from the earth and turn on their still living kin. The assault from the dead drove all thoughts of victory from Tog's mind as he bellowed the order to retreat. Limbing away he felt a strange unease in his gut, partly from the lack of meat on the corpses bones, but also at what this could mean for his tribe. Vowing to Mork that he would return to have vengeance he stomped off to gather his tribe and prepare."
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