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Rune's Goretide - Bloodbound

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1 hour ago, Dez said:

Coming along nicely! That fellow sure is scary with the Choppa...he wants to be in Deffgob's Warband, I'm sure under all that red and brass there's something mean and green :)

Lol, yeah there is something reminiscent of greenskin mentality when he starts flailing it round in game :)

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Well that unit got finished off about ten minutes before I left for the FW Open Day on Saturday.  Took longer than I'd hoped sadly but they look look really nice.  I plan on having a mass varnish & basing session at some point, but the weather needs to be right for varnishing.


Luckily I got home earlier than anticipated yesterday so was able to start on my Mighty Lord of Khorne!  I'm really impressed with how much progress I've made despite the insane heat drying paint out pretty quickly.




One thing I've not worked out though is how to paint up the flesh hound.  I'm probably overthinking this, but I know that whatever I do, I'll want to replicate on Bloodletters and a Bloodthirster (I like the idea of a consistent feel through the army).  The two options currently are:


Cloak is: Khorne Red -> 2 x Nuln Oil -> Khorne Red -> Tuskgor Fur

Khorgorath is: Mephiston Red -> 2 x Nuln Oil -> Mephiston Red -> Tuskgor Fur

However I'm not sure on either, I'm happy to have Khorne Monster different from Khorne Daemon.  I did think Mephiston Red but use Carronberg Crimson for one of the two washes, but I don't know...


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As someone who is just starting the Bloodbound of Khorne, I have to say I am really inspired by your work so far. I'd love to know some of your recipes as well. Looking forward to seeing more great work from you!

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42 minutes ago, Rusty said:

As someone who is just starting the Bloodbound of Khorne, I have to say I am really inspired by your work so far. I'd love to know some of your recipes as well. Looking forward to seeing more great work from you!

Thanks :D  I've used the WarhammerTV guide as the basis for painting these, but more than happy to list how I've done bits - anything in particular you're looking for?

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13 hours ago, Rusty said:

I'll check out WarhammerTV first and see if I can answer most of my own questions there. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

No problems :)  They're actually pretty solid for getting an army off the ground to a good standard.  Shout if you need a hand with anything

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Quick snap of my Lord that I took before I left for work.  Have managed to clear this evening for painting so hoping to get loads of the highlighting done :)  In comparison to the Bloodsecrator, the back banner isn't as well defined so not looking forward to highlighting that...


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Well I'm pleased to say that I finished my Lord earlier than I actually anticipated!  Really shocked by how quickly I'm starting to rattle through these models now :)  Overall I'm happy with him, I struggled Friday/Saturday because it was actually too warm to be painting cream based colours, which is why the gold on the cloak isn't quite as smooth as I would have hoped (plus my XV-88 has gone really gloopy) and the bone isn't quite as good as I normally can achieve.  The hound does need a final highlight on the flesh, but I'm not sure the colour to use - Troll Slayer Orange looks a bit too stark for my liking.



Having finished this, I will say that out of the contents of the Starter box I think the Mighty Lord of Khorne is actually the poorest sculpt.  The details just aren't as crisp as the other models I've done so far - the banner is really awkward to highlight as you don't actually have a sharp edge where the brass and red meet, making it a bit hit and miss.  The skulls on the base are quite poorly detailed and could have been done better in my opinion.

Of course, finishing my Lord off doesn't mean I've finished!  On Saturday I picked up a box of Wrathmongers and stayed up until the early hours assembling them.  I managed to just squeeze out enough undercoat from my last can of Chaos Black to get them undercoated...


My intention is to follow the box art and go for red flesh and black armour.  Although I prefer red armour, I think on these models they benefit from a bit more contrast.  I'll be following a similar flesh colour similar to the Flesh Hound, but be highlighting up with Tuskgor Fur to make them seem a little more mortal than daemonic.

You may also spot that they are actually dark grey rather than black.  I gave them a coat of Corvus Black after I'd undercoated as this should make painting the armour significantly easier.  Basically you can give them a wash of Nuln Oil to provide some shadows and then do edge highlighting.

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Great job, the flesh hound looks particularly nice, although there is a lot of red on that model.  I maybe would have preferred his cloak in a different colour or the centre of the icon in black or something. Nice smooth painting though, keep up the good work!

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52 minutes ago, cb_rex said:

Great job, the flesh hound looks particularly nice, although there is a lot of red on that model.  I maybe would have preferred his cloak in a different colour or the centre of the icon in black or something. Nice smooth painting though, keep up the good work!

Thanks.  I've been using the WarhammerTV guide but decided to do the flesh hound skin a bit different - not realising quite how RED it was going to turn out!  I've ordered the Orange edge paint that GW makes which I think should be OK for the highlight and tone down the redness.  I do think this will work as my base colour when I eventually add a daemonic contingent :)

Once I get the army to a decent size, I may paint up a new version of him as he was fairly rushed towards the end (the joys of a deadline) and I believe I could do a better paint job.  Might even convert him up a bit (e.g. getting rid of the weird banner) - that's unless I end up with a different general of course!


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Well they've taken longer than I'd hoped due to real life being a bit of a pain, but I'm overall fairly happy with the Wrathmongers.  Some of the silver edge highlighting is a little poor in my opinion, I need to work more quickly and stop trying to "eek" out a bit more life from the paint on the palette when it's dried too much.  (just remembered I've not done the black tassels and cord - but that's only a little amount of work)


The last unit up is ten Bloodletters - which I did start to tidy up.  Sadly these aren't nearly as good a quality as the Bloodbound models I've done so far.  Quite a lot of mold wear and using a softer plastic that doesn't hold the detail as well as the newer stuff.  My intention is a speed paint on them, using my airbrush to get the base colour on.  They're going to be done almost identically to the flesh on the Wrathmonger on the right - red flesh with grey dapples.  The only real difference will be the highlight colour is orange rather than Tuskgor Fur.



