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The Solanaceae Coven


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The Solanaceae Coven


They're here! They're finally here! Being a Dark Elf-player since Storm of Chaos, I've waited long and patiently for the day when I would drop everything in my hands to pick back up my old army in Age of Sigmar, and now, with the reveal of Daughters of Khaine, that day is come. I've already played a bit of Darkling Covens as allies to my Stormcast to sate the worst of it, but finally, we have a full release with a stand-alone battletome.

So to sate the worst of the itch while waiting for the full release, I dove into my old stuff and dug out everything I had from ye olden days of Warhammer Fantasy battles; a lot of stuff still on sprue (two Cauldrons, two Medusae, ten Warlocks, ten Sister of Slaughter), and a bunch of old pewter Witches, in addition to my Death Hag and Witch unit from the latest version of the army. Said Witches that, literally less than an hour after the video was posted on Youtube, found themselves in a somewhat soluble bath. Over the last couple of days, they've been paintstripped, cleaned, rebased and painstakingly restored from all manners of battle damage from wear and tear (broken knives, large patches of superglue on pieces that have had transportation accidents over the years, heads fallen off).



For their painting, I've decided to go a bit closer to the "classic" Druchii colour scheme of purple and silver. I also want to find suitable colours that make them properly match each other even with the addition of the snake-bodies and wings that will be included in the army soon, which made me think to nature's own palette, specifically that of the deadly nightshade. The various tones of purple and yellow is perfect for the cloth and leather, the berries will suitably work with their black boots and hair, the green for the snake-like bodies, to mirror the Gonyosoma oxycephalum



Until the release of the book, I'll have my hands full painting up everything I already have in stock, which should bring me to a solid starting platform for the new units. I'll try and get a few tutorials and similar articles in here as I go along, sharing updates as they (albeit, most likely rather slowly) happen. For now, here's my current status - the first ten Witches, sprayed Mechanicus Standard Grey for their primer, with three layers of Rakart Flesh thinned out with Lahmian Medium to give them a solid foundation for their flesh. I look forward to continuing this journey in anticipation of the book - watch this space!


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A small update on a Friday, because really, why not.

First off, some colour testers. I want a brownish yellow for some of the more subtle and discreet leathers (IE., not the boots and long gloves) and checked out how they look next to each other, as well as with shades.


Left to right, there's Steel Legion Drab, Baneblade Brown, Tallarn Sand, Balor Brown, and Zamesi Desert. The edge wash is Agrax Earthshade, while the middle is Seraphim Sepia. Still trying to figure out a decent combination - suggestions are welcome!

The other test is bases. I wasn't sure what shade to use, so tried all three options; (l-r) Nuln Oil, Nuln Oil gloss, Forge World Deathshroud clear. The rest is pretty set in stone.


As for the girls themselves, I'm slowly working on their skin. The one on the right has been shaded over the Rakarth Flesh basecoat; I use a 3:2:1 mix of Reikland Fleshshade, Lahmian Medium, and Agrax Earthshade.

The one on the left has had the first layer of skin applied, a thin coat of Kislev Flesh applied over the wash. Next up is layering the whole unit, before highlighting and sorting their eyes.

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54 minutes ago, Payce said:

A small update on a Friday, because really, why not.

First off, some colour testers. I want a brownish yellow for some of the more subtle and discreet leathers (IE., not the boots and long gloves) and checked out how they look next to each other, as well as with shades.


Left to right, there's Steel Legion Drab, Baneblade Brown, Tallarn Sand, Balor Brown, and Zamesi Desert. The edge wash is Agrax Earthshade, while the middle is Seraphim Sepia. Still trying to figure out a decent combination - suggestions are welcome!

Are the boots and gloves going to be that slightly bluish violet color of the flowers?  If so I would lean toward a yellow-orange based brown, but you also have to factor in the skin tone and whether that is already acting as a complementary color to your violet.  Two complementary colors that are just slightly different hues is going to be distracting, so you might want to remove it from the equation and go for a gray-toned brown.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, that was disappointing.

With the rules leaked and available, I'll be ending this project. I'll leave my reasons to myself to let others enjoy the hype, but suffice to say, this army looks far too unengaging, gimmicky and unfun for me to spend any time and money on.

Thanks for reading.

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