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I've not been quite as productive this weekend as I'd hoped.  As a warning, I am about to vent - the Bloodletter's are a horrible, horrible kit to assemble - in the amount of time I used to fully assemble my Wrathmongers, I just about managed to tidy up the sword arms on the Bloodletters.  Once glued together they also required a lot of gap filling (I've only need to gap fill two models so far until I got to these), quite simply awful.  I used a finecast banner and spare heads from some Bloodcrushers just to save me tidying up the ones on the sprue.  This means I didn't manage to get any undercoat on them until Saturday afternoon which meant it was 5pm before I got any paint on them - what's even frustrating is that I can still find mold lines I've missed!  Really disappointed in these models and it's set my plan back by well over a day - far more than the contingency time allocated.

Paint wise though, they're almost finished, a day and a half has seen them done to the point where I have the metallics to edge highlight, swords to paint and the banner to finish off.  Not too much although I've not worked out how I'm going to paint the swords (suggestions?).  I'm actually really chuffed with this and it proves that not only have I sped up, but that it's possible to get a unit painted in a weekend in normal circumstances.


So where does this leave me with my 1000 point army? (another warning - procrastination time!)  My train leaves to Nottingham 12.45 Friday afternoon, which means Thursday is going to be needed for packing and last minute things (such as a couple of objective markers).  I've already decided that I'll do the blood effect and grass tufts either on the train journey or in the hotel on Friday or Saturday night so I can do the finishing at my leisure.

I've managed to "borrow" a garage for varnishing on Wednesday evening which happily resolves the potential that the weather may be against me for spraying (I'm taking a gamble with spray varnishing rather than using my airbrush, which would take a lot longer).  Which leaves me with this evening, tomorrow evening and an hour or so on Wednesday.  This is actually not too bad although the drying time on the textured paint concerns me.  The fly in the ointment is that tonight I need to read a book for a management meeting tomorrow...  I foresee a late night painting swords tonight :| 

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43 minutes ago, Bowlzee said:

I agree with the Bloodletters being terrible kits. The soft plastic doesn't help at all. I've assembled 30 so far, and need to do another 10. I'm calling that enough though. The good news is they are quick to paint.

The soft plastic is a nightmare.  What's sad is that overall the models are OK (though less pointing forward swords would be good).  Quite looking forward to doing the skullcannon as that's done in a nicer plastic.

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3 hours ago, Nico said:

That's worrying - I was thinking about doing a unit to go with my new Thirster.

I wonder if I could convert something.

Although they were a nightmare, I fully intend to do another couple of boxes as time goes on - same as you I think if you're fielding a thirster then he ought to have some daemonic minions.  I just won't look forward to doing them and will give myself significantly more time for assembly!  I'll also keep an eye out for any of the old format boxes as the molding should be slightly better - the cost of ten 32mm bases will be worth it :)

I'm sure there are other manufacturers out there but you do always risk problems if you ever play 'officially' at GW.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I'm pleased to say that I managed to get my 1000 points completed in time for the Seeds of Hope event last Sunday, including a couple of very hastily put together objective counters.  Overall I'm very chuffed, eleven and a half weeks to get everything assembled and painted - very much a personal best over almost 3 decades of painting ;)

There are a couple of models I'm not very happy with, frustratingly due to the nightmare that is Purity Seal (lesson learned, all matt varnish is now applied by the airbrush as I always recommend to other people).  The Lord and Bloodsecrator are both misted in a couple of areas, the Lord is fixable if I repaint the claw and cloak but Bloodsecrator needs a complete repaint in order for me to be completely happy.  Some models also didn't get as much time as they deserved, the Wrathmongers being a good example (though I am still happy with the result).

I'll likely wrap this WIP thread up at the 1000 and create a new one for the expansion force (keeps it tidy that way), my intention is to do some of the extra units I've purchased recently - first up will be a Skullcanon, then I've some Skullcrushers, more Blood Warriors and I'm getting a collection of characters too.  Because I'm no longer pressed for time it also means that I can do a bit of conversion and really start to personalise my army which is currently straight out of the box.  I'll likely aim for Christmas time and then look at doing something slightly different - that said I don't have any behemoths so you never know!


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14 minutes ago, Dez said:

Don't strip and repaint yet! A nice application of some Matte Varnish should fix things. Can't make it any worse, right?

Sadly the Bloodsecrator is too far gone from the seem of it, have tried with dullcoat and still stays grey.  I'll likely pick up another at some point in the future (who knows they might even release a different version) - would love to actually put a helmeted head on him too as he's the only bare headed model in there.

14 minutes ago, Dez said:


I think your army looks great, very impressive job!

Thanks!  I was really happy with how it looked on the table on Sunday, it does need something big in there to contrast against it though ;)

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9 hours ago, Commander Panda said:

I've just got the 'Storm of Sigmar' to ease me into AoS and wasn't really that bothered by the Khornate warriors contained therein. I was wrong. This blog is 100% pure inspiration! Great work.

Thanks!  Storm of Sigmar is an excellent introduction into the game :)  Some awesome models on both sides and few enough to put all of them together to see what you enjoy painting (and playing) the most.  

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